Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 894: perish together


Fengshen suddenly took a breath of effort, and the whole person fell from the air. The nearby **** saw it and quickly caught the falling Fengshen.

"This mentality is too fragile, it's a **** attack, but I avoided the key. You pseudo-gods have really poor psychological endurance." Huang Jianzhi said with contempt.

The other gods were so defeated when they saw Fengshen, and their hearts were really shocked and horrified by the means of the Holy Master. Not to mention a trick that penetrates the huge energy of the wind world, but also penetrates the divine body of the wind god, this is not something that anyone can do.

Seeing the lightness and contempt of the Holy Lord, they finally knew why Lord Mopuruo fell asleep before seriously reminding them: Facing the Holy Lord, we must be prepared for the fall.

Mocun Zhengshou, part of their attention has been focused on the gods fighting the Holy Lord. When they saw that one of the gods was defeated in this way, their hearts became heavier and heavier.

"Just one move broke Fengshen's trick. What kind of existence are we facing?" Jian Shishou said bitterly.

"Couldn't we be able to stop the revision of history!" Shimomori Mocun sighed tiredly when he saw the son-in-law who looked like a **** and devil.

"What kind of existence do I marry?" Momura Moriko looked at her demon-like husband in a complicated manner.


"The God of Medicine, the God of Forbidden Domain, what are you waiting for?" The destiny old man shouted to the two gods who surrounded Huang Jianzhi.

"No, my medicine and poison are of no use to him."

"I can't feel his power, I can't restrain his ability at all."

Both the Medicine God and Forbidden Domain God looked at Huang Jianzhi with incredible expressions.

"Pediatric methods, let's go together, I promise not to abuse you." Huang Jianzhi provocatively said in an arrogant tone.

The other gods didn't hesitate, they all rushed to Huang Jianzhi, and they all used their housekeeping skills.

"Look at flowers in the mist"

The thick psychedelic fog came out of nothing, and enveloped everything around Huang Jianzhi. The moment all the gods pounced on Huang Jianzhu, it seemed that they had disappeared.

"There is something wrong with this thick fog. Are you trying to block my five senses? It's a pity that I can abuse you without the five senses."

"Shinra Absolute World"

I saw an imperial world appearing on Huang Jianzhi's body, and that imperial world repelled and spread to the surroundings like Shenluo Tianzheng.

The thick fog that enveloped Huang Jianzhi was wiped out by the spreading Die in the next second, and the gods hidden in the thick fog were all knocked out by the Die.


Two or three of the hapless gods were directly knocked into the ruins and suffered serious internal injuries.

"Is this,,, the world?"

Mocun Fanshou couldn't help being shocked when he saw that Jujie could still be used in this way.

"History, he has already studied Absolute Realm to this point, and there is nothing else that can not be learned in history." Xuecun Shiko said in a daze.

"Master Shou from time to time, he can use the enchantment technique in this way, then will he be combined with the real world..."

"No, not everyone can control the real world. If he really awakens the real world, then he doesn't need to create the era of monsters. It is enough for him to create a new world directly." Jian Shishou was equally incredible. Watching Huang Jianzhi use Absolutely to this extent.

"Master Shou from time to time, can I seal my father and all the monsters here in the new world." Mocun Liangshou suddenly thought of this.

"No, you have just taken control of the real world. It is impossible to seal so many monsters, but it is still very simple to seal a person by surprise. You are our last resort." Jian Shishou said calmly.

"Then why don't I go and seal my father now?" Mo Cun Liangshou asked puzzledly.

"What you see now must be the full strength of your father, maybe what we see is just the tip of your father's iceberg."

"Wait, let the gods consume your father's strength first, or force all of your father's strength, so that you have the opportunity to seal your father." Jian Shishou said.

"Xiaoliang, Master Listening to Jian Shishou, you follow us and save your strength first. The gods may not be able to deal with Dad." Mo Cun Zhengshou agreed with Jian Shishou's proposal.


"So embarrassed, you guys, are you really gods? How do I feel that you are weaker than cats and dogs, can you give me more strength?" Huang Jianzhi said with a disappointed look.

"You monster, me..."

Destiny's old man saw that many of his companions were embarrassed, and the enemy still looked relaxed and natural, which made him a little helpless.

"Let's use the last resort." Fengshen covered the wound on his shoulder and said with determined eyes.

When the other gods heard it, they didn't mean to refuse at all, their eyes gradually showed crazy colors, and they got up again to surround Huang Jianzhi.

"Wow, your eyes show crazy determination, you don't want to die with me." Huang Jianzhi smiled casually.

"Feng Tian Jedi"

All the gods shouted loudly, and the divine power on their bodies directly formed a huge cage to trap Huang Jianzhi. Because it was the last resort of the gods, the power of the laws of heaven and earth appeared in the huge cage.

"Oh, you are really the gods recognized by this heaven and earth, and even the consciousness of heaven and earth lends your strength to complete the seal enchantment." Huang Jianzhi felt the fluctuations around him, and could not help but feel that he was overwhelmed.

"Xiu Shi may be too retrograde. Even the consciousness of heaven and earth appeared to help the gods complete the seal barrier. Hey, Xiu Shi is strong and can't match the consciousness of heaven and earth."

Shimomori Mocun felt the consciousness of heaven and earth descend, and he had already guessed the final result of his son-in-law in his heart.

"This may be the best ending."

Masamori Mocun also thought that his father would be sealed, and he reluctantly accepted the result.

"Hey,, are you crazy? Even I feel that there is a problem with this seal. You actually sealed me at your expense. You really dare to do it." Huang Jianzhi looked at the slowly forming seal barrier. I was surprised that the gods made such a sacrifice.

"You are too strong, ordinary seals can't seal you, you must sacrifice if you want to seal them. With all the divine powers of our ten gods, plus the power of the rules of heaven and earth, you must be strong and you can't escape." Said in his tone.

"You are really crazy, but I won't let you succeed, drink..."

Huang Jianzhi directly exploded a little bit of strength to prepare to burst the seal, and huge energy kept pouring out of Huang Jianzhi to impact the seal barrier.

"It's useless, with the seal of the law of heaven and earth, how can you..."

"His, hiss,,, boom."

The old man of Destiny hadn't finished speaking, the seal barrier was directly pushed out by the energy gushing out of Huang Jianzhi's body, and the entire seal barrier was burst in the next second.

The powerful shock wave bombarded all the gods out, and the huge backlash made all the gods completely lose their ability to resist.

"This,,, how is this possible,,,"

All the gods lying in the ruins stared at the god-like figure in the sky with stunned mouths, and was shocked for a long time not knowing how to react. ..

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