Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 921: Ya Ya's changes

"He is a love, as for who he is, you will know in the future."

Huang Jianzhi lightly waved Dong Yuechu's corpse, and the corpse gradually turned into a flying star and dissipated in the air.

"He disappeared."

Tu Shan Susu blinked his big eyes and waved his small hand to catch the dissipated flying star, but he was as busy as a cat catching bubbles.

"Go, take you to find your sister, there is something better in the city." Huang Jianzhi reached out to Tu Shan Susu, trying to hold her.

"Really, there is something better than this in the city. Then brother will take me."

When Tu Shan Susu heard that there was something more delicious than the lollipop in her hand, his eyes lit up instantly, as if the cat saw the dried fish.

Quickly grabbed Huang Jianzhi's hand, and couldn't wait to let Huang Jianzhi take her there quickly, his expression showing expectation and eagerness.

"Sure enough, children really have no resistance to eating, let's go for snacks." Huang Jianzhi took Tu Shan Susu's hand and walked into the city.

"Brother, what happened to the people in the city, as if they were worried."

Tu Shan Susu was looking forward to going into the city and seeing the streets full of food, but along the way, all she saw were monsters with worried faces, and the whole city seemed lifeless.

"Your sister is here."

Huang Jianzhi smiled and did not answer, watching Tu Shan Rongrong rushing over in front of him.

"Sister, you have one lollipop, it's very sweet."

Tu Shan Susu saw that her sister was coming with three lollipops in his hand, and half hesitated on his face. After a while, he couldn't bear to take out one and handed it to her sister.

But anyone can see that Tu Shan Susu is very reluctant, after all, everything she thought in her heart was written on her face.

"Sister? I don't need it, you can take it and eat it."

Tu Shan Rongrong heard her sister call her sister in turn, looked at Huang Jianzhi suspiciously, and saw Huang Jianzhi nodding. She rolled her eyes and instantly figured out what she was doing, and smiled in response to Tu Shan Susu.

Tu Shan Susu saw that her sister didn't want the lollipop in her hand, his eyes showed surprise, and the next second he took the lollipop into his arms, as if to protect her ration.

I don't know how she is, so Tu Shan Rongrong didn't dare to associate this snack product with her sister. These are two versions.

"Yaya, how are you now?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Second sister shut herself in the room, no matter how I persuade, she won't come out, but the problem shouldn't be a big deal."

"The most troublesome thing now is the monsters who live in Tushan. When my sister is here, big problems are not a problem."

"But having lost the backbone of my sister, the monsters began to panic, fearing that humans would attack Tushan again."

"There are already some monsters planning to leave Tushan to go to other monster clan territories, and there are also some ambitious monsters who want to take advantage of the chaos and do something."

"But these are still under control. What I am really worried about is the Yiqi Dao League. The Yiqi Dao League is much stronger than Tushan. Tushan is supported by his sister, but the Yiqi Dao League does not depend on them. The leader is supporting it."

"The Yiqi Dao League was much stronger than Tushan. Now that Tushan has lost his sister, the Yiqi Dao League will definitely not let go of this opportunity."

"I'm very hesitant about what to do now. If you stick to the end, Tu Shan's fate may only be charcoal. If you give up, this,,," Tu Shan Rongrong's face showed an expression that was difficult to choose.

"Sister, why are humans attacking us? Did we steal their food?" Tu Shan Susu asked stupidly.

"We didn't grab what they ate, but Tushan had what they wanted. This thing is very important to us, and we will grab it if we don't give it to them." Tu Shan Rongrong looked down at Su Su and explained complicatedly.

"Snatching things from us, that's the bad guys, brother and sister, Su Su will help you get rid of those bad guys." Tu Shan Susu waved his lollipop with an obligatory expression.


Tu Shan Rongrong looked at Tu Shan Su Suwei and sighed. If it were the old sister, she might be able to do it, but the current sister might only be able to stand and shout six or six.

"Don't worry, there is nothing serious about it, Su Su will leave it to you, I am sleepy, I will go back to sleep in." Huang Jianzhi handed Tu Shan Susu to Tu Shan Rongrong, really ready to go back to sleep in.

"Brother, that, lollipop." Tu Shan Susu showed expectant eyes.

"Here you are, I'm asking me after I've eaten, I'm going back." Huang Jianzhi gave Tu Shan Susu a lollipop and disappeared.

"My brother is so kind to me, I really like my brother." Tu Shan Susu was happily holding a lot of lollipops.

Tu Shan Rongrong was silent and didn't know what she was thinking, until Tu Shan Susu woke her up, she came back to her senses and took Tu Shan Susu back.

the next day

As expected by Tu Shan Rongrong, the Yiqi Dao League was ready to attack Tushan again. The monsters of Tushan who received the news were completely messed up, making Tu Shan Rongrong very busy.


Suddenly a huge monster aura soared into the sky in Tushan, and the monsters in Tushan gradually stabilized.

"Tushan's new iceberg queen has appeared. The power of the fox demon comes from the most affection. It seems that Ya Ya is really to her sister..."

"The demon power that has just awakened is really strong. Although a little weaker than her sister, her talent quickly reached her sister's level, and it should surpass her sister in two or three hundred years."

Huang Jianzhi lay on the top of the tree and looked in the direction where the demon power erupted, with a gratified smile on his face.

"The appearance of the iceberg queen means that the violent little loli I used to play tricks on is gone forever, and my heart is inexplicably lost."

Huang Jianzhi thought that there would be no violent little Lolita to tease in the future, and suddenly showed a disappointed expression.

"Yiqi Dao League will really pick time. It has already gathered outside Tushan. Tu Shan Honghong doesn't kill, then Tu Shan Yaya shouldn't kill, probably."

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's muttering fell, a chill came, and the surrounding temperature dropped more than 20 degrees. Huang Jianzhi knew that Tu Shan Yaya was here without guessing.

Sure enough, the little Lolita who used to flaunt her teeth and claws disappeared. What appeared was the tall Queen Iceberg, Tu Shan Yaya came over, but everyone could feel her breath that was thousands of miles away.

"Xiao Yaya, you have changed. No, it should be said that you have grown up. If your sister sees you now, I believe she will be very happy." Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at Tu who was standing under the giant tree of misery. Shan Ya Ya.

When Tu Shan Yaya heard Huang Jianzhi still call her Xiao Yaya, his cold eyes shot across Huang Jianzhi, Huang Jianzhi was instantly sealed by ice.

"I am not my elder sister, and I am not so tolerant of you. Be honest with me in the future."

Tu Shan Yaya sealed Huang Jianzhi with ice, without even looking at it, leaving a few words, and then left the alliance of dealing with the invading criminals.

"My mother, although she is mentally prepared, she is still a little uncomfortable. It's too cold."

Huang Jianzhi came out of the ice and looked at the direction Tu Shan Yaya left. He always felt uncomfortable. The violent little Lori was gone. ..

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