Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 978: Magic sect

"How about being passive, the court is not afraid of the king for a day or two. The court is so anxious to take action on the lotus, I am afraid that the ancestor in the deep palace will soon be unable to hold on." Li Huaye said with a glint in his eyes. .

"Father, you mean,," Li Haoyuan's eyes were slightly startled when he heard it, and his tone became a little alarming.

"Well, the court is afraid that after the ancestor, the top pillar, falls, the world will be completely chaotic, so the court is anxious to eliminate the most unstable factor of the Lotus Fair."

"But the imperial court thought that if the lotus meeting was destroyed, the world would be stable. This is simply wishful thinking. Once the ancestors fall, who will take the imperial court to heart." Li Huaye shook his head and sneered.

"But Father, the court actually set a trap to wait for the lotus club people to enter the set. There must be a lot of masters secretly arranged. Can the people we send to rescue Huang Jianjie?" Li Haoyuan asked with some worry.

"I send someone to save people is the second, and circumventing the game is my real goal!" Li Huaye said.

"Detour? Is it because the father is worried that the court will beat Lianhua into a serious injury, and turn around to deal with us!" Li Haoyuan instantly understood the meaning of Li Huaye's words.

"Yes, there are too many forces that can make the court jealous, but the most threatening to the court is the Lotus Club and our Pingxi Mansion."

"So the court definitely wants to take the ancestor's breath before annihilating the Lotus Club and taking our military power."

"In order to prevent the court from having the energy to deal with us, Lianhua will not be severely injured by the court, so we have to go around the game."

"If the circumvention is unsuccessful, you can save Huang Jianjie back. One is for your sister, the other is for the yin and yang box on him, and the third is because of Huang Jianjie's eldest brother Huang Jianzhi." Li Huaye said calmly.

"Father, I understand the yin and yang box, but what's wrong with Huang Jianjie, even if his talent is so enchanting, what can't the late-stage martial artist alone help us?" Li Haoyuan looked at his father curiously.

"He can't help us much now, but in the future! With his talent, he will soon be on the top of the list. The imperial court is because the third ancestor of the top of the list has been stable in the world for hundreds of years."

"We also need the help of the strong on the sky list, but the strong on the sky list are all because they are afraid of the ancestors in the palace, so they dare to form an alliance with us."

"So we need someone who can make it to the top of the list. Huang Jianjie's eldest brother is the best candidate."

"It's actually easy to bring Huang Jianjie's eldest brother to our camp. Doesn't your sister like Huang Jianjie."

"Marry your sister to Huang Jianjie. Huang Jian is very grateful. In all likelihood, he will take the Yin and Yang box as a betrothal gift. In this way, we will not only get the Yin and Yang box, but also be joined by the strongest in the future."

"This is a business that does not lose money. When the ancestors die, with our strength, we may not be uncontested in this world." Li Huaye said domineeringly.

"Father, this is indeed a business that does not lose money, but it is also very risky. Once people in the world know that Huang Jianjie was rescued by us."

"All the forces will stare at us, and we will probably be unable to do anything." Li Haoyuan still showed a trace of worry.

"Don't worry, Huang Jianjie asked, on the day of slashing, there must be a lot of people who fished in troubled waters. People who must have found us were also involved. Look at it, that day will definitely be very lively." Li Huaye laughed haha.

Li Haoyuan saw that his father had arranged everything, and felt okay, so he said goodbye to his father and retreated.

"Da,,, sir, are you Mr. Huang?" Suddenly a little beggar came to Huang Jianzhi with a timid expression.

"I am, what are you looking for?"

Huang Jianzhi randomly scanned the people around him and didn't feel anything unusual. He bowed his head and wondered if the little beggar was looking for him.

"Mr. Huang, someone asked me to give you this letter." The little beggar carefully handed Huang Jianzhi a letter.

"Who asked you to give this letter to me?" Huang Jianzhi did not accept the letter, but asked calmly.

"Yes, it was a masked man who asked the villain to give it to you." The little beggar did not dare to face Huang Jianzhi, his tone trembling.

"He asked you to give me this letter, what did he say?"

"No, I didn't say anything, just let the villain give you the letter."

"You go"

Huang Jianzhi felt his sister's breath on the letter, and took the letter at will, letting the little beggar leave.

Seeing that Huang Jianzhi had accepted the letter, the little beggar hurried into the crowd and disappeared.

Huang Jianzhi didn't rush to open the letter when he got the letter. He just sat down at an inn and ordered a few dishes before slowly opening the letter.

"Master, who wrote this letter? What is written in the letter?" Xuanniao asked curiously.

"The letter written by my fourth sister is to persuade me not to go to the robbing field, saying that it is a trap for the court to deal with the lotus society and me."

"It seems that I have been too much in the limelight, and I have been hated." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Master, the court is tired of life. Asking Master's brother if he doesn't say, he still dared to deal with you, master, or else, let's overthrow the court." Baihu Voice Transmission said with enthusiasm.

"If I wanted to overthrow them, I would overthrow it a long time ago, so why wait until now. Keeping them is just for my two stupid brothers."

"Isn't the second brother serving as an official for the people, but his official position is too small. With his luck, I think the position of the emperor is suitable for him. After this tragedy, the second brother should also become an official."

"The third brother! It's the righteous demon way again. Except for the position of the martial arts leader, there is really no other position suitable for him."

"The fourth sister will marry honestly. With the second brother of the emperor and the third brother of the martial arts leader, who would dare to bully her." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Master, what about you?"

When Xuanniao saw that the master had arranged his younger brothers and sisters, he wondered what position the master had arranged for itself.

"What else can I do? With such awesome two younger brothers, I just need to call six six six six behind them." Huang Jianzhi said with his big white teeth showing his thumb.

Xuanniao and Baihu glanced at each other. They were inexplicably tired. With such a salted fish owner, what can they do.

"Let's go, there is still a long time before they complete these goals. This period of time belongs to me, and it is enough for me to smooth the sound of the world."

Huang Jianzhi also has a martial arts dream, which was when he was a child. Now that he has come to a world similar to martial arts, he does not realize his childhood dream of martial arts.

Magic sect

"If you want the deity to send someone to save your second brother, it's okay. The condition is that after you rescue your second brother, you have to ask your second brother to give us the yin and yang box."

The demon cult leader Wang Junsheng looked at Huang Jianchen who was brought into his training room by his daughter without any fluctuations in his eyes and said.


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