Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4791: Super battleship hidden in the air!

The strongest aliens arrived at the location where the beam was originally sent.

The large foreign troops arrived belatedly after about ten minutes.

However, Yingsuo and the strongest foreigners arrived here and searched for a few minutes, but found no trace of their opponents.

From this position, they saw nothing!

But Yingsuo could be sure that the attack was sent from the position in front of him.

No opponent was found, which made Yingsuo very confused.

On the side, the Holy Son of the Light Clan, Shengzun Shanjing, guessed: "Will they run away after sending that blow?"

Zhu Yun, the Holy Son of the Anti-Demon Clan, also echoed: "Yes, are they afraid of exposing their position and run away the moment they attack. This is in line with human character."

Ying Suo shook his head and said: "Probably not! There are no traces or breaths around here. If they leave immediately after sending a blow, then there should be traces. After all, in such a short time, I think It is impossible to completely hide the traces. Even if there are no traces, there will still be some traces, so they should not leave immediately, but something else! , they may be hiding nearby, but we didn’t find them.”

Hearing this, dozens of strong foreigners immediately started searching around, but they came back quickly and searched around, but they found nothing.

The two aliens just retreated and attacked in seven directions, towards the void.

The water god is responsible for the north and south sides, and the fire god is responsible for the east and west sides.




Ying Suo said: "This is very strange. The Sea King clan smelled it, and the Bird clan didn't find anything in the sky. Only the Forest clan asked Nature and got a natural answer. And since they got a natural answer, there are two , this proves that there are enemies around, but you can't find it, whether it is Haiyin Zhenyu, the Asuka clan, or other races, they don't know where we are. What methods did we use to hide ourselves?"

There is no difference between the north and the south, and there is no difference between the east and west, but there are two different things happening in the west!

The four-legged sea insect, the first generation saint son of the Neptune clan, said: "You, the Neptune clan, also smelled something strange."


Such a fireball was thrown into the sky that had just created ripples.

The air was filled with a burning cold breath.

Hearing Ying Suo's words, the weakest people of all races fell into silence, and they all became confused, and no one understood why.

This made these dozens of foreign warriors very frustrated.

Stayed in this piece of sky.

When the power of flames broke out in the west, ripples suddenly appeared under the sky in this empty space, as if the breeze was blowing, as if the space was trembling, and all the power of the flames was absorbed by the ripples. If it is resisted, all the flames will be unable to retreat and burn, even...

The east side I was responsible for was the same as the Water God. All the missing fire power burned into the void, igniting all the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and even the stones. However, no existence was found, and no one was found. Any effect, the flame burning here, has no effect at all.

But that time, Huo Yan's retreating attack became weaker, and he even used very powerful methods.

"As Ying Suo said, there are indeed no traces around there! There are also no traces and breaths of leaving. It seems that there is indeed something leaving there. But the strange thing is that the opponent clearly launched the attack from that position. , the locked location is obviously outside, why is there nothing outside? Moreover, you communicate with nature, ask nature, and ask them if there have been any existences around them, but they answer you yes, which proves that you are your enemy. It’s really far away, but you’ve discovered everything and felt any aura.”


Waves of water power and fire power attacked the void where there was nothing.


There was no reaction from the two sides responsible for the water god. All the power of the water was thrown into the air, and then fell from the sky and turned into light rain.

In order to verify that what he just saw was an illusion, the God of Fire, Huo Yan, launched another attack.

"Yes! You think so too. Otherwise there is no way to explain the current situation."

The two sides that the God of Fire is responsible for are the same.

But Simeon is the same.

The sky-blue fireball exuded endless flame power, and the terrifying flame power ravaged Qiye, turning the surrounding area into a huge furnace.

The blue fireball seemed to have hit something and was standing in a stalemate in the sky. Ripples in the sky were seen one after another, seemingly resisting the blue fireball.

After listening to the words of the Supreme Lord of Light, almost all the weak people of all races chose to agree.

Green Ling, the Saint Son of the Forest Clan, said doubtfully.

Just put it out!

"Let's try it. Anyway, is there any other way now?"

"Mr. Yingsuo is sure that we have not left, and he is also sure that we are outside. We should be here together. You have no way of finding out. It should be like what Mr. Guangsheng said, we should be hidden. That’s why you can’t find out. In this case, if you refuse the approach of the Supreme Lord of Light and attack us everywhere, you may be able to knock us out!”

Feixing, the seventh-generation holy son of the Bird Clan and the first-generation God of the Sky, also said: "You, the Bird Clan, have searched the sky and found nothing. You haven't seen anything suspicious at all!"

But the strange thing is that the alien supremes can't see anything existing.

One to the right and one to the left.

When Yingsuo heard this, he nodded slightly and said: "Well, we can't try it! This and that matter will be left to the North Water Tribe and the Abyss Tribe. Their power of water and fire has a wider range and cannot cover less areas. , more suitable for that matter.”

"You also agree with the Supreme Saint of Light!"

I saw the fireball flying slowly towards the vague sky.

A moment ago, the weakest member of the Celestial Clan, the Supreme Saint of Light, stood up and said: "You heard that there is no secret method that can't hide the figure and smell. Even the breath can be completely hidden. There is no possibility that the other party will use it. How about hiding around you with that kind of hiding method? Do you think that the possibility is very small? Now that you have found us, you can't try to attack the surroundings, saying that you will definitely be able to blast us out! "

"That's not possible! We said we would definitely be around you."

Hearing this, Gonggong, the first generation water god of the North Water Tribe, and Huo Yan, the first generation fire god of the Abyss Tribe, said together: "Bad."

Seeing that scene, the weakest aliens immediately exclaimed: "Look at this!"

With that said, the Water God and the Fire God jumped up and flew out.

I saw that I slowly condensed a sky-blue fireball.

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