Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 997: Reactions from all sides

Wuming City, the first Xie Wuming, after reading the martial arts list on the desktop, his eyes flashed with shock, and he did not expect Huang Jianzhi to be such a wicked evildoer.

The number one in the double list before has attracted the attention of people all over the world, even he is paying attention to Huang Jianzhi, and he even has the desire to accept Huang Jianzhi as an apprentice.

However, it was only half a month ago that the martial arts list was updated because of Huang Jianzhi, easily defeating Ding Songkun, and was promoted to seventh place on the list, which Xie Wuming never expected.

"When I first saw him number one in the double list, I thought it would be a shame not to accept him as a disciple because this junior has such a talent. But thinking about it now, my thoughts at that time were a bit redundant."

Xie Wuming saw that Huang Jianzhi was only twenty-five years old when he was on the top ranking list, which made him really have to be convinced. When he was twenty-five years old, he was not as strong as Huang Jianzhi.

"I have been invincible for a long time. Almost no one can let me fight as much as I can. Now I have a hunch that he will be my opponent."

"No hurry, I have to hold it back. He is still weak now, and he has to give him some time to grow up, otherwise he is not my opponent." Xie Wuming forcibly endured the fighting spirit, but the excitement in his eyes has explained everything.

Kyoto Imperial Palace

"This,,, how is this possible, he is only twenty-five years old, how could he have such strength against the sky, Queen, do you think such enchantments are really allowed to exist in the world!"

After Li Jietao, the emperor of the Dajin Dynasty, got the information on the execution ground, he looked at his confidant in disbelief and asked.

"Your Majesty, Huang Jianzhi can't comment on how Huang Jianzhi is a concubine, but he killed the second prince and publicly said that he would challenge the ancestor. Now everyone in the world is waiting to see the court's statement." The queen thought and said.

"I wanted to use irrelevant bait to draw out the Lotus Club and Huang Jianzhi, and the Lotus Club was drawn out. But I didn't expect the other one to be a terrifying abyssal behemoth."

"The ancestors don't have much time left, and they must not accept Huang Jianzhi's challenge. Yuan'er is dead in vain, and we have to endure the humiliation and secretly send someone to negotiate with Huang Jianzhi to apologize and let Huang Jianzhi cancel the challenge."

Emperor Li Jietao did not hide a word from the queen, gritted his teeth and spoke out his decision. It doesn't matter if one son is dead, he still has a lot of sons anyway.

Now he needs to calm Huang Jianzhi's anger, after all, the court has vaguely been unable to control the world.

"Your Majesty, weren't there two or three top ranking players who were afraid that Huang Jianzhi would threaten them in the future and hoped that we would get rid of Huang Jianzhi."

"Now Huang Jianzhi is seventh on the top ranking list, how come they have not reacted at all." The queen asked curiously.

"Ding Songkun is one of them, but he has been beaten to death by Huang Jianzhi, and the remaining two can't even make the top ten in the top ten."

"It's too late for them to hide from Huang Jianzhi, so how can they provoke Huang Jianzhi." Emperor Li Jietao said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty, will Huang Jianzhi accept our apology? If he doesn't accept it, what shall we do?" the queen asked worriedly.

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. If he refuses, then my bargaining chips are not enough. I will add it until he agrees." The emperor said with squinting eyes.


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Pingxi Palace

"It's incredible, Huang Jianzhi turned out to be the seventh in the sky list." King Pingxi looked at the content on the martial arts list and said in shock.

"Father, now Huang Jianjie is in the hands of the Lotus Club, will Huang Jianjie be in danger?"

Li Hanfei also saw the content on the martial arts list. Although she shocked Huang Jianjie's eldest brother so terribly, she was pretending to be Huang Jianjie.

Knowing that Huang Jianjie was in the hands of the Lotus Meeting, she was delicate and anxious, very worried about Huang Jianjie's danger in the Lotus.

"Mayfair, rest assured, even if Huang Jianjie has the Yin-Yang box needed by the Lotus Club, the Lotus Club dare not hurt Huang Jianjie half a point, but they will treat Huang Jianjie politely."

"Because his eldest brother is the seventh in the rankings, Lianhua will be stupid and will not provoke Huang Jianzhi." Pingxi Wang Lin Huaye smiled.

"But Huang Jianjie is always worried at the Lotus Fair, Father, can we ask someone from the Lotus Fair?" Li Hanfei asked eagerly.

"This is a bit complicated, but you can try it, but I can't guarantee that Lotus will let people go," Li Huaye agreed after thinking about it.

Seeing her father's consent, Li Hanfei smiled and said a few words of thanks to her father, and then withdrew.

"Huang Jianjie was not very optimistic before, but now I have to re-evaluate him, who made him have such an enchanting brother." Lin Huaye sighed and said.

"Father, we want someone from the Lotus Club, I'm afraid,," Li Haoyuan saw that his sister was gone, so it was convenient for Li Haoyuan to say something.

"We have to try, this world will soon be in chaos, as long as Huang Jianjie and Mayfair get married, Huang Jianzhi will be tied to our battleship." Li Huaye said seriously.

"Left guardian, where is Huang Jianchen?" Wang Huanyu looked at Zuo guardian and they asked anxiously.

"Saint, Huang Jianchen, he,,, he is missing." Zuo Hufa Taiqi hesitated and said for a moment.

"What, missing, what's going on, isn't Huang Jianchen by your side? Why did you lose Huang Jianchen?" Wang Huanyu became anxious instantly.

"Holy Maiden, the situation at that time was too complicated. We were entangled by the people of Fire God Palace and Lingbao Temple, and we couldn't do without our bodies at all."

"After Huang Jianjie was rescued by the people from the Lotus Club, Huang Jianchen disappeared in the crowd."

"At that time, we thought that Huang Jianchen had withdrawn to the stronghold, and didn't pay much attention to it, but when we went back, we didn't see Huang Jianchen's trace.

"We searched the neighborhood for a long time and didn't find Huang Jianchen, so we had no choice but to come back and tell the saint you." Zuo Hufataiqi said.

"You, you guys, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and mobilize all the disciples to find Huang Jianchen." Wang Huanyu was so angry that he pointed to Zuo Fa and they shouted.

"But the saint, mobilizing the disciples of the saints must have an orally from the leader." Zuo Hufa reminded.

"The deity agrees, go, get Huang Jianchen back." At this time, the voice of the leader Wang Junsheng came over, but the figure of the leader Wang Junsheng was not seen at the scene.

"Thank you father," Wang Huanyu thanked his father happily, and took Zuo Hufa and the others to find someone.

"Seventh on the list, it's a terrifying talent..."

In the training room at this moment, Wang Junsheng had already stopped practicing, gradually narrowing his eyes to see the content on the martial arts list, no one knew what he was thinking.

Sanssouci Palace

"Master, you called me over, is it my second brother,,,"

Huang Yihan is always worried about her second brother's situation, but what can she do if she has lost her action. Until the moment when she was summoned to the main hall by the master, she knew that the result had come out.

She walked all the way in a panic. She was really scared and afraid that she would hear bad news, but she knew she couldn't hide it. Seeing the master in the hall, she tried to control her emotions and asked. ..

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