Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 951: Can't handle it

"Well, the third brother should have encountered the second small gift I gave him." Huang Jianzhi looked into the distance and smiled.

"This is the corpse of that black wolf alien beast, why is it here?"

Huang Jianchen was standing in a daze in front of the corpse of a strange beast at the moment. He hurried back in the direction of the sect, but he miraculously encountered the corpse of the black wolf strange beast on the road.

"Could it be that Goddess of Luck is blind, and give me the chance. I won't say anything under the cliff, but it's too weird for me to meet the corpse of this strange beast here."

"Although this is still outside the Sunset Mountains, it has been a few days since I fell off the cliff."

"The fight between the two heavenly beasts should absorb a lot of forces to investigate the situation. No one has found the body of this strange beast in the past few days, so everyone is blind."

"It's so weird. This strange beast should have died a few days ago. How does it feel that it only died for a few hours."

Huang Jianchen thought of something, and quickly climbed onto the body of the black wolf alien beast to check it.

"The essence and blood of the beast pill are there, and there is no problem with the corpse. This,,, no matter, it was actually touched by me, and that is mine."

"The corpse is so big that you can't take it back by yourself. Just in case, first dig out the beast pill, then hide the corpse, return to the sect and call someone over."

Huang Jianchen said that he dug out the beast pill of the black wolf alien beast, then found a secret place to hide the body of the alien beast, and then hurried back to the sect.

"Fifth Junior Brother, it's you, you are back. Great, where have you been these days, we are all worried to death."

Senior Brother Qian Zhixue was about to go out for a task, but as soon as he left the mountain gate, he ran into Huang Jianchen who was back, and he quickly stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Senior Brother, Master is here, I want Master to be the master for me. I was chased by Zhao Xingjian and forced to jump into the cliff. I didn't die until now."

"The same sect is a serious crime. I hope the sect can handle this matter fairly and justly." Huang Jianchen decided to let the sect abolish Zhao Xingjian's personal discipleship, so that he could get revenge in the future.

"What, the Fourth Junior Brother chased and killed the Fifth Junior Brother, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Master and the others may not be able to deal with the Fourth Junior Brother." Qian Zhixue said intently.

"Why can't it be handled, he has committed the sect taboo," Huang Jianchen was a little excited.

"No, I can't handle it, because the Fourth Junior Brother is dead." Qian Zhixue quickly explained.


"A few days ago, we found the corpse of the Fourth Junior Brother, from the wound on the Fourth Junior Brother's body. The Fourth Junior Brother was killed by a strange beast, so Zongmen can't be fair to a dead person for you." Qian Zhixue Explained in a hurry.

"Dead, just die like this."

Huang Jianchen was taken aback for a moment, he had already planned to die with Zhao Xingjian on the way back.

As a result, he heard that the man was dead before he came back, which made him wonder what it was like.

"Fifth Junior Brother, don't worry about the fourth Junior Brother. Many people in the sect are worried about your safety. Especially Seventh Junior Brother. She wanted to go to the Sunset Mountains to find you, but was locked up by Senior Brother."

"Now that you are back, please hurry up and ask the respected master to make an appointment. I have not done my task. I will come back to celebrate for you today." Qian Zhixue patted Huang Jianchen on the shoulder and said.

"This silly girl..."

Huang Jianchen heard that Junior Sister Seven was going to find him in the dangerous sunset mountain range, and he couldn't help being moved.

"Senior Brother, I will send greetings to Master later, I found the body of the Earth-level strange beast in the Sunset Mountains, and I hid it."

"But hiding doesn't mean it won't be discovered by others, so I took some disciples to bring the strange beast back to talk."

Huang Jianchen was worried that the strange beast he had hidden would be discovered and taken away by others, so he wanted to pull it back and talk about it first.

"Alterable beast, the fifth junior brother, you found the body of that alien beast, great, I will go with you."

Qian Zhixue directly called more than a dozen Inner Sect disciples and Huang Jianchen to set off, and the people of Extreme Shenzong also knew that Huang Jianchen had returned.

"The **** fifth senior brother, don't come to see me, don't I compare to the corpse of an earth-level strange beast."

Chen Yuelan also got the news of Huang Jianchen from her personal maid. She was very happy just when she heard that Huang Jianchen had returned.

Just about to go to Huang Jianchen, she was a little depressed when she heard that Huang Jianchen and Senior Brother San went to pull the body of an alien beast.

"Miss, it will be your birthday in a few days. Senior Brother Fifth is so anxious to bring the Earth-level strange beast back."

"It may be that he is afraid that the gift he gave to the young lady will be taken away by others." The personal maid had already known the thoughts of her own lady and said with a smile.

"Really, if this is the case, then I can forgive him." Chen Yuelan's heart was filled with sweetness.


"This is the sect where the third child is located, one of the six major sects in the world, um, not bad." At this moment, Huang Jianzhi appeared in the sky above the Supreme God Sect, quietly looking at everything about the Supreme God Sect.

"Master, shall we be above them so openly?"

Although Baihu knew that its owner was an existence above the heavenly level, it was one of the six major sects. There are countless masters hidden inside, maybe there is any way to hurt the master.

"Don't worry, they can't find us, you still don't believe your master and me." Huang Jianzhi slapped Baihu's fat and cute body, then lowered his head to continue scanning.

"There are many heavenly martial artists, one of them is the most powerful, many times stronger than ordinary heavenly martial artists, it should be an existence on the sky list.

"That woman is extremely beautiful, she should be on the list of beauties. She seems to like the third child. The third child is really a winner in life. The start is such a perfect start."

"It's just the beginning. According to the protagonist's plot development, the third child will probably experience a deep ordeal in the future."

"Let's go, don't care about the third. The second brother seems to have become the county magistrate, go see his situation." Huang Jianzhi muttered for a moment, and set off to find his second brother.

"Robbery, hand over your money."

"Boss, seems to be an orion."

"Unlucky, there is nothing left to fish."

Huang Jianzhi was robbed again, why did he say it again, because this is the third time he has encountered a road robber.

"I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery while walking, but there are always people who like to run out to ruin my mood."

"Master, do you want me to kill them?" Xuanniao said.

"Speed ​​resolved, I don't want to see them."

Xuanniao heard the owner's permission and flew over and evaporated several robbers. A few minutes after a few dragon suits appeared, they just disappeared.

"Xiaohuo, can you control it? What a good environment, you can't destroy it just because of a few slags." Huang Jianzhi said helplessly as he looked at the burnt land hundreds of meters away.

"Sorry, Master, I will control my power in the future."..

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