Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 942: Sunset mountains

"The youngest and younger sister are both on the list, and the second child is not far from being on the list. After all, the second child's luck is stronger than that of the third younger sister."

"Although the second child has not practiced martial arts yet, I believe it will be soon." Huang Jianzhi muttered, tapping his fingers on the table.

There are not many evildoers in the rankings, only forty-nine. Soon Huang Jianzhi has read the rankings of the rankings.

The ranking lists are all prefecture-level masters under the age of sixty. Huang Jianzhi casually glanced at it and ignored them, and jumped directly to the sky list.

There is no age limit on the ranking list, but the ranking is only eighteen. It is not that there are only eighteen heavenly martial artists in the world, but that the top players on the list are all top martial artists.

People list, place list, and beauty list may be replaced every month, but the ranking on the sky list has not been replaced by someone outside the list for almost a hundred years.

At most, a certain person on the sky list rises by one ranking or drops by one ranking, which means that the 18 people on the sky list are recognized as the strongest by everyone in the world.

"It's interesting. The strong in this world are directly occupying the rankings publicly. There is no hidden meaning. They think that they are stronger than them and can be challenged."

"This may be their strength. They are not afraid of any challenge. Why should the strong conceal it?" Huang Jianzhi couldn't help but glanced at the eighteen people on the top list.


First place: Xie Wuming

Second place: Wang Junsheng

Third place: Li Tian

Fourth place: Master Kongming


"Being able to keep the rankings for so many years shows that all of them are not easy, but others seem to need qualifications if they want to challenge them."

After Huang Jianzhi watched the list of days, he turned his attention to the list of beauties, which also had eighteen places on the list.

Under the age of twenty-five, the 18 most beautiful women in the world are ranked, and those who are on the list must be the perfect ones.

"Although I knew that she had put on makeup when I first met the little girl, it is amazing that the little girl can turn her into an ordinary girl at No. 5 in the beauty list."

"Well, it's okay. It's also a skill to be ranked fifth among all the flowers in the world."

"But the second and third me and I are so-so-looking. Why is the president of the younger sister so beautiful? Is it because the younger sister was adopted."

"That's not right. Bloodline won't lie. Could it be that the second and third child pulled me back and caused me to become disabled." Huang Jianzhi was very rude and pushed the blame on his two younger brothers again.


"Eighth Junior Brother, why are you here?" Huang Jianchen unexpectedly ran into the Eighth Junior Brother and them on the way back to the sect.

"Brother Five, it's great to meet you here. We received news that an injured Earth-level strange beast ran out from the depths of the Sunset Mountain Range."

"That alien beast is hiding somewhere outside the sunset mountain range. I'm rushing to find it with the juniors, so let's go with us." Zhang Tian said full of expectation.

"Eighth Junior Brother, the alien beast is much stronger than us no matter how it gets injured, and the surrounding area of ​​the sunset mountain range is not dangerous anymore."

"You took the juniors and rushed recklessly. This is not responsible for the juniors." Huang Jianchen said with a serious expression on his face.

"Fifth brother, you wronged me, maybe I didn't make it clear, the sect already knew about it, and it was discovered that the earth-level strange beast was seriously injured and its strength dropped to the profound level."

"Zongmen high-level officials are not convenient to attack the alien beasts in the sunset mountains. If the human masters above the earth level attack the alien beasts in the sunset mountains, the terrifying alien beasts in the depths of the sunset mountains will go wild."

"So Zongmen regards hunting the injured animal as the task of training disciples. As long as we don't enter the depths of the sunset mountains, we will have little to do in the periphery." Zhang Tian quickly explained.

"The periphery is not necessarily safe, do foreign animals often appear in the periphery." Huang Jianchen was still a little worried.

"Fifth brother, it will be the seventh sister's birthday soon. The fourth brother who regards you as a love rival has already set off. He is going to hunt the strange beast, taking the beast pill and blood as a birthday present to the seventh sister." Zhang Tian couldn't help but Reminded.

"Let's go, the whole body of the alien beast is full of treasures. I haven't hunted the alien beast yet." Huang Jianchen changed his words inexplicably.

Zhang Tian saw Huang Jianchen's attitude change so quickly, he didn't feel anything, as if he had gotten used to it, and led the juniors to follow Huang Jianchen to the sunset mountains.

"In the north of the Da Jin Dynasty, there was an unnamed city. It was Xie Wuming, who was guarding the unnamed city. Because of the existence of the unnamed city, many tribes in the grassland to the north had nothing to do with the Da Jin Dynasty."

"This matter is also recorded in the martial arts list. If there is no agreement between the Da Jin Dynasty and Xie Wuming, I don't believe that Xie Wuming will be so kind to help the Da Jin Dynasty block the many grassland tribes in the north."

"There are so many things recorded, all medicines and weapons, but the yin and yang box is the most tempting thing in it."

"The yin and yang box contains a treasure map. The treasure map depicts the location of the shocking treasures of the previous dynasty."

"It is rumored that there are no treasures in the previous dynasty, all kinds of precious elixirs, boxes of top martial arts cheats, countless rare treasures, tsk tsk, dare to describe in the martial arts list."

"In other words, this martial arts list has disturbed the people's hearts. Isn't the Da Jin dynasty unable to help it, or the Da Jin dynasty is already fragile and can't afford it."

Huang Jianzhi suddenly didn't know what to say. This world seems to be chaotic, but it makes people feel that the balance is abnormal, it is really a complicated world.

"It's no wonder that strange beasts are so rare. For warriors, strange beasts are a great supplement. Now, apart from the three major mountains, few strange beasts appear in the world."

"Speaking of strange animals, I thought of the fat cat. The journey alone is too boring, so let's catch a fat cat as a pet."

"There should be creatures similar to fat cats among the alien beasts. Go and see first. The closest thing to me is the Sunset Mountain Range. Okay, that's it."

Huang Jianzhi saw the sunset mountains depicted on the martial arts list, so he got up and paid to leave. When Huang Jianzhi left the store, several people followed Huang Jianzhi surreptitiously.

"I don't know how many more corpses are lying in the wild." The shopkeeper shook his head involuntarily looking at the people leaving the store.

"The shopkeeper, why are you sure that there are a lot of corpses lying down instead of one?" Xiao Er asked curiously.

"There are a lot of people who take out one hundred taels of silver bills at will, but if you are a hunter, it would be strange! Don't ask so many, go to work quickly." The shopkeeper is very realistic and squeezes labor again.

"Come out, follow me all the way out of the city, it's hard work for you."

Huang Jianzhi went out of the city to the wild, stopped walking indifferently and turned back, looking flatly at a few brawny men who hide their bad figures.

"Boy, if you found out, then we won't be evasive, hand over all the money, and then kowtow to us..."..

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