"Don't understand? Of course, someone was sent to the land of Wu Sen to take the child away. The person sent was still your old acquaintance Heiyun."

"No one is guarding the land of Wusen now, the black cloud should have succeeded." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Xiu Shi, you are crazy, do you know what you are doing." Mo Cun Fanshou listened and shouted at Xiu Shi with a slight anger.

"Of course I know what I'm doing, isn't it just using that child to wipe out half of the people in this world." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Study history, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, that child can take all the lives around him just by existence."

"Although the Heiyun you sent is a big monster, he may not be able to get close to that child." Xuecun Shizi grabbed Mocun Fanshou and calmly looked at Huang Jianzhi and said.

"I am afraid it is you who are disappointed. I even sent him, so he will have a way to take the child away." Huang Jianzhi replied easily.

"Xiu Shi, although that child has great power, you want to use that child's power to eliminate half of the people in the world. Think about it and you will know that it is impossible."

"The power of that child can affect at most one region, and it is impossible to affect the world. Even if you use that child to eliminate humans from one area by one area, it is impossible to destroy half of the world's people."

Sumura Mormiko knew that Zhou Xinwan's power was very powerful, but the scope of its influence was limited. With such a big world, the number of humans would not be reduced much because of Zhou Xinwan's power.

"My lovely wife, although I have hidden a lot of abilities from you, Xiaozheng and the others should have told you that I can pay people's potential."

"Think about that kid's strength is already strong, I am stimulating his potential, you say how terrifying he will be by then."

"Who else said that I only use him to eliminate humans, don't forget, he has the power to give you monsters under the influence of Shenbaodi."

"Most of the monsters cannot be active during the day because of their weakness. I can use his power to increase the monster's monster power and at the same time destroy a large number of humans."

"His existence is just for the existence of our monsters. He was born for the era of monsters." Huang Jianzhi showed the big villain's wild laugh.

All the people present changed their faces when they heard Huang Jianzhi's plan. They didn't expect that the enchantment master family was guarding such a terrifying existence for generations.

The existence of it alone can take all the lives around it, and it can also increase the power of the monsters. This is simply a natural disaster for mankind.

Mopoluo and Lao Long were also taken aback by Huang Jianzhi's words, thinking that the Holy Lord would not be able to destroy half of the world's people.

But they didn't expect the existence of that child, which made them more determined in their hearts, thinking that Huang Jianzhi would stay here forever no matter what.

As long as the leader of the Demon God Society stays here, the Demon God Society has no leader, and even if the child is obtained, they will slowly find out and disintegrate it.

"Dad, this kind of thing against the sky, you really don't look back and go all the way to the end, even if we are all dead, you don't look back." Mo Cun Masaomo was still unwilling to persuade his father.

"Look back! Don't even think about it, it's impossible in this life. If you don't agree, you can "wake up" me. If you beat me up, maybe I will turn back."

"But can you do it? I have hidden a lot of abilities from you, not the nerd father you see all the year round." Huang Jianzhi provocatively said.

"Dad, the son beats his father but it is rebellious, but the father who wants to act against the sky, his son will pull you back even if he is so rebellious." Mo Cun Zhengshou said seriously.

"Hahaha,, let's wait and see, it's you who beat "waking up" me first, or I killed half of the world's people first." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Holy Lord, you think we will let you leave here." Old Long stood up silently and said.

"Oh, I'm surrounded by you unknowingly, and with the complete blockade of this magical land, it seems that you are determined to keep me here."

Huang Jianzhi saw that hundreds of thousands of people had surrounded him, but there was no emotion on his face, as if he didn't put these people in his eyes.

"You should never come to my sanctuary, and you shouldn't have the idea of ​​destroying half of the world's human beings. You are killing yourself." Mopoluo said with inexplicable power.

"Take your own demise? Are you talking about me? If I'm not sure, will I bring two or three hands down to your site."

"You are underestimating me. In addition to the ability to resurrect, I also hide a lot of unknown abilities. The unknown is the most terrifying. Don't you guys know." Huang Jianzhi said casually when he looked at everyone.

"Of course we know that you are very strong, otherwise you won't have so many powerful subordinates, but you are too dangerous, and we must not let you leave."

The air around the old dragon also began to twist, preparing to use the greatest strength to keep Huang Jianzhi behind.

"Revising history, look back, they will hurt you." Mocun Moromiko said, looking at Huang Jianzhi unbearably.

"Dad, stop, you can't beat so many people."

When Mocun Liangshou saw so many powerful men surrounded his father, he couldn't bear to say that he was afraid that his father would be injured.

"My bad temper, you should go back first."

When Huang Jianzhi heard that his son felt that he was not an opponent of the people around him, his temper became inexplicable, and he waved his hand to make Feng Hai Riyong and the others disappear.

"Hands on"

When Mopoluo saw Huang Jianzhi wave his hand to make them disappear every Hai Riyong, his face suddenly changed. It was obvious that she had sealed the space, and the Holy Lord could even let his men leave.

That means that the Lord himself can also leave her sealed space, and worried that the Lord will suddenly escape, she yelled to everyone impatiently.

As soon as Mopuruo's voice fell, everyone rushed towards Huang Jianzhi with their most powerful moves.

"You're so noisy, let me be quiet."

Huang Jianzhi smiled slightly and disappeared out of thin air from the center of the encirclement. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Mopoluo.

When the shocked Mopuruo hadn't come and reacted, Huang Jianzhi slapped it directly, and Mopuruo flew out in an instant.

"I will give you a kick too."

Huang Jianzhi shot the Flying Demon Puro, and appeared in front of the old dragon the next second. He raised his foot and kicked it. It happened to be on the face of the old dragon, and the old dragon flew over.

"The fragrance of the hair is still there. It's fascinating. Bye, my beautiful wife."

After Huang Jianzhi flew the two strongest existences, he appeared directly behind the dazed Mocun Mormiko, smelled his hair, and left a sentence when Mocun Mormiko responded, and then he disappeared and left. Shenbaodi.

At this moment, everyone was stunned to watch all this happen, what kind of existence they were facing, they were injured as soon as they started, and they were the two strongest people.

This is the strength of the Holy Lord, which makes people doubt life. ..

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