Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 873: God awakens

Mocun Zhengshou frowned when they saw the hard fight of their allies, and joined the battle again, and it took a while to eliminate the twelve high-level monsters.

However, many high-end combat powers have been colored, not to mention that there are sea snakes in the periphery that can not be killed no matter how to kill. Gradually, allies controlled by sea snakes have turned into enemies.

In addition to the dead men who had stayed in the days of Hai Riyong, the casualties of the defenders in Mo Village were increasing.

"We can't wait anymore. Let's enter the Jinbaodi together. Our entry may make Master Mopuluo wake up in advance. With the help of Master Mopuluo, we may be sure to solve the problem." Mocun Zheng Shou said to everyone.

"Sir God Mopuruo? It turns out that the underground Shenbaodi of the Lihui headquarters belongs to her, no wonder I feel a familiar aura. If so, we might be able to deal with Feng Hai Ri Yong."

After all, the old dragon is an old dragon that has lived for many years. Of course, he knew the existence of the **** Mopuruo, but he didn't expect that the power he would steal every day of the sea would be her power.

"Then what are we waiting for?

Everyone else knows that they are always preparing to seize a person's body every day of the sea. Once he succeeds, the world will be over. Knowing that there is a chance to defeat Feng Hai Ri Yong, how could they give up.

"Listen to everyone, and rush into the passage together. The bigger the movement, the better. We have no retreat. We must stop the sea and the sun forever."

The leaders of Mocun Zhengshou led the crowd directly into the passage, hoping that their intrusion would revive Lord Mopoluo.

"Xiaoyin, let's break in behind the crowd, too." Mocun Liangshou hid somewhere and saw everyone rushing into the passage, turning his head to say to Xuecun Shiyin next to him.

"Well, be careful of those sea snakes, don't be surrounded by them." Xuecun Shiyin nodded and said.

"These sea snakes seem to have been spiritually transformed, and the spirit of Hai Riyong is too terrible, so many sea snakes have been produced."

"However, they are very dangerous to other people, but they are a trivial matter to us. Our extremity is their nemesis. As long as the strength is not strong, we too many creatures will be wiped out if they touch the extremity. ."

Ryoshou Mocun didn’t care about the sea snakes blocking the way, so he directly used Jijie and Xuecun Shiyin to run across. The sea snakes blocking the way were all wiped out by Jijie, and the two of them followed everyone into the passage. .

"This is the sacred place of Lord Mopuruo, why are there no monsters?"

After Mocun Zhengshou led the crowd into the Sanctuary, he found that there was no monster in the boundless and beautiful world, which made them wonder if they had entered the wrong place.

"It doesn't matter if there isn't a monster in Jinbaodi, it seems that Master Mopuluo didn't wake up because of our intrusion." Looking at the calm Jinbaodi, the old dragon frowned, always feeling that he had overlooked something.

"Quickly, our people are coming in, quickly close the passage to prevent sea snakes from coming in."

Others saw the dense sea snakes outside preparing to rush in, and hurriedly said to the two Mocun Fanshou who opened the passage.

Mocun Busy and Xuecun Shizi looked at each other, and directly closed the passage with the operation. They can open the passage from the outside, and they can open the passage from the inside. That is, the passage opened from the inside may take a little longer than the passage outside.

The crowd saw that the passage was closed and the sea snakes were isolated from the outside, which made many of them relieved. It seems that the endless sea snakes have already caused them to feel a sense of fear.

"Damn, I forgot that there are a few enchantment masters among you. The enchantment masters are simply space supernatural beings. I didn't expect you to open the way to the gods."

Every Hai Riyong at this moment seemed to be angrily jumped out by Mocun Zhengshou's intrusion, as if Mocun Zhengshou's intrusion had interfered with his plan.

"Every Hai Riyong, hand over my dad." Mocun Zhengshou shouted to Feng Hai Riyong.

"Hmph, you want to ask someone from me, don't forget whose site is here, you broke in, then you don't want to go out."

"Although I don't have much power to steal Shenbaodi, I can still isolate you from the outside world. Now even if you have enchantment masters, don't even want to open the escape route." Feng Hai Riyong suddenly blocked the entire Shenbaodi.

"What he said is true. We can no longer feel the imprint of the outside world. We have been blocked by him here." Fanshou Mo Cun frowned and had to say heavily.

The other people's expressions changed slightly when they heard Mocun's words. Although they had the consciousness of fighting to death, who would want to fight to death.

"This time I'm really going to fight back. Fortunately, he hasn't seized the body of Xiushi. Otherwise, I don't know if I can succeed with Xiushi." Mocun Mormiko said with a sigh.

"It's time to send you to hell."

With a wave of hands every day of the sea, dense sea snakes reappeared, among them there are several huge sea snakes like skyscrapers rolling up on the ground. Their goal is Mocun guarding them.

"Everyone is scattered, Master Mopuruo must be asleep somewhere in Jinbaodi, to find her, and find a way to wake her up, she is our only chance."

Mocun Zhengshou shouted directly to the crowd, and the crowd scattered around immediately. Among them, Mocun Liangshou was also dragged by Xuecun Shiyin to look for Lord Mopoluo.

"Don't think about it, kill them for me."

Every Hai Ri Yong seemed to have broken some secrets, directly mobilizing huge spiritual power to transform more sea snakes.


Suddenly a powerful lightning strike blasted towards Feng Hai Ri Yong, but as soon as the lightning strike reached mid-air, it was blocked by numerous sea snakes composed of the Sky Sea Basilisk.

"Are you trying to find death in advance?" Feng Hairi squinted his eyes and scanned the dozen or so strong men who surrounded him.

"Old Long, his mental power is too strong, do you have a way to interfere with his mental power?" Long Ji also felt that Feng Hai Riyong's spirit was a bit abnormal.

"No, his mental power level is higher than I thought. I can't interfere, but I always feel he is weird."

"Except for the mental power abnormality, I didn't feel that he was much stronger than us." Lao Long squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Hai Riyong suspiciously and said.

"You guys are too much nonsense, go to death for me."

Every Hai Riyong directly turned into a few huge sea basilisks like skyscrapers and directly attacked the dozens of powerful men who surrounded him.


Suddenly a few huge sea basilisks like skyscrapers turned into nothingness as soon as they were about to attack, and at this moment, Hai Riyong was half-kneeling with his heart in pain.

"What is he doing?"

Mocun Fanshou and the others saw this situation as soon as they were about to defend, which made them confused.

"Damn it, Mopuruo was awakened by your people." Feng Hai Riyong's words directly responded to everyone's questions. ..

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