Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 884: The battle continues

"Damn it, we won't be able to get out if this continues." Mo Cunliang watched vigilantly at the several high-level monsters that surrounded their brothers.

"Why haven't the support staff arrived yet."

At this moment, Mocun Zhengshou kept muttering in his heart. Although most of the members of the Xinlihui gathered in the whole city, there were still some people who joined the Xinlihui before they could arrive. Now he is in urgent need of combatants.

"You are the first monster ever to fight against me for so long. With your strength, how come I haven't heard of you?"

Mopuruo's sense of oppression was too strong, and the surrounding air began to continuously twist. Whether it was a human or a monster, the oppression would have long since receded.

But there was a figure in front of Mopoluo standing there as if not affected by her oppression, and the demonic spirit on that figure was overwhelming.

Half of the horizon has been dyed into icy snow with her demon energy, and half of the space twisted by Mopuruo is facing each other.


The demon energy on Xue Nu's body and the divine power on Mopuruo's body were rubbing, and the whole world seemed to be divided into two alive by them.

"I'm just a small person. It's normal for the high gods not to notice me." Xue Nu squinted and smiled.

"You are still a small person, and your strength is not much worse than that of me. Chill can actually contend with my ability to live and die." Mopoluo was also surprised that there are monsters in the world that are equivalent to her strength.

"I am indeed a small person. If the Holy Lord hadn't given me all this, I might not have the value of existence."

The demon power on Xue Nu was getting stronger and stronger, the temperature of the whole city kept dropping, and a chill shrouded everyone.

"Huh, why is it so cold? Why is it dark."

"It's snowing, how is this possible, it's summer now."

"This,,, this monster made it out, and her monster aura actually affected the celestial phenomenon, it's too, too terrifying."

Everyone who fought with the monsters felt that something was wrong, as if the entire city was trapped in the glacier. They had already struggled to fight the monsters, but now that the temperature dropped, the situation became even more minimal.

"Unexpectedly, that monster is so strong, and it can affect such a large range of celestial phenomena without saying that it will fight against Master Mopuruo for so long. It is really terrifying."

Shimomori Mocun also felt the strong demonic energy coming from the snow girl, and he had to sigh that his son-in-law's men were all monsters.

"Has this world really changed? How come so many monsters pop up unknowingly."

Lao Long was also entangled by a big monster at this moment, but the monster aura from the snow girl was so strong that his expression gradually became heavier.

"It seems we have to get rid of you as soon as possible, otherwise we will be ill-advised."

Mopoluo saw that the entire city was affected by the power of the Snow Banshee, and knew that she couldn't be dragged, and she had to be dealt with.

"Solve me? It depends on whether you have the ability."

Xue Nu took the lead to attack, waved her hands, and the boundless chill swept away at Mopuruo, wherever the chill passed, it seemed to have been frozen for time, and withered from the cold,,,


Mopuruo's eyes condensed, and his hands clasped together, and the invisible treacherous power completely offset the chill coming from the attack.

As soon as the chill was cancelled out, Mopuruo's eyes changed in an instant. She felt an unusual movement behind her, and quickly wanted to back away.


Mo Po Luo, who had just retreated from the thought, took a physical halt, and was hit and flew out. The inverted Mo Po Luo looked at the Snow Girl who beat her into the air. For the first time, she was beaten into the air by a monster.

"Blood, ha ha,,, you really provoke me."

Mopoluo steadied her body and wiped the corners of her mouth. After seeing the blood stains on her hands, a strong sense of oppression completely erupted from her.

"It's over, Master Mopuruo is angry."

Everyone had a physical meal, and they all felt Master Mopuluo's anger.

Several black and white jade **** with a diameter of half a meter appeared next to Mopuruo. Mopuruo raised his hand and pointed towards the snow girl. Several black and white jade **** flew towards the snow girl in an instant.

As soon as the black and white jade **** came out, Xue Nu felt a strong sense of danger. She didn't directly pick up Mopuruo's moves, but wanted to use the cold wind blade to block these black and white jade balls.

"call out"


Xue Nu saw a few black and white jade **** and directly erased her moves, as if she had been deprived of her existence, which made her a little unbelievable.

Several groups of black and white jade **** were already in front of her eyes, and Xue Nu did not dare to hesitate, the huge demon gas turned into a barrier to block the black and white jade balls.


As soon as the barrier touched the black and white jade ball, it produced strong wind pressure and rolled around wildly. Feeling that she could not stop her for long, Xue Nu directly used special means to leave her clone and walk away.


The avatar left behind won't last long, and the black and white jade ball penetrates the barrier directly, enveloping the avatar. In the next second, the entire avatar seems to have been wiped out by the world and disappeared.

"Come out, you won't die so easily." Mopoluo squinted and scanned the surroundings and shouted.

"It's terrible, this black and white jade ball can actually eliminate all substances. If it weren't for me to be stronger, then I would be more violent." Xue Nu appeared in front of Mopoluo and said.

"You are still astonished."

"Really, let me see how much you, the strongest god, still have."

The Snow Girl didn't take Mopuruo's words to heart. Although Mopuruo was very powerful, when she used her full strength, the next second, the two fought together again.

"Damn, what are you going to do?"

Not far away, the big monster fighting the old dragon finally felt that something was wrong, and he was trapped in the formation.

"You have just been promoted to the big monster, although I can kill you at a price, but after thinking about the resurrection ability of the Holy Lord, I should seal you off."

Old Long took out a bead from his arms and threw it into the formation, as if to seal the big monster into the bead.

"What, don't, third brother, fourth brother, come and save,,,"


Lao Long saw two big monsters coming in the distance, without thinking, he directly sealed the big monster who was calling for help in the beads.

"It's a step too late, the fifth brother is too underestimated to be sealed." The two big monsters who rushed to see the old dragon taking the bead into his arms, and their expressions were a little unhappy.

"Release my fifth brother, and I will keep your whole body." One of the big monsters shouted to the old dragon.

"I thought there were only ten big monsters, but I didn't expect two big monsters to be mixed in the group of monsters. In other words, how many big monsters your monster gods will have." Old Long said heavily.

"Stop talking nonsense, let my fifth brother go right away, I don't want to say it a third time."

"Trouble, there is still room to fight against one big monster. If there are two, I will have to break my nerves. But do I still have a choice." Old Long smiled and chose to attack the two big monsters. ..

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