Uplifting Journey

Chapter 239 The Calf-Protecting Mother and the Problems Behind the Dead Sea Documents

In the huge EVA laboratory with an interior space comparable to that of a mansion, a man and a woman are using a transparent elevator to descend from the observation room at the top to the EVA restraint below.

Dr. Katsuragi looked at Wei Ikari, who was beside him with a calm expression, and persuaded him with some embarrassment: "Wei, you don't need to do this, the success rate of this plan is too low."

"However, facing the apostles, this is the only feasible way for us at present, isn't it? Our children are all down there, and we don't have much time."

Ikari smiled, and then sighed: "After all, I came up with this theory, and I don't have such a big heart to make other people pay their lives for my 'illusory' conjecture.

"Besides, this EVA testing machine was originally derived from implanting my genes. Moreover, the method of guiding Lilith's flesh and blood to change and indirectly use the AT force field is too complicated. It is not a researcher with a deep understanding like us. Can you really control it after entering it?"

In addition, according to the records of the Dead Sea Documents, if human beings want to touch the realm of God in the future, contact with Adam and Lilith will happen sooner or later.

Ikari stepped out of the elevator and came to the platform that spanned the mid-air, overlooking the flesh and blood giant surrounded by layers of complex devices below, a trace of ambition floated from the bottom of her undulating mind.

Eternal God with infinite power, is it worth the risk just for this?

The EVA flesh and blood control system composed of countless micro-mechanical structures and electromagnetic devices is operating precisely, indirectly regulating the AT force field response generated by EVA, converging it on the huge red sphere suspected to be the core at the chest and abdomen of EVA, and superimposing and phase inversion.

Confirming that the monitored AT force field has indeed been transformed into the appearance in the theoretical calculation, Dr. Katsuragi next to him looked at Yui Ikari with some hesitation.

Ikari took a deep breath, walked to the side of the temporary track device in the center of the platform directly to the EVA core, and fixed himself in the preset position.

At this time, an anxious shout came from the side: "Wei!!! Stop!!!"

Hearing her husband's familiar voice, Ikari's body trembled, then she smiled helplessly, stretched out her hand and pressed the switch on her side, and she began to move obliquely downward along the track with the fixture.

"Yui! What will I do if you do this? What will Shinji do?!"

Looking at Ikogentang who ran to the edge of the platform with some guilt, Ikari shook his head at him: "I'm sorry, this is also for Shinji, if I am you, you have to take care of yourself."

The research department was a little slower than the headquarters in receiving the latest news from the apostles. It seemed that her husband was in a hurry and didn't know that the apostles had invaded the residential area below the headquarters.

Her son Shinji was already in danger, and she couldn't help but have any hesitation.

Ikari looked down at the scarlet sphere emitting a faint light not far below. The EVA core, which is between solid and liquid under the neutralized AT force field, looks a bit like solidified magma, but in fact it is far away. More dangerous and terrifying than magma.

Although the AT force field has been self-neutralized, as long as the energy contained in it leaks a little bit unstable, it is enough to tear her to pieces before contact.

For a moment, Ikari was shaken by the instinct to escape when her life was threatened by death, but then this wavering was suppressed by her trust in her own theory as a researcher and the mother's worry about her child.

Under the desperate gaze of Ikogentang, Ikari quickly integrated into the core of EVA from toe to head.

The laboratory fell into a deathly silence, and everyone stared at the flesh giant with various eyes.

Under the focus of sorrow, expectation, tension, fear, etc., the flesh and blood giant suddenly struggled and let out an inhuman terrifying roar.

The air around the giant suddenly blurred, and then countless mechanical devices collapsed in the powerful AT force field, and the fragments flew in all directions like bombs.

Ding Yuantang, who was kneeling on the platform, found a hazy colorful light emerging beside him, blocking all the flying debris attacks.

Dr. Katsuragi, who also survived this round of eruption, looked at the dissipated colored light in front of him, then looked at the bottom of the laboratory that had been pierced through a huge hole and the disappearing EVA. He took a deep breath.

"Did you make it?"

Kaoru Kaoru ignored Katsuragi Misato who was still struggling and attacking while being pushed away by the AT force field, squatted down and gently helped Shinji who had fallen to the ground to stand firm.

Shinji was a child of a few years old, but he didn't show any signs of fear, nervousness or crying in front of the noisy environment and unknown scenes.

