Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 896: The Lord's Arrangement

"Go ahead, I will get rid of you as soon as possible, and then proceed to clean up half of the world's creatures." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

Mo Cun Fanshou and the others took a deep breath, and the imperial world directly appeared on their bodies, and they rushed towards Huang Jianzhi with all their strength.

However, Huang Jianzhi didn't even look at it, and took a photo. Mocun Fanshou and the others were directly photographed into the ruined city.


"Time tone,,,"

"Don't worry, I have been merciful. They can't move at most and won't suffer serious internal injuries. Next, what are you going to do with my lovely wife and two wicked sons?" Huang Jianzhi said with a smile .

"Dad, you have killed too many people, let me accompany you to redeem it." Mo Cun Liangshou exuded the power of distorting space.

"This is,,, the line of thought, Mizi, Xiaozheng didn't expect to see your way, but you think this fragile line of thought can trap me for a few seconds." Huang Jianzhi was about to struggle.

"Dad, these few seconds are enough. Mother, eldest brother, leave soon." Mocun Liangshou suddenly appeared next to Huang Jianzhi, firmly grasping Huang Jianzhi's shoulders, and fully displaying the real world.

"Mother, you..."

Of course Mocun Zhengshou knew what his younger brother was doing, but he did not back down. Instead, he planned to accompany his father with his younger brother to make atonement, but he did not expect his mother to kick him out directly.

Mocun Ryoshou was also shocked to see her mother kicking her eldest brother out, but she herself ran into the realm of the real world.

Once the real world used all his strength, he couldn't control it, and could only watch his mother accompany them to get involved in the new world created by the real world.

"Disappeared, the breath of the holy lord has disappeared, is the holy lord sealed."

Others saw Mocun Liangshou and them disappear with the Holy Lord, and they couldn't believe that the Holy Lord was sealed like this.

"Mother, Xiaoliang, you guys...," Mo Cun Zhengshou said heartbrokenly.

"There has been news from the world consciousness that the Holy Lord has been exiled outside the world, and the Holy Lord will not be able to return to this world." The old man of Destiny suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly.

"Really, great, we won, oh,,,"

Many people cried excitedly because of the news.

"Win? Did we really win? Although the Holy Lord was exiled from the world, we might not escape death. In our current state, facing so many monsters, we will die forever." Jian Shishou saw the surroundings. The crowd of monsters couldn't help sighing.

"Enough. As long as the Holy Lord is not there, we will kill more monsters before we die, and the remaining monsters should not threaten all mankind." Most people are still very optimistic.

"It's just that these monsters haven't moved at all, could it be,," Lao Long and the others began to worry about something.

"What are you waiting for, come on, fight with us." The second guest shouted to the surrounding monsters.

But something strange happened. All the monsters ignored the Mocun Masaru them. Instead, they retreated to leave a space for the Mocun Masaru them. However, the Mocun Masaru and them were still surrounded by the monsters.

"What do you want to do?"

Mocun was watching Grandpa and they were okay, and they got up and shouted to the big monsters in the sky without understanding.

"Hehehe,, Young Master, although the Holy Master has been exiled, the Holy Master seems to have known the ending, so he gave us the final order long ago." Fox Ji smiled and replied.

"What is the final order of the Holy Lord?" Masamori Mocun was worried about his father's order to destroy the world.

"Master, you'll know later."


"This is the new world, which is interesting." Huang Jianzhi said, looking at the inexplicable space.

"Dad, you know." Mo Cun Liangshou asked incredulously.

"Yes, but I didn't expect you to make such a sacrifice." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Dad, you know, why are you still..."

"If I don't do this, more people will die. It's just Miko, why are you doing this?" Huang Jianzhi looked at his wife in this life complicatedly.

"Dad, mom, you guys..." Mocun Ryoshou always felt something was wrong.

"Completing history, I know that you are still human and will not really hurt your children. Children, don't hate your father. Maybe your father did this to train you. Time is running out, Xiaoliang, you should leave."

