"Food,, food,,,"

Suddenly countless blood-red eyes appeared in the mist, and shrill sounds like infants and ghosts surrounded Tu Shan Yaya.

Tu Shan Yaya, who hadn't taken a few steps, was once again surrounded by weirs.

"Ant, don't stand in the way,..."

Tu Shan Yaya was also angered by the weird entanglement, the demon power on her body soared into the sky, and the surrounding mist was affected by the cold, and instantly turned into ice scum.

The ice layer by the feet quickly spread out to the surroundings, and the strange sounds around ten meters, one hundred meters, thousands, and, gradually disappeared.




At this moment, the earth vibrated slightly, and the loud footsteps approached. Maybe Tushan Yaya was making too much noise, and the monsters in the depths of the mist were attracted.


After a while, a monster hundreds of meters high appeared in front of Tu Shan Yaya.

The monster over a hundred meters on the head may feel that Tushan Yaya is an extremely delicious food, and it roared in excitement, as if to announce to the weird surroundings that the food in front of it is its own.

"It's disgusting, that **** has created ugly monsters."

Tu Shan Yaya saw countless grimace faces appearing on the surface of the huge weird body in front of her, and she didn't need to think about it to know that this weird had eaten a lot of humans and monsters.

This made her throw most of her resentment on Huang Jianzhi, who made Huang Jianzhi the culprit.


The weird one hundred meters high seemed to feel Tu Shan Yaya's contempt, how could it endure the food contempt, and with a roar, the overwhelming blood claws grabbed Tu Shan Yaya.




The huge weird head fell down, and most of the weird mind disappeared. Tu Shan Yaya calmed down her demon power, raised her foot and set off towards the destination.

At this moment, within the Western Regions, a monster exuding a weird aura was lying on a huge weird body and devouring it.

"Too perfect, only to swallow a few weird heads, I became so strong."

The black fox swallowed the huge weirdness and gained powerful strength, and his heart began to expand little by little.

"What does the **** of creation mean? He gave me a swallowing ability and kicked me away."

"Does the creation **** want me to remove humans and monsters for him?" Feeling the swelling power in his body, the black fox began to guess Huang Jianzhi's purpose.

"Follow him, my purpose is to get stronger power. I can not only swallow weirdness, but also humans and monsters."

"When I finish swallowing the weirdness in this area, I will go to Tushan and the human realm and swallow them all."

"When I swallow up all the creatures in this world, maybe my strength is stronger than that of the God of Creation. If the God of Creation is also swallowed, then I am not a new god."

The black fox's ambitions began to swell due to the continuous improvement of strength, and because of this, she was even more frantically looking for the weirdness around and swallowing it.

"This idiot, if he swallows too much weirdness, he will lose his mind and may even lose his basic judgment ability."

Huang Jianzhi hid in a room in Tushan, gnawing sunflower seeds, watching the different live broadcasts on several TVs in front of him, and the black fox was in one of the live broadcasts.

"They are progressing pretty fast, and they are almost in their respective positions. It's too easy."

"Hey, why should I restrict the top weirdness to enter the circle, I'm too stupid." Huang Jianzhi suddenly felt that he was putting too much water.


"Is everyone in their own eyes?" The Third Young Master felt that time was almost up, so he used secret techniques to contact everyone.

"The old man has arrived." The Poison Emperor responded first.

"I'm here too."




"Wait a minute,,, well, I'm here too."

Everyone arrived at their destination, waiting for the third master's password.

"Very well, listen to my password, three, two, one, open."

Under the command of the three young masters, Tu Shan Yaya, who had been prepared for a long time, entered the foundation stone together, but there was still no change in their eyes.

"It's okay, it's normal to not be able to synchronize the first time, let's continue."

"Three, two, one, open."

After a few seconds, the eyes remained unchanged, and the face of the third master gradually darkened.

"Who is it this time? The slogan is so clear. At our level, it should be easy to synchronize." Third Young Master asked.

"It's me, it's also me the first time, what do you think?" Tu Shan Yaya said unexpectedly.

"Ms. Ya Ya is you,,, how can this be possible, if it is someone else, it would be nice to say, but you are Miss Ya Ya both times, this is impossible."

Everyone was surprised. With Tu Shan Yaya's strength, it should be impossible to make two such mistakes.

"For the first time, a weird suddenly appeared and attacked me, making me one second late. This time, two flying weirs were torn to death and smashed from the air, forcing me to stop at a critical moment."

Tu Shan Yaya was very upset at the moment. No one had an accident but she had an accident, and twice, which made her face-saving people a little bit sad.

After hearing Tu Shan Yaya's reason, everyone said that they could understand it. After all, they were also guarding their surroundings at the moment, afraid of weird sneak attacks.

"Everywhere, let's continue, three, two,,,,"

Tu Shan Yaya listened attentively to the third young master's command, and this time she couldn't allow herself to fail. After all, there is no more than three things, at the moment when the three young masters have finished shouting one, they will say something.

A big fat rabbit appeared suddenly and slammed into Tu Shan Yaya. Tu Shan Yaya was distracted, kicked the big fat rabbit, and the big fat rabbit flew upside down and hit the stone, and the rabbit's feet twitched a few times and there was no movement.

"Miss Ya Ya, it won't be you again this time."

The Third Young Master didn't respond to the formation, and saw that everyone didn't respond. He thought it might be Tu Shan Yaya again, but at this moment he couldn't figure out how could it be Tu Shan Yaya again.

"You know what I saw, a big fat rabbit, or a fat rabbit that bumped into me,,, bastard, it's definitely your ghost, you come out to my old lady."

Tu Shan Yaya finally knew that something was wrong there. Who else could interfere with her three times besides that bastard.

The three young masters heard the **** that Tu Shan Yaya was talking about, and immediately knew that it was Master Creation God who was playing Tu Shan Yaya, and they immediately felt a headache and helplessness.

"You stop for my mother,,,"

Huang Jianzhi felt too cold, stood up, raised his **** to Tu Shan Yaya, shook his tail towards Tu Shan Yaya a few times and ran away.

Tu Shan Yaya saw the big fat rabbit kicked to death by her get up, provoke her with her middle finger, and shakes her ass, she was stunned.

Soon she reacted, the big white rabbit was Huang Jianzhi's change, and she was angry that she was going to kill the **** rabbit, but in the blink of an eye, the big fat rabbit disappeared. ..

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