Because of an inexplicable feeling of intimacy, emanating from the gray-haired boy in front of him, his mind fell into peace and happiness.

Nagisa Kaoru really has no hostility towards Shinji. In the earlier reincarnation, he was once confused by his dual identity as an apostle and a human being, but he couldn't find the actual meaning of his existence in the world, so Shinji, who had the same hollow heart at that time, Mutual attraction forms an extraordinary friendship.

"It's so cute and obedient"

Gently touching Shinji's small head, Zhu Kaoru smiled meaningfully: "I always thought that the feeling of intimacy we continue in reincarnation comes from the friendship I had with you at the beginning, and the AT force field responded to my feelings. Mood. But now."

Observing from a new perspective, Kaoru Nagisa can see the soul from Lilith in Shinji's body, and can roughly see its outline existing in the four-dimensional slit.

"The unexpected complementary connection of our souls. I was originally affected by you because of this. Do I feel close to you?"

Kaoru tried to block the connection between himself and Shinji, and then saw that Shinji, who was originally within the range of his AT force field, was slowly repelled by an invisible force.

The AT force field formed instinctively seems to change due to spiritual barriers.

Nagisa Kaoru stared at Shinji who seemed to be getting nervous, and then looked at Misato Katsuragi who was panting tiredly but still did not give up, trying to imitate the soul connection between himself and Shinji to establish a connection with her.

Katsuragi Misato felt the invisible barrier in front of her suddenly disappear, she staggered two steps and almost didn't fall, and then she was about to pull Shinji to escape, but found that she couldn't raise the tension and vigilance at all, as if the gray-haired boy had become a very friendly people.

"Is that so?" Nagisa blinked, stood up with a smile, and recorded Shinji's soul data, "It seems that next time I need to verify whether your soul from Lilith has been reshaped, or whether it was Continued in the cycle."

A violent vibration suddenly came, and the piercing sound of metal twisting echoed in the passage along with the roar, and even obvious deformations appeared everywhere in the passage.

Katsuragi Misato, who was holding Shinji, was taken aback by this terrible change, but before she could react, the wall next to her was suddenly torn and shattered. In hand.

Katsuragi Misato, who was so frightened that her heart almost stopped, her eyes went dark, and she was forcibly pulled out of the passageway under the protection of a layer of colored light.

Slowly flying out from the breach of the collapsed passage, Zhu Xun looked at the alien flesh and blood giant in front of him, and at the two people who were carefully protected by this ferocious monster.

"Is Shinji's mother? Such a reluctant fusion can actually maintain sanity." Zhu Xun sighed, "There is no S2 mechanism in Lilith's flesh and blood to amplify the apostle's soul interference. In this case, the experimental EVA can also play a role." With such a powerful force, he really deserves to be the human being who is closest to God in reincarnation."

In the past reincarnation, Shinji's mother Ikari Yui mostly integrated into the EVA No. 1 machine. Only through the bond between mother and child, Shinji could drive the EVA No. 1 machine. Out of the instinct to protect his own children, the No. 1 machine started to go crazy. It can be said that gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and those apostles derived from Adam can only be crushed by her.

Not to mention that in some reincarnations, the No. 1 machine directly devoured the apostle and started the apotheosis awakening. It can be said that most of the reincarnation activation process is performed by the No. 1 machine.

During the confrontation with EVA, Kaoru suddenly turned his face to the side and looked at the air around him and said, "I thought that your character would stop her."

"Why should I stop a mother who is hungry for strength?" Cheng Bin, who was holding a huge broken stone slab in his hand, appeared next to him, "Anyway, she is not dead, and it doesn't take much effort to restore it. I'm glad she did it voluntarily." By the way, harvest data on human contact with Lilith."

Discovered that there was a second mysterious existence, and at the same time, the EVA testing machine sensed that the two children in its hands were being swallowed by its own flesh and blood, so it cautiously stared at Zhuxun and Cheng Bin and slowly retreated, and then launched the AT force The field rises upwards while destroying surrounding obstacles.

"Under the influence of Lilith's flesh and soul fragments, her sanity will not last long." Zhu Kaoru glanced at the retreating EVA, then turned to look at the huge stone tablet in front of Cheng Bin, "This is the Dead Sea document. You are from SEELE From the headquarters?"

