Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 973: Apprentice

"Come here, take him away."

Zheng Qinghai glanced at Song Zhongtian who was dying. He was not in a hurry to deal with Song Zhongtian now and let him drag Song Zhongtian away from the ground.

"Mr. Huang, is my daughter okay!"

Zheng Qinghai saw the elder holding his daughter over, and quickly checked his daughter's condition and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I was a little frightened, but the problem is not big, she seems to be waking up." Huang Jianzhi reminded.

"Well, what's wrong with me, father, brother, why are you here?"

Zheng Xiaoying, who had recovered, seemed to have forgotten her situation in the dungeon, looking at her father curiously and they asked.

"Mr. Huang, my daughter, she,," Zheng Qinghai asked Huang Jianzhi bewilderedly, feeling that something was wrong with his daughter.

"May be scared, the brain chose to block a certain memory."

Huang Jianzhi did not say that he erased Zheng Xiaoying's fearful memory of facing a vicious dog.

"That's fine, I'm still worried that Xiaoying will be affected badly." Zheng Qinghai said with a sigh of relief.

"I remember now, Grandpa Ping and Grandpa Hua are trying to protect me, they...," Zheng Xiaoying remembered the memories before, her eyes started to redden slowly.

"Little Ying, elder Ping did not die. He was just seriously injured and fell into a state of suspended animation. Now he is out of danger."

"After a while, when Elder Ping recovers from his injury, he will be able to come back to accompany you." Zheng Qinghai rubbed his daughter's head to comfort him.

"Really, Grandpa Ping is really not dead. Father, you won't lie to me."

Zheng Xiaoying held back the tears in her eyes and looked at her father suspiciously.

"Miss, what the Patriarch said is true. Elder Ping is no longer a problem. When Elder Ping recovers from his injury, he will be able to come back to accompany you, Miss!" The elder next to him smiled.

"Great, Grandpa Ping is okay, it's just that grandpa," Zheng Xiaoying lowered her head, but it was inevitable that she felt sad.

"Xiaoying, don't be sad, you see, the Song family has been wiped out by us, and we have embraced enemies for Elder Hua," Zheng Qinghai was still comforting his little daughter.

"Brother, I'm sorry, the donkey quilt you gave me..."

Zheng Xiaoying was comforted by his father for a while, and she calmed down slightly. Seeing Huang Jianzhi next to her, she thought of the donkey and sadly apologized to Huang Jianzhi.

"The donkey is not dead, what do you see over there?"

Huang Jianzhi smiled and pointed to the end of the street. At the end, there was a donkey looking stupidly around, as if he was watching there is food to eat.

"It's a donkey, big brother, is it true? Is it the donkey you gave me before!" Zheng Xiaoying said dubiously.

"You'll know if you go up and check it."

Zheng Xiaoying seemed to be waiting for Huang Jianzhi's words. As soon as Huang Jianzhi's voice fell, Zheng Xiaoying trot to the donkey.

Zheng Qinghai next to Huang Jianzhi looked a little curious. The scene of his daughter's accident had already been checked by his men. Except for Elder Ping who was seriously injured and put into suspended animation, Elder Hua and the donkey were already dead.

Where did this donkey come from? Could it be that Mr. Huang bought the donkey again to comfort his daughter?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. It seemed that he had to help Mr. Huang cover up when necessary, after all, it was for his daughter.

"It's really the donkey that my elder brother gave me before, but I remember clearly that the donkey's neck should have been chopped off, how come there are no traces of it now."

After checking it again, Zheng Xiaoying determined that this was the donkey that her elder brother had given her before, but she was surprised that the wound on the donkey body was gone.

"It may be that you were too nervous to read it wrong at that time. This donkey may have been stunned by someone with a knife back. When I arrived at the scene, it woke up and followed me here." Huang Jianzhi's face was not red and heartbeat. Said.

"Really? Did I read it wrong?" Zheng Xiaoying had doubts about herself.

"Xiaoying, you read it wrong. When you had an accident, people near us rushed to the scene to rescue, but when you rushed to the scene, you had been taken away by the Song family."

"Only Elder Ping in suspended animation and Elder Hua who died in battle are left at the scene, plus a comatose donkey."

"Our people thought that the unconscious donkey was the unlucky animal that passed by and was stunned by the aftermath of the battle. Our people didn't care about the donkey and only brought back the corpses of Elder Ping and Elder Hua."

"Xiaoying, you might be too nervous at the time, and it is normal to read it wrong." Zheng Qinghai thought that Huang Jianzhi had come to comfort his daughter, so he chose to lie.

"Maybe I was wrong, as long as the donkey is not injured."

When Zheng Xiaoying heard her father say so, she thought that she might be too nervous and misunderstood.

"I'm sleepy, go back to sleep first!" Huang Jianzhi saw that nothing happened to him here, turned around and left.

Zheng Qinghai looked at Huang Jianzhi's back and stopped talking. Finally, he sighed and said nothing.

"Big brother, thank you..." Zheng Xiaoying shouted to Huang Jianzhi's back without so much worries.

The corner of Huang Jianzhi's mouth was slightly raised, without stopping, he raised his hand and shook his shoulder a few times before leaving.

"The Song family was killed by Mr. Huang. Although the donkey was given to Xiaoying by Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang attaches great importance to this donkey."

"From now on, this donkey can enter and exit anywhere in Zheng's mansion at will, and a prefecture-level expert will be sent to protect the safety of this donkey." Zheng Qinghai looked at the donkey in thought for a moment, and said to the elder behind him.


The elder replied.

It didn't take long for the Song family to be destroyed by the Zheng family spread throughout the entire Dunan City, and the residents of Dunan City also knew that they had arrived at a strong celestial level.

This news is still spreading out of the city at a rapid speed, as for the reaction of the forces receiving this news is unknown.

Residents who crossed the South City thought that the Zheng family was about to take off. They didn't talk about destroying the Song family, and even caught up with the Heavenly Powerhouse. After going to the South City, the Zheng family had the final say.

Huang Jianzhi ignored the excitement outside and continued to stay in the inn room for three or four days.

"Get up, it's useless for you to kneel, I won't accept you as a disciple."

Huang Jianzhi glanced at Zheng Xiaoying, who was having fun with cats, and Zheng Liangcai, who was kneeling on the ground, and continued to gnaw sunflower seeds slowly.

"Senior, if I can bear hardships and stand hard work, just accept me."

Zheng Liangcai was shocked when he learned that Huang Jianzhi was a powerhouse of heaven. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to worship Huang Jianzhi as his teacher.

Huang Jianzhi didn't speak, and went forward to directly mention Zheng Liangcai, threw it out, and closed the door.

"Poor brother, this is the first time!"

Zheng Xiaoying slapped the fat cat and saw that her brother was thrown out again, but she did not respond, as if she had become used to it.

"You give me out too."

The next second, Zheng Xiaoying was also thrown out by Huang Jianzhi. ..

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