In the blink of an eye, decades later, Huang Jianzhi is still a salted fish on the giant tree of misery, as if the giant tree of misery has become his long-term foothold.

"The plot hasn't changed. At the beginning of Dongfang Yuechu, the kid still became the leader of the Yiqi Dao League. It's a pity that the harmony between the monsters he hoped for was completely lost."

"The secretive black fox planting and framing method is also powerful enough, so that Tu Shan and the Yiqi Dao League have completely fallen out."

"Tu Shan Honghong, who represents monsters, and Dongfang Yuechu, who represents humanity, are still inevitable. This drama is getting more and more interesting."

Huang Jianzhi, who was resting on the giant tree of misery, stood up and stretched, moving his body unhurriedly, thinking that he hadn't seen Dongfang Yuechu for a long time, so he got up and left.

"You must fight your sweetheart? You know that those things are not done by your sweetheart."

Wang Quanfugui looked at his friends sitting on the top of the mountain. He knew many things about his cousin Dongfang Yuechu, and he also knew that Tu Shan was framed by someone with a heart, but he didn't understand why Dongfang Yuechu chose to fight this way.

"Of course I believe that those things weren't done by Sister Yaoxian, but I believe there is any use. Will the old guys in the Dao League believe it?"

"Duel is the only way. This is the best result of my struggle with the major forces in the Dao League."

"It just so happens that this is what the behind-the-scenes guys who framed Tushan want most. They don't want to kill Tushan and get my tears of the void, then I will do it." Dongfang Yuechu said with squinting eyes.

"You don't have to take the road of duel, and add me with your strength, we should be able to eliminate the group of black foxes." Wang Quanfugui suggested.

"Can the elimination of them prove that those things weren't done by Tushan? No, only by eliciting them to prove their existence can we prove Tushan's innocence."

Dongfang Yuechu knew that the king's power and wealth were for his own sake, but what he wanted was for the world to solve the misunderstanding of the Tushan demon fox.

"You want to lead them to prove Tushan's innocence, then why don't you go to the ward and say your sweetheart, do you really want to fight?" Wang Quan asked inexplicably.

"The acting can't attract them, and if they don't achieve the effect they want, do you think they will appear?" Dongfang Yuechu smiled.

"You are not afraid that your sweetheart will kill you?"

"It's normal for Sister Yaoxian to kill me. The moment I joined the Yiqi Dao League, I was already a traitor to Tushan."

"Besides, it doesn't matter if I die. If Sister Yaoxian loses, Tushan will be in danger." Dongfang Yuechu said with indifferent eyes.

"Xiaoyuechu, it seems that you are ready to sacrifice. Your love for her really touched me." Huang Jianzhi suddenly appeared behind Dongfang Yuechu and said.

"Who,,, you, you,,,"

Wang Quanfu was taken aback by Huang Jianzhi's sudden appearance. When he saw Huang Jianzhi's appearance, perhaps it was the hidden psychological shadow deep in his heart, and his body trembled.

He recognized Huang Jianzhi, the devil who lifted him up and gave him an electric shock, until now he can't forget the fear of that night.

"It's you, uncle, after so many years, your appearance has not changed at all."

At the beginning of Dongfang Yue, seeing Huang Jianzhi's youthful appearance was incredible. It is normal for the monsters in this world to live a long life. But whether human beings are weak or powerful, their life span is limited.

The reason why Yiqidaomeng is obsessed with Tushan is because of Tushan's huge tree of suffering. There is no such thing as reincarnation when a person is dead, but a giant tree of affliction can make a person and a demon reincarnate.

The concept of reincarnation alone has aroused most people's minds. They feel that controlling the giant tree of misery is equivalent to controlling reincarnation.

Who doesn't want to have this kind of concept that always exists in the world, this is the Tushan that most humans target, rather than other monster forces.

"Didn't I say that if you die, I won't be old. Doubt, who are you, where did I seem to have seen you?" Huang Jianzhi turned his head and looked at the wealthy and powerful next to him in black.

Should I draw my sword and chop him? Back then, I was too weak to be lifted and shocked by him. Now that decades have passed, my strength has increased countless times, and I can definitely avenge my revenge.

"Senior joked. There are many people in the world who look similar to me. Maybe Senior has seen people who look similar to me before."

The king and wealthy who clenched the handle of the sword finally let go of his hand. He instinctively told him that impulse was the devil, stepped back and broadened the sky, and finally he endured it.

"Uncle, you still live in Tushan, what's the current situation of Sister Yaoxian?" Dongfang Yuechu asked curiously.

"At the beginning of Xiaoyue, you are so sad, don't you know that we haven't seen each other for decades, and I finally came to see you and reminisce about the past."

"But all you are thinking about is your sister demon fairy. It's so disappointing. I regret coming to see you now." Huang Jianzhi said very depressed.

"Uncle, don't pretend. For decades, if you wanted to come and tell me about the past, you would have come. Now you are just watching the fun." Dongfang Yuechu had already figured out Huang Jianzhi's mind.

"What nonsense is the truth? The day after tomorrow is the day after you and Tu Shan Honghong will fight each other. Of course I will take a look at you."

"Tu Shan Honghong is in good condition, her strength is very strong, if you are not serious, you will die." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"I know this, so I'm mentally prepared. By the way, uncle, will you intervene in our duel?" Dongfang Yuechu asked with a smile.

"No, I'm good at watching the excitement. I don't want to do things that waste energy."

"That's good, I'm still worried about your uncle disrupting my plan."

"Don't worry, just do what you like. I will never interfere with your love and killing. That's it, everyone has seen it, then I should leave." Huang Jianzhi flew away after he left.

"Who is he?"

After seeing Huang Jianzhi's departure, Wang Quanfugui asked Dongfang Yuechu.

"An old bad guy with bottomless strength, even I am not sure that I can beat him now. Why, have you met him?" Dongfang Yuechu asked suspiciously.

"I have seen it. When my father was still there, he prevented the Yiqi Dao League from starting a war against Tushan." Wang Quanfugui nodded and said.

"That time? So that's it. Your father organized a war to attack Tushan. Unexpectedly, that war was stopped by the old bad guys."

"I'm very curious about how the old bad stopped you, but I clearly remember that all the leaders of the Yiqi Dao League agreed to start a war with Tushan. In the end, your father denied that war with the order of the Supreme League.

"Since then, as long as your father is here, Yiqi Dao League rarely has conflicts with Tu Shan. Did the old bad make any deal with your royal family?" Dongfang Yuechu asked curiously. ..

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