Uplifting Journey

Chapter 235 Cognition of Life and Nagisa Kaoru of Reincarnation

Cheng Bin was not in a good mood. After all, the research had just started, and the material was blown up by Adam's explosion, and he gained very little.

The only good news is that he verified that the energy source of the apostles in this world is indeed vacuum zero-point energy, and the process of extracting energy is not like the chakras of the previous world. The technical black box packaging is very confidential. As long as there is enough time and materials, He is confident that it will be cracked to the bottom.

However, he used this kind of information to match the world, so this kind of thing can be said to be completely unexpected.

Following the rapidly retracting light sphere, Cheng Bin soon came to the original position of the solar system. He looked at the newly born earth in the light, his eyes slightly surprised.

The earth is devastated at this moment.

The entire Antarctic continent has been completely evaporated, and the soaring sea level has submerged a large number of coastal towns.

Even the Earth's axis of rotation has shifted, and the original island nation has become a year-round summer equator.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes. Endless natural disasters wantonly destroy life on the earth, and the original rulers of the earth - human beings, have already suffered more than half of the casualties.

"This scene. Is it the appearance of Adam, who is called the second shock in the original book, after being exposed to the experiment? It seems that Adam is deliberately reshaping and maintaining a certain plot development after the second shock?"

Cheng Bin landed in the sky over Antarctica, looking at the scarlet ocean below.

What dyed the ocean red seemed to be the chaotic body matter that diffused into the ocean after the disintegration of Adam's Absolute Domain. In addition, there was a rotten smell of death of a large number of marine creatures pervading everywhere.

"Tsk, after the second impact on the South Pole of this world, didn't the circles of black and red ripples appear in the movie version?"

The spectacle of the dark center and the infinitely spreading red circle is called the Gaff's Gate by humans, and no one knows the mystery of it.

This huge door will appear when the apostle triggers the awakening condition to evolve into a god. It is one of the main research goals planned by Cheng Bin before entering this world. He feels that there is a high probability that the private goods he mixed will fall into that door. superior.

Since there is no such thing in the second impact, it seems that if you want to study it in detail, you have to find a way to promote the awakening event. However, the conditions for becoming a god are different in each version of the original book, which is a bit troublesome

Cheng Bin's eyes swept across the earth carelessly, and re-recorded all the data of the newborn earth—the Gonggong that had spread to the entire earth before had been completely destroyed when the giant of light approached the white hole in the time-space distortion.

In such a small area near the earth, Cheng Bin himself has much stronger control than Gonggong, and judging from the previous two rounds of cleaning, it is very likely that the earth’s Gonggong will be destroyed again, so he simply doesn’t bother to continue spreading the word .

Anyway, tens of light-years away, the Gonggong network has produced white splits, and the proliferation rate has skyrocketed all the way, and there is no shortage of resources near the earth.

But Cheng Bin, who had just withdrawn his gaze, suddenly trembled inexplicably—why did he see such a tragic scene on the earth, but his heart was not touched in any way?

Cheng Bin re-examined the situation of humans on Earth with a serious face.

In the successive natural disasters, more than half of human casualties are just the beginning, and the collapsed social operation has brought endless riots and man-made disasters, destroying human civilization.

However, the SEELE organization that directly contributed to the second impact responded quickly, or they were already psychologically prepared when they used the gun of Longinus to conduct the genetic contact experiment between Adam and human beings.

Its core members and armed forces under its direct control coincidentally hid from the direct impact of the second shock, and immediately began to attack everywhere, suppressing chaos around the world and trying to restore order.

At the same time, a large number of fleets that avoided the impact recovered from the Antarctic the fragmented and restored Adam, the Gun of Longinus, and the only surviving girl Katsuragi Satomi from the Antarctic Research Base with the help of her father, Dr. Katsuragi.

Watching all this happening, looking at the howling human beings all over the earth, Cheng Bin found that there was no wave in his heart.

He has the ability to eliminate disasters, and can easily save all the suffering people in the world.

But Cheng Bin did nothing.

Silently started the self-examination of thinking, and after examining his previous specific mental activities, Cheng Bin sighed and understood the reason for his decline in the sense of human beings in this world——

As soon as he entered this world, he witnessed the destruction and reshaping of the world by the giant of light, and he witnessed the second time not long ago.

In his consciousness, the human beings in this world were all just created by the apostles, and they were even created many times back and forth.

