Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 958: Zhao Family Patriarch

"The owner only cares about the result, not how we make trouble, but the limit is only in Zhao's house. You can pay attention to the dead cat." Xuanniao reminded Baihu.

"Don't worry, the Zhao family is big enough. As long as I don't lead the battlefield outside, it won't hurt innocent civilians." Bai Hu said it understood.

"I didn't feel any danger, did you come or me, or let's do it together." Xuanniao asked.

"I'm here, the strength is growing too fast, it's a bit difficult to control, I have to get used to this strength, you go away."

Bai Hu regained his huge body, and the white thunder on his body directly flashed out and spread to the surroundings, covering the entire Zhao family in a few seconds.

"This fearful sense of oppression, is that the heavenly boss in the family broke out?"

"What is that, why is the sky covered by white thunder and lightning."

"A strange beast, that is a strange beast,,,"

The children of the Zhao family all felt the movement from above, and when they saw that it was the Thunder made by the alien beast, they panicked, and the terrifying alien beast was about to attack them.


An old man led six figures to fly from the Zhao Family Hall to Bai Hu, as if trying to stop Bai Hu's attack.

"Your grandmother presumptuously, Kuang Lei is in full swing."

Bai Hu saw that the Zhao family rushed out of a late stage, two middle stages, and four early stage masters.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart that the Zhao family deserves to be one of the eight great martial arts families, and there are only seven of them here if you can't meet a celestial power.

But Baihu sighed and sighed, if it was the previous one, it might turn around and run away. But it is now the pinnacle of the heavenly level, and the alien beast itself is much stronger than humans of the same level.

These seven people don't have the existence of the peak of the sky level, and they still care about so much. Ignoring the actions of these seven people directly, swept down the violent thunder covering the entire Zhao family.

"Quickly, stop it, don't let it ruin the Zhao family's foundation."

The faces of the seven strongest members of the Zhao family changed slightly, and they quickly used their own means to prevent Kuang Lei from attacking and killing the Zhao family's children below.

"Boom, boom,,,"

How could the seven strongest members of the Zhao family stop Baihu's attack? Most of the violent thunder broke through the obstacles of the seven men and blasted towards the Zhao family's children below.


"Is this the end!"

"Fire, put out the fire,..."

"Help me, take me out of here."

Most of the houses of the Zhao family were knocked down by violent thunder. The flames spread everywhere, and there were shouts and fears of the Zhao family’s children everywhere.

"The peak of the heavenly rank, this strange beast is the peak of the heavenly rank."

Zhao Rixian and their faces became heavy, and at the moment they stopped the white tiger from attacking, they were sure that this white tiger was a heavenly peak alien beast.

Seeing the Zhao family destroyed more than half of them below, they were extremely angry. This was the foundation of their Zhao family for hundreds of years, and most of them were destroyed in this way.

"Venerable, are you openly attacking us, do you want to tear up the agreement and start a war with humans!" One of the seven floating in the air confronted the white tiger with restrained anger.

"Fifth elders, be careful..."

The fifth elder of the Zhao family who questioned Baihu did not get an answer, but was attacked and killed by Baihu suddenly.

A white light flashed, and the head of the fifth elder was exploded into a blood mist, which stunned the other six people, and the fifth elder at the early stage of the sky level died like this.

"It's great, this is the power of the peak of the heavenly rank. I didn't even dare to think that I would have this power one day." Baihu saw that he killed the warriors in the early days of the heavenly rank so easily, he couldn't help but get excited. .

"Father, what to do, we may not be its opponents!"

Zhao Guanghe stared at the white tiger vigilantly, to prevent the white tiger from making another move, and asked his father next to him in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of? We still have our ancestors in the dark. Once it reveals a flaw, it will die." Zhao Rixian said in a low voice while guarding Bai Hu with the same vigilance.

"Sorry, a bit of uncontrollable strength, killed all of you. But don't worry, he won't die in vain, I will send you down to accompany him." Bai Hu was ready to start with Zhao Rixian and the others.

"Wait, we want to know why the Venerable had to act on our Zhao family, where did our Zhao family offend the three major mountains?" Zhao Rixian asked without understanding.

"It's my business if you don't offend the three major mountains. I've already left the three major mountains. Why do you do it to you? It's because I like it." Bai Hu sneered.

"Sir, you are so unscrupulous, you are not afraid of being besieged by human powers."

Zhao Rixian and the others heard that this heavenly beast had separated from the three mountain ranges, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It would be best if they didn't have the support of forces, so that they would have no worries about this heavenly beast.

"Of course I'm afraid of besieging me. The premise is that they can find me. Today, you Zhao family I will be destroyed. It is useless for anyone to come, I said." Bai Hu thought of the strength of its owner, and it began to tremble.

"The six of us should be able to use the formation to contend against him for a period of time. If it reveals a flaw, the ancestors can stealthily attack and kill."

"It really doesn't work. We can also win it with the price paid by our ancestors."

"As long as we can win it, today's loss is nothing. Maybe our Zhao family will become the first of the eight martial arts families in the future." Zhao Rixian said with full of desire in his eyes.

"If you don't go, then I'm not polite, let me die." White lightning flashed all over the body of Bai Hu and attacked Zhao Rixian and the others.

"Go on, trap it with a formation."

Zhao Rixian and the others knew that their own strength was weaker than this heavenly beast, and they used their formations to compete with this heavenly beast for a period of time. Their real killer was their ancestor.


As soon as Zhao Rixian and the others came into contact with Bai Hu, their expressions changed again. They found that their imagination was too good, but they had overlooked how strong this heavenly peak alien beast was.

A lightning giant tiger claw formed by the vitality of the world, instantly slapped one of Zhao Rixian violently.

That person was only the early days of the heavenly rank. Even with the help of the formation, he was slapped by the giant tiger claws and flew out into the ruins of the Zhao family below within two seconds.

"You are weak"

At this moment, the White Tiger finally discovered that its owner was not only as simple as improving its cultivation base, but its physical fitness, talent, and even potential were all improved or changed by its owner.

Bai Hu felt the constant power from his body. It was almost certain that he was absolutely capable of competing with the eighteen monsters on the top of the list. As for whether it was right or not, it would be known after the comparison.

"Ancestor, do it quickly, we can't stop it anymore."

Zhao Rixian felt that the white tiger in front of him was not as simple as an ordinary celestial peak alien beast. No matter how strong an ordinary celestial peak alien beast was, there was a limit.

But this celestial peak strange beast made him not feel the limit, all he felt was fear.

This is probably the king of a heavenly peak alien beast. ..

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