Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 839: Demon God Club

In the consciousness of two men and one woman, Huang Jianzhi's words are the sky, and the demon spirit in his body will be restrained in the next second.

"Your names will be called according to your body, Tiger Demon King, Sky Wolf King, Snow Girl."

"Infinitely grateful to the Creator for giving the name." The two men and the woman said with excitement in their eyes.

"Your current task is very simple. It is to create an extremely powerful and mysterious organization and listen to me."

"I have instilled you the basic situation of this world. With your strength, as long as you don't die, there is almost no problem." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"The Creator, please name the organization!" Tiger Demon King and the others asked respectfully.

"In the future, I will be called the Holy Lord, and the organization will be called: Demon God Society." Huang Jianzhi thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, Holy Lord."

"Although I am your creator, you all have your own ideas. You don't just do what I say. You can say what you think." Huang Jianzhi looked at the three men who were kneeling on the ground and said.

"Holy Lord, the development of the Demon God Society is inseparable from recruiting troops and horses. If we want to recruit troops and horses, our Demon God Society must have benefits that people or demons cannot refuse." The Tiger Demon King boldly said.

"It makes sense. Although you are all big monsters, as long as you show your strength, there will be many followers, but you can't attract some powerful monsters."

"Well, let's go, the world of monsters will be decided according to the way of monsters. Whoever has the big fist is sure."

"As long as you think that monster can be pulled into the organization, as long as he has no influence. Ask him if he wants to join the Demon God's Association, if he doesn't want to, just beat him up."

"If you are still unwilling after the beating, just tell him that the Holy Master in the Demon God Society can realize any wish, and every monster that joins the Demon God Society has the opportunity to make a wish to the Holy Master."

"If you still don't want to, then forget it. It's okay to leave him alone for the organization to promote." Huang Jianzhi said unscrupulously.

"Holy Lord, you have instilled the land of Wusen in our memory, are we...," said Sirius King hesitated for a moment.

"The Land of Wusen only has an effect on monsters below the level of the big monster, and it's useless for you. The injured big monster may be useful, but it's not much."

"Speaking of the land of Wusen, then your second mission is here. One of the enchanters who guard the land of Wusen is my son. I need you to train him." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Young,,, Young Master, I'm afraid, Holy Master," the Tiger Demon King and the others said in horror and hesitation.

"Don't worry, he is very weak, and I am not asking you to train him now. Developing the Demon God Society is the main task. When the Demon God Society is almost developed, I will make specific arrangements for you to train my stupid son."

"Tiger Demon King, you are responsible for recruiting troops and horses, Sirius King is responsible for the internal development of the organization, and the Snow Girl will follow me temporarily."

"The mark of the small world has entered your body. You can use the mark to open the portal into the small world. From now on, the small world will be our headquarters. Go ahead and do what you should do." Huang Jianzhi waved.

"Yes, Holy Lord."

After the Tiger Demon King and the Sirius King looked at each other, they got up and disappeared. Only the extremely **** Snow Girl remained on the spot and continued to kneel.

"Take this hidden breath ring. Although you are a big monster, you can easily hide the evil spirit from you, but you follow me invisibly at Mocun's house."

"The Mocun family, who dealt with monsters all the year round, is particularly sensitive to monsters. The only thing that you exposed is very inconvenient for me." Huang Jianzhi conjured up a ring and threw the snow girl.

"Yes, Holy Master." Xue Nu took the ring without any hesitation.

"Get up, we should go back." Huang Jianzhi greeted Xue Nu to get up and go back.


"Smelly boy, you're making a dim sum castle without telling me, you just don't do your business like this."

"This is my hobby, old man, you are too broad-minded."

"No, no, you are the orthodox heir. I can't watch you fall like this."

"Knot, I'm done today."

"Dare to use the barrier to deal with me, you are still a little tender, I am broken..."

The daily battle between Mocun Ryoshou and Mocun Shishou began again, and Huang Jianzhi in a certain room was accustomed to them.

"Son, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

Huang Jianzhi ignored the noise in the kitchen, drank tea and calmly looked at the younger son who was reading the comics on the opposite side and asked.

"I want to be a novelist like Dad." Mo Cun Lishou turned his gaze from the comics to look at Huang Jianzhi and said.

"Xiao Li, tell you for my father, you can do anything, don't write novels, writing novels is only a dead end."

"My father has deeply regretted being a novelist. It is so pitiful for my father to be a father and a mother now." Huang Jianzhi said pitifully.

"Dad, this is my dream, you can't deprive me of it." Mocun Rishou seemed to have not seen Huang Jianzhi's pitiful appearance, and said straightly at Huang Jianzhi.

"Well, you can do whatever you like when you grow up, and support you for your father. The kitchen seems to be quiet. It seems that Xiaoliang has lost again. I will go to see Xiaoliang." Huang Jianzhi heard that the kitchen is no longer moving. So, he got up and walked out of the courtyard.

"It's not good for you to be so downhearted. In the long run, you will be like your elder brother. He will look like a middle-aged person at the age of 21. He is too mature than his father." Huang Jianzhi found Mocun Liangshou in the yard and walked over. Said while sitting beside him.

"Dad, I'm obviously not as talented as my elder brother, so why does Fang Yin appear to me? This is unfair to elder brother."

When Mocun Ryoshou heard his father mention his eldest brother, he turned his attention to making a dim sum castle in the kitchen.

"Xiaoliang, I don't agree with what you said. There is absolute fairness in the world. Although your eldest brother cannot protect the land of Wushen as an orthodox heir, he is guarding the land of Wushen in another form outside."

"Guarding the land of Wusen is the family business of our Mocun family. Your elder brother or the orthodox heir has worked so hard. You shouldn't work harder if Fang Yin appears in your hands." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Dad, maybe you are right, I will go to practice now, I want to become stronger."

In his heart, Mocun Ryoshou wanted to end the fate of protecting the land of Wusen for a long time. Maybe he was too weak to reach the real secrets of the land of Wusen, let alone seal the land of Wusen.

Hearing Huang Jianzhi's words, he became more determined in his heart, not only for his family, but also to prevent someone from being harmed at all, he got up and went back to the practice room to practice.

"Uncle Xiushi, it doesn't matter what Liangshou is." At this moment, Xuecun Shiyin jumped on the wall and asked with concern.

"Xiaoyin, although our two families are separated by a wall, it is not good for you to eavesdrop. It is true that Xiaoliang, there is such a beautiful childhood sweetheart who has always cared about him, and he doesn't know how to be grateful.". .

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