Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 987: King Kong is not bad

"Shut up"

Ding Songkun heard the ridicule in Lin Changyu's words and couldn't help but furious, staring at Lin Changyu with fierce light in his eyes.

"Why, isn't it right, I am more than 700 years old, I have not had a few years to live, and I am a dying old man."

"You seem to be more than four hundred years old and belong to the prime of life. Killing me is not the reason why I am old and ranked lower than you!" Lin Changyu continued mockingly.

"Hmph, is it useful to stimulate me? Today you can't escape death."

Ding Songkun didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with Lin Changyu, the power in his body suddenly exploded, and the surrounding heaven and earth vitality exploded.

The surrounding people eating melons all felt an almost suffocating feeling of oppression crushing over, and this feeling made them think that the sky was about to collapse.

Their fearful mentality kept them backing away, and they were afraid of being affected by the battle. After all, it was not the ordinary heavenly powerhouses who were fighting, but the monsters on the sky list.

The eyes of Master Liu Guicheng of Fire God Palace and Master Baode of Lingbao Temple also looked at Ding Songkun in surprise. They used to think that they were not far from the strongest in the sky.

But only by feeling the oppressive feeling from Ding Songkun did they know how naive their previous thoughts were. What the difference is not much, this is simply a sky and an underground.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, behind Ding Songkun, a huge golden-yellow phantom resembling a magical form slowly formed. The phantom was five or six meters high, with a hideous complexion, like a demon.


The formed phantom roared to Lin Changyu, the sound wave made the surrounding houses slightly shook, and most of the people eating melon couldn't help covering their ears.

"What a powerful martial art, it seems that it won't work if you don't work hard today."

Lin Changyu saw the face of Ding Songkun behind him, his face became extremely dignified, and he did not dare to lift it up.

As soon as the power in the body turned, a huge magical aspect also formed behind him, but his magical aspect was about one meter shorter than Ding Songkun's.

"Lin Changyu, today is your death date, take the move..."

Ding Songkun's skin also turned golden yellow, and his whole body roared to Lin Changyu. A punch directly blasted towards Lin Changyu's face, the gesture behind him was the same as Ding Songkun's movements, and the huge shadow of the fist blasted towards Lin Changyu.


Lin Changyu's eyes condensed, and he slapped Ding Songkun with one palm together, the moment his fist collided with his palm. The sonic boom and the violent wind spread to the surrounding four abusers, and the people in the entire Tongzhou city heard the sound of collision.

"I'm not dead, I don't think you still have the strength to head-to-head with me, but I see how long you can hold on."

Ding Songkun saw that Lin Changyu, who ranked lower than his third, had the strength to confront him head-on. This made him a little surprised, but it was only a little surprised, after all, this was not his full strength.

Lin Changyu's face of playing cards makes it hard to see what he is thinking. But only he knew that there was a slight tingling in his palm.

Seeing Ding Songkun's chaotic fists, he concentrated on the next move. He knows that Ding Songkun is powerful, and once a flaw is revealed, he will undoubtedly die.

He had thought of fleeing, but he knew that Ding Songkun would not let him escape. He can't fight Ding Songkun in a protracted battle. With his physical condition, he must be the one who loses in a protracted battle.

Therefore, he must do his best to injure Ding Songkun in a short time to force him back, or find out the door on Ding Songkun's body.


Lin Changyu saw that Ding Songkun was only attacking but not defensive, relying on the indestructible body of the King Kong, which made him feel happy, and a palm blasted Ding Songkun's chest and heart, and this palm hit directly.

Ding Songkun was shocked two steps by Lin Changyu, frowning, and glanced down at the shirt that was blown by Lin Changyu.

"Do you know that this dress is my favorite, you actually shocked it, you completely angered me, I want you to die."

Ding Songkun's strength increased again, and he blasted Lin Changyu with a punch. Lin Changyu quickly closed his arms to block him, but he was still blown out by Ding Songkun's tremendous strength.

Lin Changyu stopped his body, his face became heavier, he felt Ding Songkun's strength increased.

Seeing Ding Songkun rushed up again, he decided to face Ding Songkun's attack, hiding if he could, not hiding.

"Coward, I'm afraid, I dare not block my attack." Ding Songkun laughed.

Lin Changyu ignored Ding Songkun's ridicule, and led Ding Songkun into the house group. Taking advantage of the obstacles of the house group, while avoiding Ding Songkun's attack, he tried to find the door on Ding Songkun's body.


Ding Songkun looked at the houses too in the way, and blasted directly towards the houses with a fist. The strong fist wind instantly shattered the houses on the street in front of Ding Songkun.

Ding Songkun saw that the effect was pretty good, and continued to blast towards the surrounding houses. It didn't take long for Ding Songkun's houses to disappear within four or five miles.

The surrounding melon-eating people were so scared to say that Ding Songkun was so simple and rude. They cleared all the houses in a radius of four or five miles with a few punches. The damage turned out to be too terrifying.


Lin Changyu hit Ding Songkun's chest and heart with another palm that was not very defensive, and the huge force shook Ding Songkun back by two steps.

Lin Changyu, who succeeded in one blow, immediately exited, but he saw no painful expression on Ding Songkun's face, and his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment.

"Don't waste your energy. You have attacked me no less than three times. I don't know your plan yet."

"Even if I let you attack here ten times, a hundred times, you can't hurt me half a point." Ding Songkun pointed his finger at his heart and said to Lin Changyu with a sneer.

"I don't believe you don't have a door."

Lin Changyu's physical condition did not allow him to fight a protracted battle. There was no way, he had to take the initiative to attack, and the whole person turned into lightning and rushed towards Ding Songkun.

Ding Songkun saw Lin Changyu take the initiative to attack him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. This time he didn't fight back, letting Lin Changyu attack, he wanted to make Lin Changyu feel desperate.

Lin Changyu saw Ding Songkun's intention not to fight back, and without a trace of hesitation, he patted Ding Songkun's body with his palm.



Nowhere, he wandered around Ding Songkun's body, his palms turned into afterimages and densely attacked Ding Songkun's body.

But every palm banged on Ding Songkun's body like it was on metal, and the sound of metal collision was heard.

Ding Songkun didn't believe that Lin Changyu had the ability to break his defense, but Lin Changyu's strength was not small, making his body shake.


The attacking Lin Changyu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he directly exploded several times the force to Ding Songkun's back. Ding Songkun was directly blown out by this powerful force and smashed into the distant ruins.

"This, how is this possible."

Ding Songkun, who came out of the ruins, wiped the corners of his mouth and was stunned when he saw the blood on his fingers. He was actually injured.

"It seems that I am still old."

Lin Changyu saw that Ding Songkun was not seriously injured, so he sighed and had to accept his old age, his physical strength and strength decreased. ..

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