Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 868: One death three escape

"Although your abilities are good, I don't need it." When Hai Riyong saw the first passenger stand out to surrender, he refused without even thinking about it.

"Chief,,, Commander, if you want to accomplish your great goal, you have to need manpower. Our fan family dare not say how strong, but I hope to clear some roadblocks for the commander."

Hearing the commander's rejection of his surrender, the first guest panicked and continued to say his value.

"You take yourself too seriously, there are so many people in the Fan Clan who can replace you, and you all have to die today." Feng Hai Riyong said murderously.

"Hmph, never think you can take us on every sea day. We can become cadres not only because of our qualifications, but also our strength."

"If you really want to kill them all, rabbits will bite when they are anxious."

The first visitor saw Feng Hai Riyong cruelly rejecting his surrender. In order to survive, any shyness was fake, and his face instantly turned into a righteous and dignified resistance to the end.

"Mocun Mashou, he dared to tell his secret, that means he has absolute certainty to deal with us. Although we can't see anything now, we must be prepared to escape."

"After escaping from here, we will discuss how to gather all the strength and stop his wolf ambition."

Others are not stupid in the position of cadre, and they have been discussing in a low voice behind. It is coincident that they have not talked to the first guest about this matter, as if they have regarded the first guest as an outsider.

"The rabbit will bite people in a hurry, just rely on the nine of you, a joke. You all already know my secret. If some of you escape here, then my plan will not be exposed."

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense, Tiger Demon King, Demon Fox Fairy, Heiyun, they will leave it to you." Every Hai Ri Yong just finished speaking, three big monsters appeared directly in his body.


When the nine cadres saw the appearance of the three big monsters, they didn't even think about it, and they scattered and smashed into the house and chose to escape.

If in the past, three or four cadres might be able to contend with a big monster, but now in this situation, they have to flee, and they have no chance of winning at all.

"Escape, can you run away? Let's play with your Grandpa Tiger." The Tiger Demon King laughed wildly at one of the cadres who fled.

"As soon as the concubine came out, you were scared away. Don't the concubine look ugly."

Although Hu Ji's face was dissatisfied, the nine tails became infinitely longer and bigger and curled up towards three cadres who fled in different directions.

"Boom, hiss"

Just after breaking through the house, several cadres came out and were entangled by the death guards outside, and they were attacked by the big monsters behind them. This made them feel a deep weakness in their hearts.

"Escape, I have to escape. I have to announce Feng Hai Riyong's ambitions, so as to gather the power of everyone in the world to defeat him." Mo Cun Zhengshou drove out of the boundless world.

"Let me catch you, kid of the enchantment division family, you killed me several times, but I always remember it." Heiyun directly enveloped Mocun Zhengshou.


Ten minutes later, the Lihui headquarters finally became quiet, and the result was already out.

"Hahaha,, every Hai Riyong, you miscalculated, I didn't expect that three of us escaped, you wait, and soon they will bring people to stop your ambitions."

In the big courtyard of Lihui, five of the cadres have been subdued and are being **** on the ground. Not far away, a cadre has been lying on the ground breathlessly, and he knew that he was dead at a glance. It was the first guest. .

"The three of you are also cadres in the lihui, you actually helped Zhou to be abusive, wait for Mocun Zhengshou and them to come back to clear you."

When the other cadres saw the three cadres standing next to Feng Hai Riyong, they were so angry that what they hated most was the betrayer.

Feng Hai Riyong did not pay attention to the five cadres who were controlled and clamored on the ground, as if they were waiting for something to come.

"Welcome the Lord's coming."

When Hai Riyong saw the masked Holy Lord appearing on the roof, they quickly bowed their heads and said respectfully.

"It's a good job, one death and three escapes, and these five unlucky ones. I will give you very good acting skills." Huang Jianzhi said with satisfaction.

"What's going on? Every Hai Riyong, didn't you say that you are the Holy Lord? What?," The five cadres who were subdued saw the scene in front of them, and their expressions instantly changed.

"Don't understand, I am the real Holy Lord. I asked them to do this. I deliberately told them to let them go, otherwise you think they can escape."

The more surprised Huang Jianzhi saw others, the happier he was. Seeing these five people made him happy for a moment, and he answered their questions casually.

"You,,, why did you do this, what is your purpose?"

The five cadres looked at the masked man in disbelief, but Feng Hai Riyong's attitude was not fake, which meant that the masked man in front of him was the real Holy Lord.

Hearing that the three people who flee were arranged by the Holy Master, their expressions became complicated. What the Holy Master wanted to do, was he playing with the people of the world?

"Bring them all down, every day in the future, you should know what to do next." Huang Jianzhi did not respond to the questions of the five cadres, leaving a sentence and turning around and disappeared.

"Send to the Lord,,,"



The fifth guest who escaped saw that there were no chasing soldiers behind, and his mind relaxed, he couldn't directly suppress the damage in his body and spewed blood.

"The fifth guest, are you okay!" Mo Cun Zheng Shou asked from the side.

"It's okay, I can't die, now tell me what should we do?" The fifth guest looked at the second guest who had escaped with him and Mocun Masamori.

"My father is in his hands. I will rescue my father no matter what. The second guest, you are the longest person in the ghost clan, what can you do to deal with the sea and never?" Mocun Zhengshou Xiangdi The second guest asked.

"Our strength can't compete with him at all. To stop him, we must gather enough strong people." The second guest thought and said.

"Yes, that's right, although we escaped, they won't let us go, so we have to have the power to compete with them as soon as possible."

"I know the location of many former cadres. If they know the ambitions of the sea, they will definitely help us." The fifth guest agreed.

"Okay, the former cadres in the club will leave it to you to lobby, and I will talk about other family forces."

"Mocun Masamori, you used to be the leader of the Nightwalking Club. You should have seen many powerful men. You should have a way to please them." The second guest looked at Mocun Masamori silently.

"In order to rescue my dad, I don't need you to say, I also know what to do." Mo Cun Zhengshou said calmly.

"Well, we will separate now. Ten days later, we will gather here and attack the Lihui headquarters."

After the three of them discussed, they left to arrange their own affairs. ..

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