Wei Huawei was stunned. He glanced at his palm and then at the bottomless abyss. His heart was shocked. He didn't notice someone hiding so close near Huang Jianchen.

What made him panic was that he recognized that it was the daughter of the Supreme God Sect Sect Master who had blocked his blow for Huang Jianchen. With his power, Chen Yuelan was probably going to be more fortunate.

Because of this, once Chen Jingmu of Extreme Shenzong knows that his precious daughter was smashed off the cliff by him, the court may not be able to keep him, and will obediently hand him over.

Wei Huawei panicked for a while, sensing that there was no one around him, and he was slightly relieved. No one should have seen him knock Chen Jingmu's daughter off the cliff.

Seeing the bottomless abyss, he decided to go down and take a look at the situation. If he hadn't seen the bodies of Huang Jianchen and Chen Yuelan with his own eyes, he would not be able to feel at ease.

Neither of them can live, and if he lives one, his life may be in danger. Chen Yuelan must destroy the corpse. If something happened unexpectedly, then do it cleanly.

Just as he was about to fly towards the cliff abyss, he suddenly frowned, and he felt a few heavy heavenly peak powerhouse aura quickly approaching.

"Wei Huawei, you are looking for death," a voice roared angrily.

Wei Huawei was taken aback, because he saw that it was the powerhouses of the Supreme God Sect who rushed forward, and saw the angry expressions of these powerhouses.

Obviously he already knew that it was he who drove their lord's precious daughter down the cliff abyss. Although he was curious how they knew, the current situation does not allow him to think so much.

He didn't hesitate at all, and ran straight away. As for the future, let's talk about it later, now he just wants to survive.

"Elder Wen, don't chase, he can run, the monk can't run to the temple, we still go down to find the young lady and them, I hope the young lady is okay." Elder Bai looked at the cliff abyss and slowly clenched his fist and said.

They reported back from tracking Huang Jianchen's dark eyes, saying that the young lady suddenly appeared, making the hidden dark eyes too late to react. The young lady blocked Wei Huawei's attack for Huang Jianchen and fell into the abyss with Huang Jianchen.

Looking at the bottomless abyss, the young lady was attacked by a strong heavenly powerhouse, and the probability of surviving was almost impossible, but they still embraced the young lady and Huang Jianchen and the lucky ones.

"Damn, we are still a step late, Fengqing, don't worry, your sister will definitely be fine, I will take you down now." After Elder Wen finished speaking, he took Chen Fengqing and flew down the cliff abyss.

"Fortunately, I didn't catch up, but..."

Wei Huawei saw that the Supreme God Sect's powerhouse did not catch up, and his heart relaxed. However, thinking that the Supreme God Sect already knew that he had driven their sovereign treasure daughter down the cliff and abyss, he suddenly became flustered. Now he can only trust the court. Can save him.

"Sorry, this way is blocked." Huang Jianzhi suddenly appeared to block Wei Huawei's path.

"It's you, Huang Jianzhi!"

The moment Wei Huawei saw Huang Jianzhi, his heart was overjoyed. He knew that Huang Jianzhi was one of the goals of the court. As long as he captured Huang Jianzhi back, the court would have given him enough credit.

"Master, that idiot seems to treat you as prey." Xuanniao saw Wei Huawei's plan.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you rush into it, Huang Jianzhi, you are really a life-saving talisman given to me by God." After Wei Huawei finished speaking, he rushed to Huang Jianzhi.

"Ignorant people are really pitiful." Bai Hu saw Wei Huawei rushing towards Huang Jianzhi, feeling a little pitiful in his heart.


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Under the cliff

"Big Brother, I found Miss and them, they are all alive."

A certain disciple of the Extreme Shenzong found two people lying not far away with a faint aura, and excitedly shouted to Chen Fengqing and the others.

As soon as Elder Wen and the others heard the good news, their faces were joyful, and they rushed over in an instant, saw Huang Jianchen and Chen Yuelan in a coma, and quickly checked their physical condition.

"It's a miracle. Huang Jianchen fell from such a high cliff. His body was not at all handicapped, but his internal organs were seriously injured and there was no life threatening." After checking Huang Jianchen's physical condition, Elder Bai exclaimed a little.

"Elder Wen, how is my sister's situation?"

Chen Fengqing's face sank directly after seeing Elder Wen inspecting his sister's condition, which made him instantly nervous, and asked anxiously.

"Elder Bai, come here quickly and use your cultivation vitality to protect the young lady's heart." Elder Wen didn't answer Chen Fengqing's words, and quickly called the Elder Bai on the side to come over.

When Elder Bai heard this, he instantly came to Chen Yuelan's side and protected Chen Yuelan's heart with his special techniques.

"Elder Wen, Elder Bai, what's the situation with my sister?" Chen Fengqing asked very anxiously.

"The young lady's situation is very serious. Fortunately, we found the young lady in time. If a few minutes later, I'm afraid Daluo God will not be able to save her.

"Although there is Elder Bai protecting the young lady's heart, the young lady will be fine in a short time, but the young lady has not really escaped the danger of her life."

"We must return to the sect and let the master take action to stabilize the young lady's injury." Elder Wen turned his head to Chen Fengqing after seeing Chen Yuelan exhaling smoothly.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go back quickly!" Chen Feng said impatiently.

"Don't panic, Elder Bai is here, we have enough time to return to the sect. But when I checked the young lady's physical condition, I found a problem. You have to be mentally prepared!" Elder Wen said solemnly.

"Elder Wen, what else is going on with my sister?" Chen Fengqing asked nervously again.

"The young lady fell from such a high cliff, her legs were already shattered with bone fractures, and the meridians of the lower waist also fell. I am afraid that she will only be able to lie on the bed or sit in a wheelchair for a lifetime." Elder Wen's expression was complicated. Said.

"What, this,,,"

Chen Fengqing clenched his fists and looked at his sister distressedly. The uncomfortable feeling in his heart could not be described in words.

"Huang Jianchen, you are such a wolf-hearted thing, because my sister treats you like this. You let my sister be like this, I really want to kill you."

Chen Fengqing saw Huang Jianchen who was in a coma next to him, and wondered if his sister was desperate to protect Huang Jianchen during the fall, so that Huang Jianchen fell from such a high place without any disability.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. The more he looked at Huang Jianchen, the more unhappy he was. Seeing that his sister would suffer such pain in the future, he even had the idea of ​​killing Huang Jianchen.

"It's okay, you kill him, I'll just look at it and don't speak."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away, attracting Chen Fengqing and their attention.

"Huang, Huang Jianzhi,..."

When they saw Huang Jianzhi smiling and dragging Wei Huawei, who was still breathing, from not far away, they all lost their voices. ..

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