And according to the currently detected situation, these human beings are shaped by the second apostle Lilith's special tissue fluid LCL similar to Adam's chaotic flesh and blood, as set in the original book.

Although they are similar on some material levels, the human beings in this world did not really evolve from monkeys at root, but deformed lives shaped by the slight AT force field triggered by Lilith's soul fragments. It's hard to say that it's not a race.

Aside from these reasons, the most important factor is that human beings without unknown disturbance variables are no different from grass, trees, bamboo and rocks to Cheng Bin now.

In front of Cheng Bin with the panorama fully open, people and things are truly mixed, they are just a bunch of atoms in constant motion.

Although the depth of Cheng Bin's current detection ability is far from exhausting the limit of the material world, he dare not say that he can control all the changes at the bottom of the material.

But those unknowns only exist at the extreme microscopic level, and the human beings in this world have no secrets for him.

Cheng Bin can easily manipulate their present, detect their past, and predict their future.

After contemplating for a while, Cheng Bin shook his head secretly: "This mentality... I am inflated."

In the world of Naruto, after his power has grown by leaps and bounds with this ability, there is a faint sign of such a slight expansion. As a split body, he has reflected on it once.

"If life without unknown disturbances is no longer considered life just because I control all the material changes of life, then where will the white that I created be placed?"

Cheng Bin laughed at himself: "Bai also has no parallel resonance unknown disturbance, except that the amount of resources she possesses exceeds my monitoring coverage, how different is she from the human beings on this earth in terms of life?"

In the final analysis, matter is only a carrier, and the soul algorithm carried by its structure is the essence of intelligent life.

Cheng Bin can observe and control all the substances of an intelligent life, but can he control the future information that its soul algorithm will expand infinitely?

If you want to do this, you either have to eliminate a large number of possibilities in the infinite future of intelligent life, or you have to endlessly increase the strength and scope of your control, and always cover intelligent life under your own shadow.

If so, what is the difference between Cheng Bin and those pseudo-high-dimensional beings who are determined to destroy civilization variables to maintain their own existence?

Thinking of this, Cheng Bin, who was maintaining a state of self-examination of thinking, moved a knife on his own mind and slightly modified some algorithm details.

"What I always want is to keep climbing and explore the infinite unknown, but without affecting my progress, I also hope that more lives will walk on this path. It is only natural to give some help and guidance in my spare time. .”

While muttering to himself, Cheng Bin teleported to the outer space of the earth, and stretched out his palm towards the planet.

"Then let me test how persistent the existence of this world is in maintaining the plot. Will the divided Adam immediately cheat the corpse?"

Time and space changes and gravity, which can ignore all other interference, have become Cheng Bin's favorite medium to use when transmitting power.

With Bai's assistance, Cheng Bin mobilized a large number of star-level curvature interferometers in the distant starry sky. Mind dominates all matter.

As Cheng Bin's palm moved slightly in the air, the whole earth paused slightly, and then slowly rotated backwards.

According to the large amount of earth data recorded by Cheng Bin before, he isolated the apostle's things, made all earth matter go backwards, and compensated for the various energy substances lost in it.

The seawater that flooded the coastline turned into a tsunami again and receded toward the depths of the sea.

The broken buildings and the earth are reunited and integrated, and the ruins and the dead are restored and reborn.

The violent atmosphere is tamed, and the shattered Antarctic returns to ice.

The disaster of the second impact was completely wiped out, and except for the revolution track and Adam, the entire earth returned to its original state when Cheng Bin first came to the earth.

"Adam didn't cheat? So what will happen next?"

Cheng Bin beckoned, and three things on the earth were carried by his power and flew into space and landed in front of him——

A spear of Longinus tens of meters long, a palm-sized deformed embryo with giant eyes and a tail, and a human baby boy with sparse gray hair.

Adam's weapon, Adam's restored body, and the human larva born after Adam's soul hosts human genes.

Cheng Bin first looked at the Longinus spear.

"A certain version in the data says that Adam and Lilith were born on the tree of life, and the gun of Longinus is the root of the tree of life. There is also a version that says that they are aliens who came to the earth on a black and white moon."

There is not much mystery about this gun. The material essence is not much different from Adam's body, but the structure is more complex and tightly combined with the energy of the S2 mechanism, and it is constantly releasing waves with Adam's soul fragments as the core. The opposite AT force field maintains the shape.

