Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,193 Dispute

Ye Bufan knew that his trip to the Big Dog Country was destined to be uneventful. After rescuing his eldest grandson Dongju, he would inevitably have a big battle with the Miyamoto family.

So he didn't use his private jet, which would probably cause trouble when he came back.

At the same time, he also knew that the Miyamoto family must be watching him closely, so instead of flying with the sword, he chose the most common way of travel, taking a passenger flight.

Since the time to buy the ticket was a bit tight, I didn't buy first class, just ordinary seats.

Ye Bufan doesn't care about these. Although he is now worth hundreds of billions, although he is now the inheritor of the Dragon Palace, and although he has now joined the ranks of the martial saints, there has not been much change in his state of mind. My former self.

Now is the golden season for travel. After getting on the plane, most of them are tourists heading to the Big Dog Country.

He bought the middle seat, and the seat on the right by the window was a young woman in her twenties, with an instant noodle haircut, heavy makeup, and a strong smell of cosmetics all over her body.

The scent was really too strong and made people feel uncomfortable. He couldn't help but frown, but he didn't say anything. There was really nothing he could do about it.

Sitting in front of the two people was an elderly couple in their sixties or seventies. They had gray hair and simple clothes. They spoke with a strong northwest accent.

Maybe it was the first time for the two of them to fly, so they looked a little nervous and awkward.

"Old lady, this plane flies very steadily. It seems to be more stable than a train."

The old man spoke loudly, holding the armrests of his seat tightly with both hands, and his nervous expression coupled with his local accent made many passengers around him laugh.

The instant noodle guy next to him frowned, looking at the two people with disgust on their faces.

The old lady was sitting by the window. She glanced out the window and said, "You old man, I'm going to make you nervous when I'm on a plane. They haven't even taken off yet."

When she spoke, she leaned close to the old man's ear, lowering her voice as much as possible so that the other party could hear clearly. It seemed that the old man's ears were not very sensitive and he was somewhat deaf.

"We've been up here for a long time, why haven't we taken off yet?"

The old man relaxed everything.

"Everyone is waiting, why are you in a hurry?" The old lady took out a piece of chewing gum and handed it over, "Take this, the child said, eat it when the plane takes off, so as not to cause ear discomfort."


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What is chewing gum used for? I can still manage my ears, but I won’t eat this child’s food. "

The old man was very stubborn and pushed the chewing gum away.

"You damn old man, you've been so stubborn your whole life."

The old lady was very humble to the old man and put away the chewing gum without saying anything.

Ye Bufan sat behind the two of them and looked at this scene. He felt very warm. The two of them looked ordinary, but their feelings were extremely solid.

This scene reminded him of his missing father. If his father were here, would his eldest grandson Dongju be as loving as his mother?

Then he shook his head again. His father was not found, and now his mother was kidnapped again. The top priority was to rescue her.

"I told you that you are not done yet, and you are jabbering non-stop. Can you have some quality? How can you have the nerve to go to the country of big dogs like you? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go there?"

The one who spoke was the instant noodle head next to her, and she yelled at the elderly couple in front of her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, girl, we won't talk anymore."

The old lady quickly turned around and apologized with an apologetic expression.

Hearing the cry of Instant Noodle Hair, other passengers looked over and showed dissatisfaction.

Although it was indeed impolite to speak too loudly in public, the elderly couple in front of them could be forgiven.

The old man obviously had an ear disease, and he didn't realize how loud his voice was. It was completely unintentional.

If you are dissatisfied in this situation, just give him a careful reminder. There is no need to yell like this, and there is no need to rely on the person's quality.

In other words, if you yell at a pair of elderly people like this, how high can your own quality be?

The instant noodle head didn't notice the dissatisfaction in other people's eyes, and shouted reluctantly: "Just apologize, is it useful? People like you should stay at home honestly, and shouldn't go out and embarrass yourself." "

After hearing what she said, the old lady was a little reluctant: "Girl, what you said is a bit too much. Our old man is a little hard of hearing and speaks louder. Why is it embarrassing?"

The old man saw the two people arguing, but he couldn't hear clearly, so he asked anxiously: "Old woman, what did she say?"

"Okay, it's okay."

The old lady lay down and said something in the old man's ear, then waved her hand, and then the two of them turned around.

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Normally, this matter should have ended here, but the instant noodle-haired man had no intention of letting it go, and shouted to the old man again: "I said an unqualified person like you shouldn't come out. It's a shame to come out." Show your eyes."

Now she spoke loudly and in her ears. The old man finally heard her clearly and became furious.

"Little girl, who do you think is incompetent? Who do you think is embarrassing?"

"Let's just talk about you. You make loud noises in public places. Don't you know what the big dog Chinese people think of you Chinese people? You have no quality and are just like pigs."

"Nonsense!" The old man's temper was much hotter than that of the old lady, and he was trembling with anger. "I was the monitor of the train class back then. I was the advanced individual in the unit every year, a model for work, and my drawers were filled with certificates. How could I I have no quality? Why am I embarrassed?"

"Advanced individual? Work model? Give me a certificate?" The instant noodle head looked disdainful and mocking, "What age are you in, how can you still have the nerve to say such things?

You Chinese people are really interesting, your brains are rusty, and you still make trouble with this thing.

Who doesn’t know that you are notoriously unqualified, littering and making loud noises wherever you go? Do you need me to say such things? "

Her words were considered outrageous and immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the surrounding passengers.

"How do you speak? What's wrong with the elderly who are a little hard of hearing and speak louder? Why are they so incompetent?"

"My aunt has already apologized to you, but you are still making endless noises. Doesn't it mean that your quality is high?"

"If you give us Chinese people back, don't you stop being Chinese?"

After being condemned by everyone, Instant Noodles showed no intention of restraining his hair. Instead, he shouted in anger.

"What I look down on the most in my life are you Chinese people. You are a pig-like nation. You have no quality. You still have to make excuses when you are wrong. No wonder you are hated wherever you go."

Seeing that this woman was being unreasonable and not finished yet, Ye Bufan frowned.

"I said you are still finished, but the old man is a little deaf and speaks louder. What's wrong? Since you are of high quality, can't you learn to respect and understand the elderly?"

"Do I respect him?" Instant Noodles said with a sarcastic face, "Does he deserve my respect? Do you know what the outside world says about you? A nation like pigs still wants others to respect you. I really don't know how you said this."

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