Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 969: Go to war

Zheng Family

"Old, my lord is not good, Miss and the others were ambushed by the Song family, waiting for people near us to arrive at the scene for rescue."

"The young lady has been taken away by the Song family. Elder Hua died in battle. Elder Ping was seriously injured and entered a state of suspended animation before she escaped." The housekeeper Zheng ran into Zheng Qinghai's study in a panic and said anxiously.

"What, Xiaoying was taken away by the Song family."

When Zheng Qinghai, who was practicing calligraphy, heard this, his face suddenly shook, and the brush in his hand also left a heavy stroke on the white paper.

"Song Pifu, you are looking for death. Let all the Zheng family warriors gather and follow me to destroy the Song family." Zheng Qinghai ordered angrily.

"Yes, master" the steward led the order to go down to summon the martial artist.

"Wait, let a few people take the young master to leave Dunan City from the secret road. If he doesn't want to leave, he will be taken away forcibly." Zheng Qinghai still had his children taken away from Dunan City just in case.

"Yes, sir"

In a short while, all the Zheng family warriors were summoned in the Zheng family compound.

"Zheng Jia Lang, I believe you are ready for this day, I won't say any encouragement, one word "kill"." Zheng Qinghai raised his sword in front of the thousands of children of the Zheng family and shouted.




All the Zheng family's children shouted magnificently.

"Okay, let me go. Today we will destroy the Song family." Zheng Qinghai waved and led everyone to the Song family.

The news of the battle between the Song family and the Zheng family spread across the entire Dunan city in an instant. The attitudes of all the people who crossed the Nancheng were different. Some people were excited that the Song and Zheng family was finally going to be divided.

Some people are afraid that the battle between the Song and Zheng family will affect them. There are also those watching the show and those who want to stay far away.

At this moment, the streets around Song's house were quiet, without a single figure, as if the residents near Song's house had expected this day.

Once there is a turmoil, they either shut their doors behind closed doors or stay away. They don't want to be affected by the killings of the Song family and the Zheng family.

"Master, ahead is the scene where the little girl was looted by the Song family!"

The whole Dunancheng was going crazy about the battle between the Song family and the Zheng family. Of course Huang Jianzhi heard it too, but he ran to watch the show in no hurry. He wanted to see what happened to the stupid donkey he sent out.

When he saw a familiar corpse in the ruins of the fighting, he sighed. Isn't that the stupid donkey who has been with him for more than a month?

"Master, judging from the wound, this donkey was hacked to death at will." Xuanniao said, watching the wound on the donkey.

"Stupid donkey, stupid donkey, are you so despised by others? Someone just hacked you to death." Huang Jianzhi's expression was abnormally calm, and no one could see what he was thinking.

"I thought I was looking for a good house for you, but as soon as I sent you out, you died. This is hitting me in the face."

Huang Jianzhi waved his hand at the corpse of the stupid donkey, and the corpse of the stupid donkey disappeared.

"Song family? Even stupid donkeys are not pleasing to the eye, so I stab, do I still need a reason to kill!" Huang Jianzhi walked in the direction of the Song family.

The white tiger and the black bird quietly followed their owner without doing anything, because they knew that someone was going to suffer.

At this moment, the Song family and the Zheng family are facing each other across two streets.

"Song Pifu, hand over my daughter, otherwise your Song family will be destroyed." Zheng Xiaohai shouted angrily at the opposite Song Zhongtian.

"Old thief Zheng, why don't you let it go? If I don't let it go, what can you do?" Song Zhongtian said with joking expression in his eyes.

"Song Pifu, it's not a misfortune for his wife and children, you are not afraid to lose the face of your Song family by doing this." Zheng Qinghai said with restrained anger.

"No harm to my wife and children, at the moment my son was killed by you, will you talk to me about it!"

"Old thief Zheng, it is either your Zheng family's death or our Song family's death in Dunancheng. Today's battle is inevitable."

"Do you want to know how your daughter is now? I'll tell you. Your daughter is now locked under the dungeon by me."

"But there are more than a dozen vicious dogs outside of your daughter's dungeon that I have been hungry for a few days. After a stick of incense, the door to your daughter's cell will open on its own initiative."

"Guess what the vicious dog that had been hungry for a few days would do to your daughter? I forgot to tell you. I usually feed those vicious dogs with raw meat." Song Zhongtian showed crazy evil on his face. laugh.

"Song Pifu, you **** it, give it all to me, kill this group of scumbags for me."

Zheng Qinghai thought that his daughter was only seven or eight years old and was locked up in the dungeon to face a group of vicious dogs looking at him. He couldn't even think of this scene.

He just wants to rescue his daughter immediately and directly issue the order of a full-scale attack.


Many of the Zheng family's children saw the Patriarch's order to attack, and their accumulating hatred broke out and rushed towards the Song family.

Song Zhongtian launched a general attack as soon as he saw his opponent, and he didn't panic, and waved his hand to let the Song family greet him.

In an instant, the two families who had been grieving for a long time were torn together, and both of them wanted to kill each other, and the tricks used were fatal.

"Zheng Qinghai, what are you waiting for? The time for a stick of incense will soon pass. While waiting, you may have to dig out your daughter's body from the belly of the evil dog." Song Zhongtian sneered, unbridled provocation. To Zheng Qinghai.

"Call your helper out, otherwise you can't take the initiative to initiate a war." Zheng Qinghai clenched the handle of the knife and forced himself to calm down, staring at Song Zhongtian with cold eyes.

"It's still discovered, Brother Ding, come out. This old fox is too vigilant, and it's impossible to sneak an attack." Song Zhongtian cast his eyes to a dark place, his tone showing a trace of pity.

"Brother Song, I regret now that I promised to help you." Ding Yang walked out of the dark and said.

"It's you, Ding Yang."

When Zheng Qinghai saw that Song Zhongtian's assistant was Ding Yang, his expression changed slightly, and he turned out to be the thirteenth place ranking.

Although Ding Yang's ranking is three places lower than his, his strength is similar to him, especially in a horizontal training, he almost defeated his sword by more than half.

Zheng Qinghai's expression was a bit hideous. Song Zhongtian could have suffered by himself. If Ding Yang was added, he was almost unsure of winning.

But he can't retreat now. Once he retreats, it doesn't mean that his daughter will die. Even if he brings thousands of Zheng family children, he will die. Now he can only bet on his life.

"Ding Yang, what benefits did he give you, you actually helped him?" Zheng Qinghai asked gravely.

"It's no good, but I owe it to others!" Ding Yang said calmly, looking at Zheng Qinghai.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, Zheng Qinghai, you also call out the helper you invited." Song Zhongtian said to Zheng Qinghai indifferently.

"What helper?" Zheng Qinghai became curious. When did he ask for a helper, he didn't know why.

"Also quibble, I sent someone out of the city to kill your children, who stopped him, dare you say that he is not your helper!"..

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