"The seventh guest, is he really your father?"

The people around also got the identity of the Holy Lord from the dialogue, but they were not sure to ask Xiangmocun Masamori.

"It's my father's appearance, but it is absolutely impossible for my father to think that way. He is fake!" Masamori Mocun still doesn't believe that the person in front of him is his father.

"You can't study history, and history can't be as powerful as you, and he will not give up his human identity for the sake of monsters." Shigemori Mocun also didn't believe that the person he was familiar with was his son-in-law.

"You bastard, just take my father away. Even now, I still want to pretend to be my father and play with us. Do you really think we are a fool."

Ryoshou Momura knew that there were many monsters with the ability to change. Based on his understanding of his father, his father could not have such ambitions, thinking that the person in front of him must have changed from that monster.

"Xiaoliang, you had a scar on your waist before. It was caught by a cat demon when you were eleven. The pain made you cry all day and night."

"You like to make cake castles, not just for hobbies, but for the sweetheart next to you. You like Shiyin, and she seems to like you too."

"That's right, two childhood sweethearts, and grew up with each other together. It doesn't seem strange that they like each other."

"Speaking of this, you and the old friend next to you are the same. It's a pity that you are dead arrogant, plus the inheritance of the Mocun family and the Xuecun family, oh, what a pity." Huang Jianzhi smiled badly. .


Mocun Liangshou and the others looked at Huang Jianzhi with disbelief. How did he know so many things? It shouldn't be the right thing for Xiu Shi to tell outsiders. Is he really Xiu Shi himself?

"Don't listen to him, I'm only interested in making cakes, not for you." Mocun Liangshou felt Xuecun Shiyin's strange look, and quickly explained in a flustered manner.

"Oh, so..." Xuecun Shiyin responded with a reddish cheek.

"Whatever you look at, his identity is still uncertain, you believe him to be nonsense." Xuecun Shizi also saw the flashy eyes of the old enemy, and quickly shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Ahem,, you said that the scar on Xiaoliang's waist is true, but apart from this, everything else you said is wrong."

"Xiaoliang, you said, is the cake castle you made just for hobbies, not for,,,, sweetheart."

Although Shigemori Mocun concealed something, he still watched Yukumura Tomomi next to his grandson in a special way.

"Yes, that's right, you are all nonsense, I am just interested in making cake castles." Mo Cun Liangshou said with a guilty conscience.

Huang Jianzhi saw Mocun Shimomori and they still didn't believe that he was studying history, and didn't say anything. Instead, he turned to look at Mocun Morimiko with interest.

"They don't believe that I am studying history, then my beautiful wife, do you believe that I am studying history?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.


Mocun Morumiko said with a certain smile inexplicably.

"Oh, why are you so sure that I am studying history?" Huang Jianzhi asked with some interest.

"I don't know, but I'm sure you are my husband who studies history." Mocun Moromiko said categorically.

"Miko, you really believe that he is the history we've been together for many years, but he..." Mocun Shimano looked at his daughter worriedly, afraid that her daughter would admit the wrong person.

"Mom, my dad should be a nerd temperament, but he is completely opposite to his dad, he is cynical, how can he be a dad with a superior appearance." Mo Cun Liangshou couldn't believe his dad would become like this.

"Xiaozheng, at the beginning, nine of your cadres were besieged by Feng Hai Riyong's men at the Lihui headquarters. Three big monsters shot, and you were directly facing the **** cloud monster."

"Under the eternal siege of every sea and sun, you can even escape the three cadres, and among the three who escaped, Xiaozheng, you were the least injured."

"It's impossible to think about it. You must know that at the time, Xiaozheng, you were just working as a big monster in front of you. If you escaped, the injuries were only skin injuries."

"If it wasn't for your father's intention to arrange this, Xiaozheng, do you think it's possible?" Mocun Sumiko said calmly.


When Mocun Zhengshou recalled the battle with Heiyun, he felt too many abnormalities. It was not that he had become stronger, but that the opponent had released too much water.

At this moment, he had vaguely felt that the Holy Lord might really be his father, and because of this he didn't know what to do.

"Perhaps he is really studying history. The monsters of the Demon God Society only took away Madarao’s former companions in the land of Wu Sen, but did not have any evil thoughts about the land of Wu Sen. This may be because the monsters of the Demon God Society are not allowed to touch the monster of Wu Sen. Ground." Xuecun Shiko also said thoughtfully.

"If he is studying history, then why did he resurrect Heiyun, which has been dead for many years, and let Heiyun go to the land of Wusen to find us for revenge?" Mocun Fanshou asked uncomprehendingly.

"You're always confused. If Heiyun really wanted us to take revenge at that time, why didn't he absorb the power of the land of Wu Sen, instead he kept consuming his own power to fight us."

"Also, we have killed Heiyun several times. He was already a big monster in Heimong Tower, but he didn't take revenge on us."

"Plus Xiaozheng said that he had just fought Heiyun in front of him, but he was only slightly injured. If there is no order to revise history, you think the big monster Heiyun will play with us."

At this moment, Xuecun Shizi was 100% sure that the opposite saint was the historian they knew.

"You really study history!"

After hearing the words of his old friend and his daughter, Mocun Fanshou began to believe in his heart that the ambitious holy lord opposite was really his son-in-law.




"Although it's just a trivial thing I used to boringly arrange, but you can guess it, I have to admire it." Huang Jianzhi threw the nine-tailed fox back and couldn't help applauding.

"Holy Lord, you hurt someone, and you don't need it after you slap them. Sure enough, men are all big trotters."

The cat-sized nine-tailed demon fox is exactly the fox, who was unscrupulously thrown away by Huang Jianzhi, turned back into a human form and looked at Huang Jianzhi complaining.


Huang Jianzhi didn't say anything, but Long Ji said with dissatisfaction when he saw Fox Ji's human appearance.

"Ugly monsters, this princess is originally a vixen, you have an opinion."

Fox Ji is a big monster after all. Although Long Ji's voice is small, she can still hear her, so she can't help but glance at her.

"It's a big body odor. It turns out that there is a stinky fox here. No wonder it smells so bad."

Long Ji is a woman after all. Hearing others say that she is ugly, she must not persuade who she is. She will go back and talk about it first.

"Holy Lord, can I kill her now?" When Fox Ji heard this, the murderous aura on her body was clearly revealed.

"You women really don't understand. Inexplicably, because a word, an action, or even a look makes each other's eyes disgusting."

"Calm me down, don't forget what I'm here for." Huang Jianzhi said with a glance at Fox Ji.

"I see, Holy Lord."

Fox Ji pursed her lips pitifully, like a poor little cat being bullied, weakly returning to Huang Jianzhi's back. ..

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