Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 849: How could it be you

"Xiaoliang, Xiaoyin, take care of yourself. If it doesn't work, I will temporarily withdraw from the land of Wusen. This monster is quite tricky." Mocun was looking at the monster black cloud seriously.

"Brother, how sure are you to deal with such a powerful monster?" Mo Cun Liang Shou asked without turning his head.

"Although this monster hasn't reached the level of a big monster, every monster that has been trained to this level is not simple. I can't guarantee that I can deal with him." Mocun Masamori said intently.

"Be careful, the overwhelming black clouds have enveloped the entire sky of Wusen Land. Up to now, this powerful monster has not appeared, pay attention to it," Madarao cautiously reminded everyone.

"It's too similar. This scene is too similar to Shimano. Toshiko dealt with that powerful monster at the beginning, and that powerful monster also appeared on the stage."

"If the powerful monster wasn't that we saw with our own eyes being wiped out by Fanshou, at this moment, I suspect that the monster coming now is the same monster back then." White Tail silently stared at Heiyun and said.

"It's weird, this monster hasn't appeared until now, and it feels like he's waiting for something."

Mo Cun was waiting vigilantly for a long time, only to find that this monster had never appeared, which made him suspicious.

"Yes, it's weird. Didn't this monster want to use the power of Wu Sen to be promoted to the big monster? How come it hasn't appeared yet."

"At such a high altitude, almost unaffected by the land of Wu Sen, what does this monster want to do?" The black cloud above his head was not seen for a long time, which made Mocun Ryoshou also curious.

"It's best for this monster to be quiet. When Fanshou and the others rush over, they will be more confident in dealing with this monster." Madarao said calmly.

Maybe it was in response to Madarao's words, and it didn't take long for Shigeru and the others to appear.

The moment Fanshou and Shizi appeared, Heiyun's demonic energy became extremely unstable, as if this monster was waiting for Fanshou's arrival.

"Great, Fanshou, you guys have finally arrived. I thought I was going to finish tonight." Madarao saw Fanshou and the others rushing, and the stone in his heart fell.

"Mashou, Xiaoliang, are you okay?" Mocun Fanshou asked worriedly.

"What can we do, but the dark cloud hasn't changed anything before. Grandpa, after you came, the demonic energy fluctuations in the dark cloud have changed differently, as if waiting for you to come here specially."

There is no need to wait for Mocun Ryoshou to say that everyone present felt the fluctuations of the black cloud's demon energy, especially Mocun Shigeko and Xuecun Shizi both felt inexplicably the black cloud's endless hatred for them.

This made Mocun Shishou and the others become more familiar with the black cloud, as if this scene was exactly the same as when they had dealt with that powerful monster.

"Dead old man, did that monster have twin brothers and sisters? I feel that this monster is no different from that of the monster at the time." Xuecun Toshiko said solemnly, looking at the black clouds high in the sky.

"Regardless of whether he is a twin brother or sister, this monster has already become hostile to us. If we don't balance him, we will regret it."

"It's just that when we reach this age, our physical strength and strength have declined. This monster is almost the same as the powerful monster at the beginning. I'm afraid we can't figure it out." Mocun Fanshou said complicatedly.

"Master, there are us!" Mocun Liangshou stood up and said.

"Your eldest brother is almost the same, you and Xiaoyin can take care of yourself. Xiaozheng, let grandpa see how far you have grown in recent years." Fanshou Mo Cun turned his head to look at his grandson and said.

"It seems that I have to show some real skills today." Mo Cun Zhengshou said with a smile.

"Enough bullshit, **** enchanter,..."

At this moment, the overwhelming black clouds in the sky turned into huge skeletal faces and roared, and the powerful demon spirit forced Mo Cun Fanshou and their muscles to tighten.

"Yes,,, it's you, how could it be you, aren't you dead already."

When Shizi Mocun and Xuecun Shizi saw the familiar skeleton face appearing in the dark cloud, their eyes showed incredible colors. This was the monster from the beginning.

"I am dead, but I came back from the abyss of **** to find you revenge." The skull face made up of black clouds grinned evilly.

"How is it possible? I clearly remember that you were wiped out by us and sucked into the Tianxue alien world. How did you come back to life?" Xuecun Tokiko asked in disbelief.

Even Madarao and Shiroo looked at the monster in the sky in disbelief, no wonder the monster was exactly the same, it turned out to be the same monster.

It's just that the resurrection of the dead is too unusual, and the monsters that have been wiped out for almost 30 years suddenly reappear, which makes it difficult for anyone to accept.

"I was indeed wiped out by you at the time. When my remnant soul was about to be wiped out in the Tiancao alien world, that adult appeared, and I was resurrected by that adult." Heiyun said with a wicked smile.


Fanshou Mocun and the others were stunned. They couldn't believe this message. In this world, gods do not necessarily have the power to resurrect the dead. Does the existence that can resurrect the monsters that have been dead for so many years really exist? .

"Heaven,,, the monsters in the Tianxue alien world, only you were resurrected, or..."

Mocun Fanshou and the others looked at the black cloud skeleton with fear. There are countless monsters in the alien world of Tiancao. If all of them are resurrected, that day,

"Haha...who knows!" Heiyun Skeleton smiled evilly and didn't intend to answer this question.

"Tell me, it was you who came to seek revenge on your own, or the person who resurrected you asked you to come to the land of Wusen." Masamura Mocun asked this crucial question.

"Haha,, the more you want to know that I don't want to tell you, you should die for me."

The Black Cloud Skeleton directly launched an attack, and the densely packed Thunder Serpent swept across the land of Wu Sen irregularly.

"Come here all, knot,,,"

Shimori Mocun saw the enemy attack without saying a word, and quickly formed multiple barriers to protect everyone.

"Hmph, the tortoise shell is really hard, I see how long you can last." Heiyun Skeleton saw the people protected by multiple enchantments, and attacked even more chaotically.

"No, my school is gone, it's all gone." Mocun Liangshou saw his school building collapsed by thunder, and became completely angry with the monster in the sky.

"What's the name of the ghost? Isn't it that the school building collapsed? Although it is difficult to restore it with restoration techniques, we can still repair it by staying up late and working hard.

"This is not the point, the point is how to eliminate this monster, using big moves as soon as it comes up, it is really a headache." Mo Cun Fanshou said under pressure.

"Old man, take advantage of the time now, and tell us what kind of monster this is, what is his weakness, where is his body..."..

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