Mocun Moriko rubbed Mocun Ryoshou's head, and without waiting for Mocun Ryoshou's response, he directly used secret techniques to send Mocun Ryoshou to leave here.

"Miko, you just want to live in a two-person world with me. The empty world is really uncomfortable." Huang Jianzhi said as if he knew it would be so.


Huang Jianzhi didn't avoid Mocun Mormiko's slap, not to mention that Mocun Moromiko was crying at the moment, and that slap was not painful to him, he just lazily avoided it.

"So many innocent people, why do you want to slaughter them? Don't they have family members anymore," Mocun Sumiko said disappointedly.

"Don't cry. Although they are dead, it's not that they have no chance of resurrection. Xiaoli is still young. It is enough for him to lose his father. It is not enough to lose his mother. You should also leave."

Mocun Mormiko just wanted to ask something, but Huang Jianzhi had already started, and Mocun Mormiko was directly sent out.

Outside, it didn't take long for Mocun Ryoshou to teleport out, and then Mocun Morimiko was also teleported out. After everyone understood what was happening in the new world, they were even more confused about what the Holy Lord wanted to do.

"Meet the president."

At this moment, all the monsters bowed down to Mocun Liangshou, which shocked Mocun Liangshou and the others.

"You,,, what do you call me?" Mocun Liangshou asked slightly in a daze.

"Guild Master, this is the final order of the Holy Master. You will be the president of the Demon God Society in the future and command all the monsters of the Demon God Society." Xue Nu said respectfully.

None of the members of the Xinlihui thought that the final command of the Holy Lord turned out to be this, which made them vaguely guess what the real purpose of the Holy Lord was.

The eldest son became the commander-in-chief of the Xinlihui, and the second son became the president of the Demon God Society. This was done entirely for the purpose of cultivating his own children, but the price was too high.

"Revising history, it turns out that this is your real goal, you are simply...," Mo Cun Fanshou muttered complicatedly.

"You are kidding, even if this is my father's order, do you think I will be your president?" Mocun Ryoshou didn't want to be the president of the monsters.

"This is the resurrection crystal left by the holy lord. As long as you are willing to be our president, crush this resurrection crystal. Not only the dead here will be resurrected, but the demon gods and monsters who killed innocent humans will also be resurrected."

"Of course, if you don't want to be our president, we will slaughter the people here, including outside humans." Xue Nu took out a crystal exuding strange energy and said.


Everyone is already 100% sure that the real purpose of the Holy Lord is to cultivate their own children, but this is so powerful that they can't even think about it.

"Xiaoliang, agree. This is the last gift your father left for you. It's a good ending." Mocun Mormiko knew that she had blamed her husband, but nothing could be turned back.

"Xiaoliang, so many monsters can't fall into the hands of those who are interested, they must be restrained by their own people, otherwise, more than 30 big monsters are enough to break the balance of the world." Mocun Zhengshou also supports his brother as a monster god. The president of the meeting.

"Don't hesitate, and quickly agree, there is no hesitation in resurrecting our companions. At this time, no one will stupidly disagree with you as their president." Mo Cun Fanshou also supported.

"Okay, I agree to be your chairman, please revive our dead." Mocun Liangshou nodded and said.

Seeing that Mocun Ryoshou agreed, Xue Nu directly smashed the resurrection crystal. In the next second, everyone who should be resurrected was resurrected.

"Zhou Xinwan, where is the child who was taken away by my dad now?" Mocun Liangshou felt Jian Shishou's longing eyes and turned to help.

"That child is at the headquarters of the Demon God Society, please move the Mocun family and Xuecun family to the headquarters of the Demon God Society. The space door has been opened, and other people can leave." Xue Nu calmly opened the space door leading to the outside world and said.

"Second guest, you arrange everyone to leave first, and I have to confirm important things." Mo Cun Zhengshou ordered.

"Yes, Commander"

The others didn't say anything at this moment, the Mocun family's general situation was already established, they just obeyed the arrangement. ..

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