Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 956: I haven't played enough yet

"I won't leave, I have nothing to do when I go back, so I might as well stay outside." Li Hanfei didn't plan to go back like this.

"Mischief, Father can explain, let me take you back no matter what. If you have to stay, sister, then I can only kill the magistrate." Li Huaye said with a dissatisfied expression.

"No, I'll go back with you." Li Hanfei compromised.


"The little county magistrate dared to take my words into ears, and it didn't take long before he warned that he met Princess Han Fei again. He really did not live or die." Zhao Xingmu's face became a little gloomy when he heard the news from his men.

"Master, Huang Jianjie has already left the princess, but he seems to have left with his sadness." Jiantong said beside him.

"Forcibly endure the sadness? It seems that he doesn't take my words seriously, but he went to see Princess Han Fei to violate my warning, and he has to teach him a lesson."

"Master, do you need me to do anything?" Jiantong asked silently.

"Isn't his eldest brother in his house? Send someone to find an opportunity to tie his eldest brother over." Zhao Xingmu thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, master."


"Brother, why do you drink so much wine. Look at you, where you look like a protagonist, you wake me up."

Huang Jianzhi came to Huang Jianjie's room and saw his drunk brother. He couldn't help but shook his head to lift up his brother who had fallen on the ground.

"Brother, brother, it's you, come to drink with me, I haven't had a good drink with elder brother for a long time."

Huang Jianjie opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw that he was the eldest brother, he pulled the eldest brother and prepared to ask his eldest brother to accompany him to drink.

It shouldn't be, this is succumbing, it's not like a protagonist. Huang Jianzhi looked at his younger brother's decadent appearance, muttering a little suspiciously.


"Wake me up, are you still my younger brother who is an official for the people? What is your appearance?" Huang Jianzhi slapped his brother unceremoniously.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm the one who lost my mind."

Huang Jianjie was awakened by Huang Jianzhi's slap. He was there for a long time, recalling his original dream, and he woke up.

"I probably guessed what happened to you, but this is your choice. Brother, I won't say much."

"But you have to remember that you are my brother, and the sky is falling, and my elder brother will help you with it." Huang Jianzhi solemnly patted Huang Jianjie's shoulder and said.

"Big brother, thank you, I know." Huang Jianjie looked at his big brother very moved.

"Don't look at me with this look, I am not interested in men. Take a good rest, tomorrow is a new day." Huang Jianzhi left silently.

"Big brother, I won't let you down." Huang Jianjie muttered as he watched his elder brother leave.

"Come out, this place is already very lonely." Huang Jianzhi felt something, and walked out of the yamen to the empty alley.

"Xuan Jiu, have we been discovered?" A man in black hiding in the dark asked another man in black in disbelief.

"Impossible, he is just an ordinary person, how could he find us." Xuan Jiu didn't believe that they were discovered by an ordinary person.

"I really found you, one hiding here, one hiding there!"

Huang Jianzhi pointed his finger to the hiding place of the two men in black. The accused men in black had a tight heart. They were really discovered by ordinary people.

"How did you find us?" Two men in black jumped out and asked.

"It doesn't matter how I found out, it's important that I want to know who sent you here."

"Soon you will know who sent us, Hyun Jiu Dong,..."


Xuan Ba ​​called Xuan Jiu to prepare to do it together, but as soon as he was about to do it, Xuan Jiu's sharp blade had already penetrated his body.

"Xuan Jiu, you, you..., why?" Xuan Ba ​​looked at Xuan Jiu in disbelief, not understanding why Xuan Jiu wanted to attack him.

"Not why, he was simply hypnotized by me. You may not understand what hypnosis means, you can understand that he was controlled by me." Huang Jianzhi walked up and laughed.

"You, you,,," Xuan Ba ​​finally breathed out unwillingly.

"I didn't even close my eyes. It seemed so pitiful that I couldn't squint."

Next, Huang Jianzhi began to question Xuan Jiu, who was under his control, and soon he knew who sent these two men in black to arrest him.

"The Zhao family is really going to die, let's go, take me to your stronghold." Huang Jianzhi felt that the Zhao family was very annoying, and thought it was better to kill them.

"There are so many people, follow me, never stop dying."

After Huang Jianzhi followed Xuan Jiu to the vicinity of the Zhao family stronghold, he asked Xuan Jiu to act on his former teammate. The controlled Xuan Jiu was not slow, and he raised his sword to kill him.

"His, ah,,,"

"Xuan Jiu is crazy, stop him, stop him..."

The people in the Zhao family stronghold were attacked by Xuan Jiu and killed a few people before reacting. He organized a dozen people and quickly caught Xuan Jiu, but the captured Xuan Jiu was still struggling fiercely.

"What's going on?" Zhao Xingmu walked out and frowned and asked.

"Master, Xuan Jiu is crazy, he suddenly started his hand when he came back, and a few people were killed by him without responding."

"Crazy, how crazy, wasn't he good before?" Zhao Xingmu asked with solemn eyes looking at Xuan Jiu who was still struggling under control.

"He is not crazy, he is just controlled by me." At this moment, Huang Jianzhi walked out slowly and said.

"Your Excellency?"

"Master, he is Huang Jianjie's eldest brother, Huang Jianzhi." Jiantong reminded him in Zhao Xingmu's ear.

"It's you, you said you controlled his mind, how did you do it." Zhao Xingmu asked curiously.

"Kneel down"

Huang Jianzhi ignored Zhao Xingmu's questioning, and saw that the surrounding Zhao family disciples were all there, and directly controlled their bodies to make them all kneel down.

"What's the matter? Why did I suddenly kneel down, why can't my knees be straightened."

Everyone in the stronghold looked at Huang Jianzhi as if they had seen a ghost, and they found that they couldn't stand up no matter how hard they struggled.

"Hexus, you know sorcery,,,"

Zhao Xingmu found out that he couldn't get up. Even the two mid-level warriors sent by his family to protect him couldn't get up. He suddenly felt terrified by Huang Jianzhi's methods.

"It's too noisy, everyone except you will commit suicide!" Huang Jianzhi looked at Zhao Xingmu and said.

"You demon..."

"No, who will save me."

"Please let me go, I don't want to die yet."

Except for Zhao Xingmu, everyone watched their bodies rebellion in terror, drew out their sharp blades and stabbed them in their own heart. Without weapons, they waved their palms and patted their brains together.

In less than a minute, everyone except Zhao Xingmu died.

"It's finally quiet, kid, don't be scared, I haven't played enough!" Huang Jianzhi showed a devilish smile to Zhao Xingmu. ..

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