Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 907: Unscrupulous nature

"You are not stupid yet, I do know the secret of the blood of the Eastern Spirit Race, otherwise how would I tell you this." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Uncle, you are not afraid of pure Yang Yan and the secret of my family bloodline so well, do you have a deep relationship with our Eastern family." Dongfang Yuechu looked at Huang Jianzhi suspiciously.

"Hey, didn't the answer tell you? In fact, I am your ancestor, why don't you believe it." Huang Jianzhi started to make things strange again.

"Ha ha,,,"

If Dongfang Yuechu knew that he couldn't beat Huang Jianzhi, he would have rushed forward and desperately, but he had no choice but to roll his eyes and hehe.

"Rong Rong, take away all their magic weapons, and then help them heal." Tu Shan Honghong said while looking at the unconscious members of the Yiqi Dao League.

"I see, sister."

"Are you overly kind, will they be grateful if you treat them? In a few days, they will bring powerful enemies to attack Tushan again. You are not shooting yourself in the foot." Huang Jianzhi said, shaking his head.

"Sister's way of doing it naturally has the truth of her sister, what do you know!"

After Tu Shan Yaya knew that Huang Jianzhi had a strong strength, she always felt that Huang Jianzhi had other purposes to rely on Tu Shan, and was very upset at any actions and remarks made by Huang Jianzhi.

"Little sister, how can your elder brother be your savior, how can you treat your elder brother with this expression, come and give your elder a smile."

Huang Jianzhi appeared in front of Tu Shan Yaya in an instant, stretched out his hand and pinched Tu Shan Yaya's fat and cute cheeks to both sides.

"Asshole, I killed you."

Tu Shan Yaya saw Huang Jianzhi dare to pinch her cheek, so she was so angry that she didn't care how strong Huang Jianzhi was, so she rushed to fight.

"Ah,, you still bite, let go, let go."

Huang Jianzhi raised his arm, Tu Shan Yaya was relatively short at the moment, and as Huang Jianzhi raised his hand, his feet had already left the ground. But no matter how Huang Jianzhi shook his arm, Tu Shan Yaya hung on it tightly without letting go.

"The little loli right now is really not cute, do you want to fly, hehehe, fly,,,"

Huang Jianzhi suddenly turned around, Tu Shan Yaya didn't know why she let go, and flew towards the river.

When Tu Shan Honghong saw her sister bit Huang Jianzhi's arm, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she became a little worried.

Although Huang Jianzhi rescued them just now, the strength he showed made her a little wary. Before she could figure out why such a powerful human had to rely on Tushan's purpose, she was still a little wary of Huang Jianzhi.

Seeing her sister being thrown into the river by Huang Jianzhi, she quickly set off to catch her sister, but the moment she just left, Huang Jianzhi's hand was already on her shoulder.


With a sound of falling water, huge splashes of water rose.

"Damn it, bastard, wait. When I become stronger, I will definitely get revenge." Tu Shan Yaya who was exposed on the water roared angrily toward the shore.




At this time, Huang Jianzhi had an extra camera in his hand and kept taking pictures of Tushan Yaya in the river.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

Tu Shan Yaya doesn't know the camera of later generations, but seeing the sordid smile on Huang Jianzhi's face, she always feels that Huang Jianzhi's hand is not a good thing.

"When you are still young, leave a memorial. When you are older, it will not be easy to bully." Huang Jianzhi bared his big white teeth and said the dirty thoughts in his heart.

"Why, in my presence, are you happy to bully my sister like this?" Suddenly Tu Shanhong's cold voice rang behind Huang Jianzhi.

"Hey,,, she "fainted" me twice, at least I have to come back."

Huang Jianzhi felt the evil spirit surging behind him, but he didn't care at all, and continued to press the camera shutter.

"Sister, help me teach this bastard."

Tu Shan Yaya jumped back to the shore on the frozen river water and stepped on the ice layer. Seeing Huang Jianzhi still patting her as she was falling out of chicken soup, she was so angry that she asked her sister for help.

"She is my sister, I don't allow others to bully her, so..."

"I flashed..."

Huang Jianzhi felt Tu Shanhonghong's insulated claws rushing towards his camera, and the whole person ran away instantly, disappearing before Tu Shanhonghong and the others in the blink of an eye.

"Damn bastard, dare to squeeze my face, I am so angry, I will be back sooner or later." Tu Shan Yaya said angrily in the direction where Huang Jianzhi disappeared.

"Yaya, don't provoke him, his strength is unfathomable, and even I may not be his opponent." Tu Shan Honghong said by using the demon energy to evaporate the water vapor on Tu Shan Ya Ya's body.

"What, sister, didn't you lie to me? Is he that strong?" Tu Shan Yaya looked at her sister with incredible eyes.

"The moment he pressed my shoulder just now, the demon power in my body seemed to disappear completely, don't you think he is not strong." Tu Shan Honghong said with the same complicated look in the direction of Huang Jianzhi's disappearance.

"Sister, this,,, it's okay. Our demon power can continue to grow. With our talents, our strength will soon surpass him. When that happens, I won't believe that I can't beat him." Tu Shan Yaya is very Said confidently.

"Who is he? How do you know the secret of the blood of the Eastern Spirit Race, why is he still not afraid of pure Yangyan?" Dongfang Yuechu was still mumbling to guess Huang Jianzhi's identity.

"Sister, what should he do? He is a member of the Eastern Spirit Race, and everyone in the world wants him."

"Without him, Tu Shan and Yiqi Daomeng have been fighting endlessly. If the world knows that he is in Tushan, then Tushan will..." Tu Shan Yaya looked at her sister worriedly.

"After Rong Rong cures those people, we will use Yumian Fengjun's body to perform a scene."

"A scene that made them feel that there is no Eastern Spirit Clan in the world." Tu Shan Honghong thought for a while, and saw the charred Jade Face Fengjun corpse by the wall, she had an idea.

Soon a scene appeared, the members of the Yiqi Dao League who had been cured saw with their own eyes Dongfang Yuechu being killed by Tu Shan Honghong.

The Golden Face Vulcan was also deprived of the blood of the Eastern Spirit Race and replaced it with the original blood, and a farce ended in this way.

A few days later, a figure touched into the kitchen very skillfully.

"Hey,,, at the beginning of Xiaoyue, don't think that if you hide the love bento given to Tu Shanhonghong here, I won't be able to find it anymore."

Huang Jianzhi saw the loving bento hidden in a certain corner, and the thief took it away without saying a word.

Huang Jianzhi, who took away the loving bento, didn't find a place to eat the bento immediately, but sneaked into Tu Shan Yaya's room.

"Very well, Xiao Yaya is sleeping, I took away the endless jug unceremoniously."

Huang Jianzhi walked into Tu Shan Yaya's room silently and secretly picked up the endless jug next to him. Seeing the sleeping Tu Shan Yaya, he always felt that he didn't do anything at this moment, as if he felt sorry for himself.

Soon Huang Jianzhi thought of something, with an unscrupulous smile on his face, silently approaching Tu Shan Yaya who was sleeping. ..

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