Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 837: Ability awakening

"Dad, have you changed to wearing contact lenses?" The younger son asked curiously when he saw that Huang Jianzhi had no glasses on his face.

"Ah, you have discovered all of this, and you are really good at observing Xiaoli." Huang Jianzhi smiled and praised his four-year-old child.

"Dad, you have changed a lot while wearing contact lenses, but you feel normal again. It feels so strange." Mocun Rissou said while eating, looking at Huang Jianzhi's face curiously.

"Dad, I also feel that you have changed a bit, but it should be a good thing." Mocun Liangshou also followed.

"Ah, all of this was discovered by you. I thought I was hiding very well, but in fact, I was awakened by my father and became a supernatural power. The ability is for healing, and there is no fighting ability." Huang Jianzhi is a fatherly father. Said in appearance.

"What, awakened, or the ability of the healing system."

"Dad, you finally have inspiration."

All three of the Mocun family looked up and down Huang Jianzhi in surprise on the dinner table.

"Xiu Shi, tell me, when did you awaken and did you have any changes in your body?" Mr. Mo Cun Fanshou asked worriedly.

Mocun Ryomori and Mocun Ryomori also looked at their father worriedly. People who awakened were generally awakened in their childhood or adolescence, and almost none of them were awakened in middle age, unless something special happened to cause awakening.

Of course, what they worry most is that their father's body changes due to his awakening ability.

"I started awakening the day before yesterday. I don't know the reason for my awakening. I felt like I fell asleep and I awakened naturally."

"I know what you are worried about. You are worried that I will appear beastly, or beastified, alienated, etc. like other supernatural beings awakened."

"Rest assured, my body has not undergone mutations, and you also know that the healing ability is very gentle, and there will be no violent state. I feel that I can freely control the healing ability." Huang Jianzhi feels that the road of his dad is going. .

"Xiu Shi, what you said is true, can you freely control the healing power?"

Shimura Mocun's eyes gradually glowed. He knew the importance of healing power, especially how they needed it for the family that had battled with monsters for generations.

"Well, 100% free control."

"It's great, God bless our Mocun family. There are not many people with the ability to heal in this world. I didn't expect that you would awaken such a rare ability by studying history."

"Study history, how big is your healing range?" Mocun Shimano asked excitedly.

Even the two brothers Mocun Ryoshou knew why their grandfather was so excited, and the healing power was really too important to their family.

"I feel that my healing ability is very powerful, whether it is physical or mental, I feel that I can heal easily, as if I can heal as long as I don't die." Huang Jianzhi pretended to be thinking.


Fanshou Mocun was immediately shocked. He had never thought that his son-in-law had such a powerful healing ability when he awakened.

As far as he knows, the few people with the ability to heal in this world are all flawed, and every time they are cured, they have to pay a small price.

The expression of Mocun Fanshou went from shock to extreme excitement, and from extreme excitement to dignity. There were too many dignified aspects of him.

"Dad, you are too powerful. Your awakening ability is exactly what we need. From now on, I don't have to worry that I am guarding the land of Wusen, fighting monsters and getting injured and crippled."

Mocun Liangcun didn't think so much. Hearing that his father's healing ability was so strong, he was not happy for himself but also happy for his father's awakening.

"Xiu Shi, tell me honestly, what price do you have to pay every time you use the healing power?" Shige Shou Mo Cun asked earnestly.

"It doesn't seem to be. At most, it's just like an ordinary person who runs a thousand meters long and weak for a period of time, and he can recover after a short rest." Huang Jianzhi said without thinking.

"Xiu Shi, your healing ability is too powerful and too abnormal. If other forces know that your healing ability is so strong, your temptation will be second only to the land of Wu Sen."

"So starting today, you will pretend that you are an ordinary healer, and you can't let others know where your healing ability is at the limit."

"Xiaoliang, Xiaoli, you must also keep your father's secrets strictly confidential, and don't even say that your eldest brother is Zhengshou, you know." Mo Cun Xiushi said seriously.

"What, can't even the eldest brother say it?" Mocun Liangshou looked at his grandfather without understanding.

"Lihui is too complicated, and your eldest brother is still the leader of Lihui Nightwalking Club. Tell you eldest brother that he should be an ordinary healer. If you are too much, you are not allowed to say it." Mo Cun Fanshou said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, after eating, let me treat you, you have a lot of dark diseases and scars..."

"What, dad, you can remove even the scar."

When Mocun Fanshou heard that Huang Jianzhi could cure even his dark diseases, he just wanted to say something when the grandson next to him jumped up and frightened him.

"Yes, and it can be cleaned up cleanly without any pain." Huang Jianzhi knew what his second son wanted to do.

"It's great, there is someone who will ask Dad for treatment anyway, Dad, come with me." Mo Cun Liangshou didn't wait for others to respond, so he pulled Huang Jianzhi away.

"I forgot what I said just now, this kid, I am..., forget it, I will eat."

Mo Cun’s beard turned up, and he also knew what his grandson La Huang Jianzhi was doing. Isn’t it about treating the scars on the hands of the neighbor’s girl doll?

But when he thought that the female doll was injured for his grandson, and his grandson felt guilty for the injuries on the female doll's hands all the year round, he should have seen nothing at all.

"Uncle Xiushi, my hand is injured by toxins. Can this really be cured?"

Xuecun Shiyin was anxiously called out of her house by Mocun Liangshou, thinking that there was something important. After hearing Mocun Liangshou's coming, she curiously looked at Huang Jianzhi and asked.

"Little meaning, little meaning, stretch your hand over."

Xuecun Shiyin glanced at Mocun Liangshou, knowing that he had been caring about the scar on his hand, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

Although she didn't believe that his father's awakening ability could heal her five-year-old scars, she still reached out to Huang Jianzhi.

"Okay, the treatment is over, I'm going back, you guys talk."

Huang Jianzhi used his fingers to emit a cyan light covering Xuecun Shiyin's whole body. Before the cyan light dissipated, he lifted his foot and left.

"Dad, this is over. I sent a blue light and left in less than a few seconds. You are sure this can heal the scars." Mocun Liangshou shouted towards his father's back in depression.

"Of course you can, you have to believe your dad, saying that your father knows how important she is in your heart, so I am not only treating the scars on her hands." Huang Jianzhi walked to the door of his house, turned around and looked at Mo with a smile. Mura Ryoshou.

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense, you go, you go,," Mo Cun Liangshou seemed to be caught up in the thoughts, a little flustered. ..

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