Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 14 Wave Spray

While thinking, Xu Ran stopped in front of his store.

After looking at the getting dark sky, he carried Ziyun into the store and said, "Let's have dinner together, that's all for today."

"Meow?" (Don't you want to train hard?)

Ziyun raised his head blankly, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Didn’t you agree to train hard and become stronger together?

"Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow." Xu Ran put Ziyun on the counter and stretched, "Go to bed early today."

Ziyun originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Xu Ran taking out the cat can, he fell silent for a moment.

Hmm... Let’s talk about the hard work tomorrow.


The moment Xu Ran opened the canned cat, Ziyun poked his head out expertly and swallowed a big mouthful of meat.

But then, its expression suddenly became a little strange.

Why does the cat think that the canned food he eats now is not as delicious as the one he eats for lunch?

"Doesn't it taste as good as lunch?" Seeing Ziyun's human expression, Xu Ran understood, "This is normal."

"On the one hand, you were very hungry at noon. Everything you eat tastes better when you are hungry. Now that you are not so hungry, it will naturally not be the case."

Ziyun nodded convincingly, feeling that the beastmaster's analysis made sense.

"But this is actually not the most important reason." Xu Ran paused slightly, "The most important reason is that you are not a cat now, but an extraordinary cat-like creature."

"As an extraordinary creature, you can exert great power, and naturally you need to consume more energy." Xu Ran rubbed Ziyun's head, "So ordinary canned cats can no longer satisfy your appetite."

"That's it for today. Tomorrow I will take you to buy some food suitable for pet beasts, as well as other things that pet beasts need."

"Meow~" (Okay!)

Ziyun nodded and took another bite of the canned cat.

Although the taste is not as good as before, with Xu Ran, everything tastes delicious!

Seeing Ziyun starting to cook, Xu Ran quickly walked to the small kitchen in the backyard of the store, quickly fried two side dishes, and served them with cooked rice as his own dinner.

Perhaps because he became a beast master and received Ziyun's feedback to strengthen his physique, Xu Ran's appetite also increased a lot. He was full after two bowls of rice before, but he was still full after eating four bowls tonight.

"Meow~" (I want to try it too!)

Ziyun, who had finished eating the canned cat, turned around and saw Xu Ran eating deliciously. He also took the initiative to join in, jumped onto the table with a light jump, and squatted obediently, looking at the dishes on the table eagerly.

"You can't..." Xu Ran wanted to say that there were some things in these dishes that cats couldn't eat. For example, the twice-cooked pork he stir-fried contained a lot of green onions, but then he thought about it. Ziyun was already an extraordinary creature, so it didn't seem to matter, "Then Try this!"

He picked up a piece of evenly fat and thin pork belly and handed it to Ziyun.

Ziyun took it in his mouth, tore it into pieces with his sharp canine teeth, and then swallowed it into his stomach in threes and twos. After savoring it for a while, he showed a satisfied look.

Although it is a bit salty for it, I feel very happy eating the same food as the beastmaster!

Seeing that Ziyun was happy to taste his handiwork, Xu Ran was in a good mood. He gave it another scrambled egg with chives to try, and finally fed it some rice.

Soon, one person and one pet ate all the food cooked by Xu Ran. After washing the dishes, Xu Ran walked up to the second floor with Ziyun in his arms.

The second floor of the pavilion is the living area. The system has not been modified and remains the same, preserving the original atmosphere of life.

Xu Ran walked into his room in a familiar manner, sat on the bed, and looked at the bookcase next to the bed.

There are many books related to beastmasters densely packed on the bookcase. These were bought by the original owner, but most of them are brand new, and it is obvious that they have not been read much since they were bought.

After searching for a while, Xu Ran pulled out a book called "Basics of Beast Control" and opened the first page.

Although he wanted to become a beast master after time travel, contracting his first pet beast so quickly was obviously beyond his plan.

He still needs to brush up on some knowledge about beast control.

When the system provides basic knowledge on pet care and pet care, although it will involve some knowledge about extraordinary creatures, the content is limited. If you want to systematically understand the basic knowledge related to beast control, you have to read books.

"It turns out that the top ten attributes are water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, light, darkness, super power, and fighting." Xu Ran muttered in a low voice, "The growth levels of pet beasts from low to high are Extraordinary level, elite level, leadership level..."

The originally unclear knowledge gradually became clear in Xu Ran's mind. The door to the world of beast control slowly opened in front of his eyes. Various magical legends made him intoxicated and obsessed.

Ziyun jumped up to the bedside lightly, looked at Xu Ran who was immersed in books, and then stepped silently from his waist to get into the quilt covering Xu Ran's lower body, and found a comfortable position to lie down. , looking satisfied.

It wasn't until late at night that the lights on the second floor of Xinghuo Nursing Home were turned off.


"We will continue to open the store in the morning, and I will take you shopping at noon."

Early the next morning, Xu Ran opened the store door, rubbed the purple clouds lying on the counter, took out a book and started reading.

After studying all night last night, Xu Ran not only understood some common sense about the world of beast control, but also knew what things he needed to purchase as a novice beast control master.

It can be considered a fruitful harvest.

It would be even better if there was another customer in the morning and his pleasure value reached one thousand.

Not long after Xu Ran came up with this idea, a familiar figure walked in from outside the store door, "Little boss!"

"Mr. Liu?" Xu Ran glanced at the majestic wind lion dog following him, and immediately recognized the person's identity, "What's wrong?"

"It's hard to explain in words." Liu Gu shook his head, "Anyway, I need you to cleanse and care for my pet beast."

Xu Ran frowned slightly, looking at the windshield behind him that was no different from the one that had just been washed and cared for yesterday, and turned on the system identification function.

[Race name: Wind Lion Dog

Attribute: Wind

Growth level: Elite level

Body shape: medium

Care needs: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rating: Oh! Oh my God! I can’t keep this lost big dog happy today! 】

Ignoring the unorthodox translation tone and the strange aura, Xu Ran looked at Liu Gu seriously and said, "Your pet was washed and cared for yesterday and does not need to be cared for again for the time being."

"I know, I'm not talking about the wind lion dog." Liu Gu shook his head, "That's it."

The light of the six-pointed star intertwined rapidly behind Liu Gu, and in the whirlwind blown out of thin air, a petite figure turned into reality and appeared in the store.

It was a pet beast that was translucent and showed a light blue color. Its shape resembled a flower bud and a gorgeous wave.

The authentication function is automatically turned on.

[Racial name: Wave Splash

Attribute: water system

Growth level: Extraordinary level

Size: small

Washing and care needs: ★★★☆☆

Comment: Beneath the glamorous appearance, there is a deep-seated desire for care. It urgently needs the pleasure brought by the magical hands of the host. 】

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