Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 855: Ability promotion

"Who caught?" Princess Ji asked curiously while lying on the bed.

"Mocun's son-in-law-Mocun repairs history." Heiyun said deeply.

"Isn't the son-in-law of the Mocun family an ordinary person? What do you do with an ordinary person?" Bai Zuo asked puzzledly from the side.

"It seems that you have made a clear investigation of the enchantment family guarding the land of Wusen, and that's right, you will attack the land of Wusen the day after tomorrow, how can you not investigate the situation of the guardian clearly. "Heiyun sneered.

"You supervise us!" Bai Marsh looked at the black cloud envoy gloomily.

"Does this require supervision? Your observers have told you about the recent situation in the Land of Wu Sen. There are so many fat wolves that are staring at the land of Wu Sen."

"The situation of your princess can't be delayed again, so you have to seize the land of Wushen first to see if the land of Wushen is useful for your princess."

"If it doesn't work, you will retreat and join the Demon God Society, so that the Demon God will heal your princess. This is a good plan, and our Demon God Society will not bother to take care of this."

"As long as you complete the test of membership, you will be a member of the Demon God's Association." Hei Yun said indifferently.

"What are your attitudes towards the land of Wu Sen, and what is the purpose of the Demon God's Association?" At this moment, the Demon Fox Ji asked calmly.

"When you join the Demon God Society, you will know what attitude the Demon God will have towards the land of Wu Sen."

"But now you are not a member of the Demon God Society, so don't care about this, continue to do what you want to do, we won't care."

"As for the true purpose of the Demon God Society, it all depends on the feelings of the Holy Master. The Holy Master says what he says." Hei Yun said calmly.

"The entrance test is really just to catch an ordinary person?" Yaohu Ji repeatedly confirmed.

"Yes, catch him, you are a member of the Demon God Society, but pay attention, don't let the target person get any harm." Hei Yun warned deeply.

"Okay, I will take this test of admission." Yaohu Ji said after thinking for a moment.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Heiyun flashed away after speaking.

"Princess, this test of membership always feels tricky, the demon **** will want to catch an ordinary person is not easy, why don't you leave it to us?"

"If it is said that the high level of the Demon God Association wants you to join the Demon God Association and randomly arrange tasks, but the attitude of that messenger is not the same."

"It's still saying that there are secrets hidden in that ordinary person that we have to take action." Shiranuma said with a suspicious expression after feeling that the messenger had completely left.

"My time is running out, and I care about the tricks or not. This test of membership is just within our schedule."

"I attacked the land of Wu Sen the day after tomorrow, and sent someone to arrest the ordinary person. If the land of Wu Sen is effective for me, then it doesn't matter if the ordinary person is handed over to the Demon God Society."

"In case the land of Wu Sen is as useless to me as the clown mask man said, that ordinary person is my lifesaver." Demon Fox Ji said silently.

"Understood, I will go down and prepare now." Shiranuma thought for a while, nodded and turned around to prepare.

"I hope that the land of Wu Sen will work for me, otherwise,,," the demon fox girl looked at her feet like a crack in a spider web complicatedly.


Mocun Family

"Grandpa, I have received news that a force called Heimonglou is going to attack the land of Wusen tonight." Masamori Mocun suddenly appeared in the training room and said.

"Heimong Tower! I seem to have heard of it somewhere, do you know the specific situation of Heimong Tower?" Mo Cun Fanshou asked with a frown.

"The owner of Heimonglou is a nine-tailed demon fox, but it is not the nine-tailed demon fox who manages the Heimonglou, but an existence called Baimao. His strength is unknown."

"According to the information received, the Heimong Tower is almost out of the nest, and the nine-tailed demon fox is a big monster again. We may have to fight hard for a while tonight." Mo Cun Zhengshou said calmly.

"Big monster? If it were the first two days, we might not be the opponent of the big monster, but now it's different. Your dad's abilities have been promoted again in an incredible way."

"This makes us dare not even think about it. We already have a strong ability, but we can still be promoted. Not to mention the stronger ability after promotion, there are two more abilities."

"One is that he can give people a certain life span, and they can return to youth, and the other is that he can stimulate people's potential and make people grow stronger."

"The old woman and I have been given ten years of youth by him, and the physical vitality has been restored to the state of ten years ago. I did not expect that in this state, he could actually stimulate our potential."

"Let's take our strength one step further. With the combined strength of me and the old man, we can almost compete with the big monster."

"And Xiaozheng and Xiaoliang, both of you have been stimulated by your father, and your strength has risen a step. With the help of your brothers."

"As long as Heimonglou doesn't have two big monsters, we are still sure to beat Heimonglou back, or even destroy them." Mo Cun Fanshou, who had regained his youth for ten years, said confidently.

"Thanks to my father, otherwise we will have to fight to the end tonight." Masamori Mocun also said with a sigh.

He really didn't expect that an ordinary father of twenty years would become so special. Unknowingly, his father's existence has become more important than the land of Wu Sen.

Not to mention the healing power of abnormality, it can also give people the power to live long and stimulate potential. If the world knew his father's ability, he would definitely want his father crazy.

Now their father is a treasure at home. Once his ability is promoted, he has become so against the sky. Who knows if his father's ability will be promoted a second time, and he can't even think of how abnormal the ability he has promoted. miss you.

"I feel that I have become a lot stronger. I can't help but want to entertain Heimonglou immediately. Grandpa, it's getting dark early, let's set off now."

Momura Ryoshou also felt that his strength had improved somewhat, so he wanted to try his improved strength.

"Xiaozheng, there will be a big battle in the land of Wushen, and it is not convenient for your father to bring it to the land of Wushen."

"Except for our own people, no one knows the peculiarities of studying history, so you can leave one or two members of the night walk to take care of your father." Mocun Shimano said for a moment.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Masamori Mocun and the others also knew that their father was very special. His father had no fighting ability. It would be too dangerous to bring him to the land of Wu Sen. It would be even more troublesome if he accidentally exposed his father's abilities.

Now no one knows their father's special abilities, and no one is interested in their father. It would be safer to let his father stay at home.

It didn't take long for the fighters from the Mocun family and Xuecun family to set off for the land of Wu Sen. Only Huang Jianzhi was drinking tea in the yard lazily.

"Days are really leisurely, I am afraid Heimonglou will be unlucky this time." Huang Jianzhi squinted his eyes and muttered. ..

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