Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 910: Poor baby

"I am a monster, not a human being. Are you sure you can teach me?" Tu Shan Yaya was not stupid enough to call the teacher directly.

"Don't worry, I also have the exercises for monsters. It's no problem to point you or teach you." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"No need. Some of the fox monsters in the cultivation technique are that I don't need you to teach me other techniques."

Tu Shan Yaya thought for a while, and finally she changed her mind. Although it was great to use his teaching ability to become stronger and defeat him, she couldn't ask her to call this despicable scumbag as a teacher.

"It's a pity, I still want to hear you call me a teacher, it seems I have no chance."

"I can't teach you, but I can still give you some pointers. I know you are a sister-in-law. You admire your sister a lot, and you want to tear everything up with your claws like your sister one day."

"But that way of fighting is not suitable for you. You don't have the powerful demon power of your sister, nor the insulating claws of your sister. You are destined to be unable to do your sister's level."

"You are very talented in Binghan. I suggest you practice the techniques related to Binghan. Maybe you will reach the level of your sister or surpass your sister in the future." Huang Jianzhi suggested.

"Hmph, I don't need to care about my business, don't you want to teach this kid, just leave it to you." Tu Shan Yaya stepped on Dongfang Yuechu once again, raised her head and left proudly.

"It hurts, what happened to Sister Ya Ya today, the start is much heavier than before." Dongfang Yuechu slowly got up from the ground to move his body and said.

"Who knows, maybe the teenage rebellious period has arrived." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Teacher, don't worry about Sister Yaya. Let me tell you what powerful skills you have to teach me, teacher. I'm ready." Dongfang Yuechu shamelessly leaned close to Huang Jianzhi.

"I don't know what to teach you, after all, I am a lazy person." Huang Jianzhi said irresponsibly.

"Teacher, you can't do this. You promise to be responsible for the affairs of others." At the beginning of Dongfang Yue, he was anxious when he saw that Huang Jianzhi was so irresponsible.

"All right, you practice Pure Sun Flame and Void Tears first. After you have a thorough control, I will see what to teach you. By the way, I remember to bring it to me for dinner." Huang Jianzhi was irresponsible after he said it. Ran away.

"What am I expecting? I really can't believe this **** scum in the future. Hey, I have already felt that my young soul has been severely traumatized."

Dongfang Yuechu felt that he was still too young, and he was so stupid to believe Huang Jianzhi's words.

"I also want me to bring him dinner. It seems that I am sorry for him without adding a little more stuff."

In the afternoon, after Dongfang Yuechu made the love bento for Tu Shan Honghong, he began to make a special dinner for Huang Jianzhi.

In order not to let Huang Jianzhi see anything, the appearance of the food he made was very exquisite, but he put a heavy laxative into the food, and he absolutely took a bite. It would not work without going to the toilet for three days.

"Teacher, this is a nutritious dinner made for you by the students. In the future, please ask the teacher to guide me in my practice."

Dongfang Yuechu came under the giant tree of misery, and sincerely took out the packed dinner box.

At this moment, Huang Jianzhi muttered in dissatisfaction: This kid is really cruel to me. He has taken so many laxatives. Although the laxatives are not effective for me, the laxatives have more or less affected the taste of the food.

"Thanks for your hard work, put the lunch box on the ground, and I'll be eating later." Huang Jianzhi lay on the branches of the giant tree of misery, pretending to be calm and said.

"Teacher, the food tastes good when it is hot, but it doesn't taste good when it is cold." Dongfang Yuechu didn't see Huang Jianzhi taking a bite with his own eyes, he was unwilling.

"It's okay, let it go, you go ahead, I'll be eating when I'm hungry." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.


"Don't worry, don't you even have to disobey the teacher's words." Huang Jianzhi deliberately expressed dissatisfaction.

"Don't dare, the students won't bother." Dongfang Yuechu had no choice but to retreat.

"Damn, I can't even see him eat it with my own eyes. It's okay, as he is a glutton, he will eat it sooner or later, and first send a loving lunch to Sister Yaoxian." Dongfang Yuechu, who had left, thought to himself regrettably.

"This silly boy, if he doesn't let him cry once, he won't be honest." Huang Jianzhi hooked his finger, and the lunch box under the giant tree of affliction flew into his hand.

It seems that after the lunch box, Huang Jianzhi badly condensed the laxatives in the food, using the space power to transfer the laxatives to the loving bento in his hands without knowing it at the beginning of Dongfang Yue.


"Sister Yaoxian, Dangdang, your love lunch has been delivered, please taste the most perfect food in this world." Dongfang Yuechu opened the lunch box, revealing the more elaborately designed meals inside.

Tu Shan Honghong might have been used to delivering food at the beginning of the Eastern month. She took a look at the food, and she didn't respond. She picked up the lunch box and started eating.

"How about, Sister Yaoxian, is the taste more perfect than yesterday?" Dongfang Yuechu asked expectantly.

Tu Shan Honghong did not respond to Dongfang Yuechu's words, but soon Tu Shan Honghong's face changed, and she felt sick in her stomach.

"Sister Yaoxian, what's wrong with you." Dongfang Yuechu also saw the change on Tu Shanhong's red face and couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"call out"

Tu Shan Honghong waved away Dongfang Yuechu, and the figure flew quickly in a certain direction.

"Sister Yaoxian, what's the matter?" Dongfang Yuechu stared at the flying away Tu Shan Honghong.

"What else can she do? She took the laxative you prepared for me. You are also ruthless. You bought the laxative from Yaoxinzhai. The laxative is colorless and tasteless. It will work for both people and monsters. of."

At this time, Huang Jianzhi appeared suddenly, patted Dongfang Yuechu's shoulder with a very disgusting interest, revealing a very awkward appearance.

"What, what,,,"

"Don't you understand? I have seen the laxatives in the meals you gave me a long time ago, so I condensed the laxatives in the meals and transferred them to the bento you gave to Tu Shan Honghong."

"With this medicinal effect, if you don't take the antidote, at least three days and three nights." Huang Jianzhi saw Dongfang Yuechu's completely stunned expression, he didn't know how happy he was.

"You, me, sister Yaoxian, I will get you the antidote now."

Dongfang Yuechu came back to think of the pain of Sister Demon Immortal, and rushed to the direction where Sister Demon Immortal flew, and even ignored Huang Jianzhi.

"Poor baby, I hope your sister demon fairy doesn't hate you. Go back to sleep, I won't join in the excitement tonight." Huang Jianzhi smiled and left. ..

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