Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 149 Clearing the Place

Seeing the situation in front of him, Ouyang Lan quickly said: "His uncle, what are you doing? We are all relatives, there is no need to be like this."

"Relative, who is your relative?" Kang Lei said, "You killed my wife and son. You must have an explanation today."

Ouyang Lan explained: "I am also very sad that Xiaohui and Xiaojun died, but it was completely accidental. How can we say that we were responsible for their death..."

"Shut up..." Kang Lei interrupted her rudely and said, "My wife was kind enough to visit you, but she died in your home. Do you dare to say that you have no responsibility?"

At this time, Ouyang De stepped forward and said: "Sister, Xiaohui is your biological sister. Now that both mother and son are dead, are you still shirking your responsibility? Isn't it too heartless?"

Ouyang Lan said: "Xiao Hui has already left. There is no point in discussing responsibility. Let's just consider it my responsibility!"

She has always been a kind person, and she felt that it was too embarrassing to argue with her relatives in public at this time and place, so she stopped insisting on this topic.

"Have you finally admitted it?" Kang Lei sneered, "Since you admit that you are responsible for the deaths of Xiaohui and Xiaojun, you must shoulder this responsibility."

Ouyang Lan said: "Don't worry, their funeral expenses will be entirely borne by me."

Kang Lei said: "Just bear the funeral expenses? How can it be so cheap?"

Ouyang Lan said in surprise: "Then what else do you want?"

Kang Lei said: "You must meet two conditions today. First, compensate Xiaohui and Xiaojun for their deaths, 10 million each.

Second, you and Ye Bufan should wear mourning to see my son and wife off! "

As soon as he said these words, the people around him were in an uproar. 10 million per person, that's 20 million. This kind of compensation is ridiculously high no matter where it is placed.

Putting aside money matters, Ouyang Lan is Ouyang Hui's eldest sister and Kang Zhijun's aunt. It is completely insulting to show mourning to these two people with such seniority.

I have to say that Kang Lei's two conditions are really too much, and no one would agree to them.

But seeing the situation in front of them, everyone could only whisper, secretly sympathizing with Ouyang Lan mother and son, but no one dared to stand up and speak.

Ouyang Lan looked shocked: "His uncle, you are going too far. After all, I am also Xiaohui's eldest sister and Xiaojun's aunt. How can I put mourning on her?"

Kang Lei said: "Today you have to agree or disagree.

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Agreed, not only will my wife be clothed in sackcloth and mourning, but my son will also be clothed in sackcloth and mourning, and I will kneel all the way to see them off! "

Ye Bufan was not prepared to interrupt the conversation between the two elders, but at this time he was completely irritated.

But this is Ouyang Hui's mourning hall after all, and death is the most important thing. He didn't want to make things too serious, so he pulled Ouyang Lan and said, "Mom, we don't want to attend this kind of funeral. Let's go back."

From what happened last night to today, Ouyang Lan has been completely hurt by these relatives. She said nothing, nodded silently, and followed Ye Bufan outside the funeral home.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Kang Lei waved his hand, and the people around him immediately surrounded them in the center.

Ye Bufan frowned, looked at him and said, "Your wife and son stayed in our house, drove my mother away, and robbed my mother of her clothes and jewelry.

In the end, their deaths were entirely self-inflicted and had nothing to do with our family. They can only blame themselves for being greedy, not anyone else.

Since this is a mourning hall, I won't argue with you. Get out of the way! "

Ouyang De and others stood watching the show with their arms around their shoulders, with playful expressions on their faces, without any intention of coming out to stop them.

Kang Lei said angrily: "What a big tone. You dare to say that you don't care about me. I want to see what qualifications you have to care about me!"

I tell you, you must agree to my conditions today, otherwise no one will be able to leave. "

He had no idea what happened last night and regarded Ye Bufan as a poor boy who could be bullied at will.

Moreover, a lot of people were summoned today, with the purpose of forcing the mother and son to submit, and they were very confident.

Ye Bufan looked cold and prepared to teach these people a lesson, but at this moment, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps at the door of the mourning hall.

"Get out of the way, get out of my way!"

After several loud shouts, a group of big men in black rushed into the mourning hall.

These people were wearing black suits, tall, strong, and menacing.

"It's from the Five Lakes Chamber of Commerce!"

After seeing them, the guests in the funeral home ducked to both sides, and no one dared to provoke the Wuhu Chamber of Commerce.

Kang Lei was stunned. He was just a small contractor and had no connection with the Wuhu Chamber of Commerce. He didn't know what these people were here for.

At this time, Tang Jian strode in. He was also wearing a black suit.

Yesterday, Ye Bufan asked him to bring people to attend the funeral, in order to make the atmosphere more impressive.

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, he got a black suit for all his men, so it wasted a little time.

Kang Lei was overjoyed, seeing that Tang Jian was here to attend the funeral. When did he become so proud?

But now I can't think about it so much. If I can build a good relationship with the president of the Wuhu Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely be prosperous in Wufeng County in the future, and I will look down on myself wherever I go.

He quickly went up to him with a flattering look and said, "President Tang, I didn't expect you to come to the funeral of my wife and son..."

As he spoke, he extended his hands to shake hands, but Tang Jian didn't even look at him. He trotted up to Ye Bufan, lowered his head and said, "I'm late, please punish me!"

Kang Lei couldn't believe his eyes now. How did Ye Bufan get involved with the Five Lakes Chamber of Commerce?

Moreover, Tang Jian has always been aloof, and the entire Wufeng County does not pay attention to him. Why is he so respectful to Ye Bufan, just like he is his father, and calls him Ye Ye? What is going on?

"It's just this once, it won't happen next time." Ye Bufan didn't set a time limit for Tang Jian yesterday, so he didn't say anything more. He turned to Ouyang Lan and said, "Mom, let's go!"

Ouyang Lan said: "Son, wait a moment, your aunt is dead anyway, I want to offer her some incense!"

Ye Bufan nodded. No matter how much the Ouyang family did, his mother could never forget the love between her compatriots.

He waved his hand to Tang Jian, "Clear this place, my mother wants to burn incense!"

"I know, Master Ye!"

Tang Jian agreed and immediately ordered his men to empty the mourning hall.


Kang Lei originally wanted to say a few words, this is his family's mourning hall, why should he be kicked out?

But no one from the Kang family or the gangsters he found dared to confront the Wuhu Chamber of Commerce. After hearing Tang Jian's words, there was no need to clear the place and he ran out.

The Ouyang family members ran the fastest and were already outside the mourning hall before anyone else could react.

Seeing Tang Jian's sharp gaze, he didn't dare to let go and ran out of the mourning hall in despair.

Originally, they wanted to take the opportunity to give Ouyang Lan and his son a hard blow, but now it seems that the plan has failed. No one expected that a Tang Jian would appear out of thin air.

Ye Bufan burned a stick of incense with his mother, and then walked out of the funeral parlor accompanied by Tang Jian.

Kang Lei and his men were watching from a distance, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

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