Cheng Bin recalled the relevant data records when Adam broke out and inserted the gun of Longinus into his body before, and felt that some key secrets of the apostle's apotheosis might be hidden in it, but it was quite good without deciphering the inner information of the apostle's soul. difficult to study.

After looking at the deformed embryo that resembled Longinus' spear in every aspect except for the waveform in the absolute domain, Cheng Bin moved his gaze to the right, and looked at the infant that had Adam's soul lodged there.

At this moment, the boy who was different from Changying also opened his eyes. After looking around unexpectedly with his pure eyes, he looked at Cheng Bin with very obvious doubts.

"Interesting, is the soul in this baby the apostle Adam, or..."

Cheng Bin was surrounded by an airless and radiation-filled space environment, and he did not add such a thing as an earth environment simulation to the three things he pulled over.

The powerful AT force field is continuously released from the young child, supporting the normal survival and activities of the host body of Adam's soul in space.

After the two people looked at each other for a while, the boy whose body age gradually increased by a few years blinked, and said in a childish voice: "Without the AT force field, it seems that you are really a variable from the outside world. ah."

"Outside? Variables? Tsk tsk. It seems that you know a lot." Cheng Bin folded his chest and looked at the boy who was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Should I call you Adam, or Zhuxun?"

In the original book, the baby who hosts the soul of Adam was named Nagisa Kaoru by SEELE. It was raised and raised in a human way, hoping that its humanity would grow so that they could control and use it.

But now it seems that it is a bit hard to say who is controlling and using whom.

"Call me Nagisa Kaoru. I haven't met you before, but you know my name? It seems that you have a little understanding of what will happen in this world."

At this moment, Kaoru Nagisa has grown into a boy in his teens, and a layer of clothing has grown on the surface of his body-a white short-sleeved shirt, black trousers and shoes.

After glancing at the spear of Longinus beside him, the young Zhuxun turned around and said to Cheng Bin with a smile, "So, who are you? How many times have you seen 'Reincarnation'?"

"You can call me Cheng Bin." Thinking of the two scenes where the giant of light destroyed and reshaped the starry sky, Cheng Bin said to Zhu Xun, "If you mean 'reincarnation' you mean that Adam destroyed and reshaped the world, I see Twice."

"Twice violent reincarnation with Adam at the core? Your ability to survive is really beyond imagination."

Seeming to understand the terrifying power of Adam when he started reincarnation, Zhuxun squeezed his chin and thought for a while, then turned his head to look at the earth and said to Cheng Bin: "Adam was divided, and I was born, which means that the earth has experienced the second Shock, but what do you do with the sight of Earth now?"

Cheng Bin nodded casually.

"I thank you on behalf of humanity. But this behavior doesn't really mean much."

The smile on Zhu Xun's face gradually disappeared, he sighed softly and said: "I have been running around to prevent human tragedies, and I have also worked hard to solve the mystery of reincarnation.

"I tried to banish all the apostles to the starry sky, and I also tried to devour all lives to become a god body, but all these actions are useless

"At the latest fifteen years, no matter what the status quo is, reincarnation will inevitably restart and everything will be destroyed, and the earth will be reshaped to the period when Shirozuki and Adam were discovered by humans, or the time before and after Shinji and I were born."

Cheng Bin's heart moved - Ikari Shinji? The protagonist of the original book, the pilot of EVA, a large humanoid biological weapon made by humans to copy the bodies of Adam and Lilith in order to wipe out the apostles looking for Adam. Speaking of which, the pilots in the script are basically fourteen or fifteen years old.

Cheng Bin asked a little strangely: "Do you know why you can retain your memory? And who is maintaining this repeated earth plot?"

"Not very clear," Zhu Xun continued after a pause, "Maybe it's because of Adam's soul that I can maintain a complete memory in this reincarnation. As for the reason for reincarnation, I have no clue, just vaguely There is a feeling—

"As long as certain conditions are met and a certain goal is achieved, this endless cycle can be ended."

Well, there are so many miscellaneous things, I really want to play

After not saving the manuscript, one chapter a day does not have a fixed update time, and the whole person is in a state of flux. It feels so relaxing

If I come to something random, I guess it will have to be updated, but I can't muster the energy to write more, tsk

By the way, why did the pirated version come out before I refreshed the genuine version? It hurts my feelings.

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