"I'm relieved, I'm still worried that the God of Creation is just raising us in captivity. It doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe I'm afraid." The Third Young Master didn't dare to say this, he only dared to mutter in his heart.

"If you're afraid, get out, if you dare to talk, I will turn you into a pig." Suddenly, Huang Jianzhi's voice came from the consciousness of the third young master.

The Third Young Master was taken aback, and quickly left in a panic. When he arrived at the border between humans and monsters, he dared to mutter: As expected of Master Creation God, he can even hear his heartfelt voice.

"You have to start to separate the inside and outside the circle. Humans and monsters are not opponents of creatures outside the circle at this stage. Although the creation **** does not care about the world, the creatures outside the circle have to guard against."

The three young masters set out to draw a boundary, and slowly separated the inside and outside of the circle completely. Once the creatures outside the circle crossed that limit, they would be completely gone.

The humans and monsters in the circle also spread the existence of the God of Creation because of the Three Young Masters. As time passed, the existence of the God of Creation gradually became a legend.

However, there is one place that has always believed that the God of Creation exists in the world, and that is the Tushan Fox Monster Clan, who made their suffering tree engraved with seven characters: God of Creation is here for a visit.

According to the rules of the Affection Tree, who can engrave on the Affection Tree except for the true Lord of Creation. Not to mention that the Tushan fox demon clan has been circulating within the family, the affliction tree was planted by Master Creation God.


I don't know how much time has passed

"Comfortable. Sure enough, a lazy night's sleep is the most relaxing thing. I wonder why people in the circle come to the outer circle and die. I don't know that the creatures outside the circle will evolve."

Huang Jianzhi's spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant, and soon he knew who the killer was.

"Mask organization, King Power and others, I have slept long enough this time, the plot has reached this stage, it seems that I should be born and play." Huang Jianzhi got up and left his sleeping man lazily. Ground.

"Sister, sister, you must hold on, we will definitely be able to escape from here."

At this moment, the kingship hegemony was embarrassed and hugged his dying sister, with the only remaining Li Quzhuo running around in the mist, unable to tell the direction at all.

"Brother, I don't regret coming out of the circle with you, you must escape, and don't come out of the circle in the future, this is not the place where humans should come." Wang Quanzui closed his eyes as soon as he finished speaking.

"No, sister, open your eyes, don't scare me, wake up..."

The moment King Power Hegemony saw his sister closed his eyes, his inner pride was shattered, and he knelt down bald.

He really shouldn't have entered the circle in order to understand the secrets of the world, causing the people around them to die and only two people were left.

"Don't be sad, get up, let's go quickly, there is fog everywhere, the ghost knows that there is an unknown attack that broke through the fog to attack us, don't forget that your sister was hit by this unknown force in the center, ,"

Li Quzhuo wanted to pull the power hegemony up and continue to flee, but the power hegemony couldn't be pulled up no matter how he pulled it.

"Let's go, leave me alone, if it weren't for me to spy on the secrets of the world, Zhang Zheng and my sister would not die, I want to stay and make atonement for them." King Power Hegemony showed self-blame and regret, the whole person Completely bald.

"This is not your fault. It was decided by all of us. We are also too curious why we live in the small world inside the circle, and what is hidden in the big world outside the circle."

"It's even more curious whether the legend of the creation **** outside the circle is true. You shouldn't bear all your sins on you. We are ready to die when we come here. Get up, we have to leave here quickly. ."

"call out"

"Ah, my legs, my legs..."

Just as Li Quzhuo was about to support the hegemony of the king, a flash of light shot from the mist and penetrated Li Quzhuo's legs, causing Li Quzhuo to scream and cover his unconscious legs.

King Power Hegemony quickly woke up and stood up in front of Li Quzhuo, his eyes guarding everything around him vigilantly, but the fog was so strange that he couldn't perceive the surrounding situation at all.

"Escape, I hurried to escape with my back. Your kingship sword is lost. We have no power to deal with the creatures here. Escape is our only opportunity." Li Quzhuo shouted to the kingship hegemony.

The kingship hegemony might not want to see someone dead, and turned around to take Li Quzhuo on his back to escape. At the moment when he took Li Quzhuo on his back, the surrounding strange mist suddenly dispersed, revealing the landscape of the valley where they were.

They didn't dare to move the kingship hegemony, because the moment the strange fog dissipated, a footstep followed their ears, making them stare at the front with extreme vigilance.

Soon they saw a huge white tiger appear in front of them, but a human sitting cross-legged on the white tiger's back.

The human also held a red-eyed creature resembling a rabbit in his hands, and this scene made them feel terrified and unbelievable.

"I found a lot of masked corpses on my way here. They should be your partners. In other words, you will really die, don't you know this is a restricted area for humans." Huang Jianzhi kneaded the creature in his hand and said .

"Senior, why are you here?"

King Power is very vigilant in the industry to guard against strangers in front of him, there are too many weird things here. Especially when his companion's legs were penetrated by a flash of light, this person appeared, which made him suspicious.

"I didn't hurt his legs. It was the dazzling bunny. If you see its red eyes, the flash of light was emitted from its eyes."

"Just now I saw it was about to attack you again. I just grabbed it. It's fat. I'll roast it later."

The dark flashing rabbit seemed to understand Huang Jianzhi's words, and quickly struggled fiercely, but its power was dispensable for Huang Jianzhi.

"By the way, this is a sword I picked up. The word kingship is engraved on the handle. It should be your sword." Huang Jianzhi thought of something, then he changed a sword and said.

"Senior, this is indeed my lost sword."

The kingship hegemony is still wary of Huang Jianzhi, the outside world is too weird, he can't believe so credulously what a stranger said.

"This sword is very good, it turned out to be your sword, so I'll give it back to you." Huang Jianzhi threw the sword to the king's hegemony.

"Senior, can you guide us a way out of the circle?" Li Quzhuo, who was lying on the back of the king's hegemony, asked.

"Why, I'm afraid of death now. Didn't you want to know the secrets of the world before? Why are you backing down now?" Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Senior, I think you have heard what we just said. I blamed me for being so arrogant that I killed my companions and relatives. The only thing I can do for them now is to take their corpses back. I beg you, seniors, to help us."

King Power Hegemony thought that the person in front of him could survive here, and his power must be extremely powerful, and he could definitely help them, so he hesitated for a moment and pleaded with him. ..

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