"I just picked it up out of curiosity," Cheng Bin glanced at the data about Ikari Shinji sent by Kaoru Nagisa, and then asked him, "Is the material form of the Dead Sea documents consistent every time you reincarnate?"

Zhu Xun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Not necessarily, it's just that they were excavated at about the same time and place, sometimes scrolls and sometimes stone tablets, and there are also some forms beyond human understanding, but the information conveyed is basically the same .”

"Is that so, don't you think it's strange?" Cheng Bin turned his head to look at the Dead Sea document, "From the identification of material elements, this Dead Sea document is indeed from billions of years ago, I don't think the reincarnation mechanism can forge this Unexpected, but why is the Dead Sea document considered to have been brought by Adam who descended to Earth at that time?

"Adam is full, and will record his race, his weapons, all his plans and weaknesses on a special thing for translation? And these words, no matter the shape or the content, how can they be different? Is it different from the style of the apostles?"

"Hmm" Zhu Kaoru said after pondering for a while, "Isn't there the first impact caused by the black moon and Lilith descending on the earth in a manner similar to a meteorite? Both Adam and the apostle fell into a deep sleep during that impact. Perhaps to give the future a chance to wake up and move forward with one of his plans?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Xun himself was a little uncertain.

Cheng Bin shook his head: "With the abilities of Adam and the apostles derived from it, how can such a nonsense method be needed to do things? They can extract vacuum zero-point energy and have no demand for environmental substances. Hit the earth and sleep for billions of years?

"It's not so much that they fell into a deep sleep because of the first impact, it's better to say that they have been restrained and sealed by something all the time, and they have only now woken up after being unbound."

Cheng Bin paused and continued: "As for why you waited until now to wake up. I think it should be because Lilith spreads LCL to give birth to life, until recently there have been human beings that meet certain requirements.

"Looking at it this way, there should be more than just apostles and human beings entangled in this world. There is a hidden existence behind the Dead Sea Documents that can interfere with the apostles, and this guy should have a lot to do with Lilith. Maybe it is the reincarnation mechanism. the culprit."

"No, there is a fourth party." After hearing this, Zhuxun thought for a while, smiled, looked at Cheng Bin and said seriously, "Cheng Bin, what kind of role do you play in this world?"

"Uh," Cheng Bin said after thinking about it under Zhu Xun's gaze, "it should be a traveler from the outside world out of curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Probably.

"Hey, I won't talk about these for the time being. I still need to find a way to verify the relevant conjectures. Maybe these histories are forged in reincarnation." Cheng Bin changed the subject again, "But because billions of light-years are too far away, electromagnetic Information such as gravity decays so badly that even if I have the ability to go there, I can’t find any useful information.”

"Use the space jump to go to the distant starry sky and look back at the past of the earth?" Zuxun exclaimed, "Is there still such an operation?"

At this moment, the clogged patio cavity was blown through again, and the huge EVA testing machine fell down. On the blood-stained face, terrifying eyeballs without eyelids stared at Cheng Bin and the two.

However, the two of them didn't feel nervous about the battle at all, and they were still chatting like no one else.

"The people in NERV have all evacuated to the newly built shelters around them. Without the burden of Shinji and the others, Ikari Yui is going to use his sanity to still fight for his life?" Kaoru Nagisa asked Cheng Bin after he had invaded the core system of NERV and looked at it, " What are your plans next?"

"The only thing left is the contact experiment between Adam embryos and humans."

After scanning the list of plans, Cheng Bin raised his hand and released a similar AT force field to block the high-energy particle cannon released by the EVA testing machine.

The bombardment of sub-light-speed high-energy particles instantly melted and evaporated a wide range of substances, but it turned into circles of light waves and spread on the invisible barrier in front of Cheng Bin. The huge energy was rapidly weakened and submerged into the four-dimensional slit during the diffusion.

Is the body too primitive or Lilith's flesh and blood quality is not good? The power shown by Ikari Wei is far worse than that of the original work, where the multiple absolute domains of the tearing force angel exploded through the atmosphere by the way.

While thinking about it, Cheng Bin continued to Zhuxun: "In the future, we will have to try to analyze the apostle's soul in depth, or conduct the awakening experiment of Adam and Lilith's contact, but you, are you ready?

"Are you ready to dismantle your soul?"

Well, got some contracts, some delays

Now that I have the conditions to resume exercise, it will take some time. I haven't exercised for too long, and I will be tired after running a few kilometers.

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