Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1543: Die together, you think too much

The wolves present were completely confused. Since this young man arrived, it seems that he has not said a word.

But in just a short while, a powerful emperor-level man came, and then the Divine Court came out in full force, and now even the Vampires also stood up.

Who is the other party? What kind of existence have you provoked? This is a bit too scary.

At this moment, they all remembered Lucia's warning just now, "You cannot afford this consequence!"

Just a few minutes ago, they thought it was just a bluff, and the woman was just intimidating them. Now it seems that she is telling the truth. Not only themselves, but the entire wolf clan cannot bear the consequences.

If the young man in front of him is really angered, whether it is the blood clan, the divine court, or any one of the three emperor realm masters, it will be enough for them to wipe out the wolf clan.

Garnett swallowed hard. Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he had no choice. The only way out was to let him go.

Just when he was about to issue the order, there was a sudden burst of applause.

"Not bad! It's really good! Ye Bufan, you really surprise us every time. You can actually make Shenting and the Blood Tribe join forces. It's really admirable."

Everyone followed the voice and saw that it was Thomson who was speaking. At this moment, the treachery and vulgarity on his face swept away, and instead he became calmer and calmer, as if he was a different person.

"Shut up, you have no place to speak here."

Garnett roared angrily, and then said respectfully to Situ Dianmo, "Your Majesty, our wolf tribe was completely bewitched by this guy this time.

The special department of Country M promised us eight central cities before we could take action against Mr. Ye's woman. We really didn't know that Mr. Ye was our friend before.

I will release him immediately and ask for forgiveness from the Queen and Mr. Ye. "

After speaking, he waved to the men behind him, and immediately two people from the wolf tribe brought Lu Banxia and Alicia over.

"Brother Ye, I knew you would come to save us."

After breaking the rope, the two people excitedly ran to Ye Bufan and hugged his arms on the left and right.

"As long as it's okay, let me take care of things first."

Ye Bufan smiled at the two people, and then looked at Thomson over there: "Your special department is really haunting, but it seems to have failed again this time."

Saying this, his

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There was anger in his heart. Starting from Jiangnan City, the special departments of Country M have caused trouble for him one after another. Counting this, it has been many times.

"There is an old saying in China, which is to do it again and again and again and again, not again and again. It seems I should teach you some lessons this time."

Thomas's expression changed and became cold and stern: "You are the one who is causing trouble. Count how many times you have ruined our plans since you appeared, so you must die!"

And you are wrong about one thing, our plan has not failed and is going smoothly.

Do you think the smart Mr. Carlos will put all his cards on these werewolves? You think of us too simply!

These stupid and arrogant guys can never be trusted. The reason why they arrest people is to lure you here.

From the moment you set foot on Wild Wolf Mountain, our plan has been successful. "

At the end of the sentence, the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a hint of pride.

After this guy finished speaking, all the wolves present were furious. Klose said angrily: "Asshole, who are you calling stupid? Who are you calling arrogant? Believe it or not, I'll slap you to death?"

Ye Bufan waved his hand, and the wolf tribe suddenly became quiet. He looked at Thomson and smiled again: "Then let's see what kind of trump cards you have."

"Ye Bufan, I admit that you have some abilities. Mr. Carlos has also realized it. You have ruined our plans one after another before and escaped one after another, but you won't do it this time."

Thomson raised his hand and pointed around Wild Wolf Mountain.

"Don't forget where this is. This is our M country. This is our base camp. We are the hosts here.

Just twenty miles away, we have arranged a hundred extremely powerful artillery pieces. I have just sent out the signal. Within ten seconds, ten thousand artillery pieces will be fired to completely flatten the Wild Wolf Mountain. Even if you have All kinds of tricks, but in the end the only way is to be broken into pieces, hahaha..."

At the end of the sentence he burst out laughing, extremely arrogant.

Ye Bufan didn't panic at all, and remained calm: "If it's like what you said, would it have killed yourself?"

"I don't care, it's my honor to die loyally, and Mr. Carlos said that I will treat my family well after I die.

I exchanged my life for the lives of so many of you, the lives of so many strong men, and we all perished together. No matter how you calculate it, I made a profit! "


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Sen laughed again at the end.

The surrounding wolves were also very angry. It seemed that the other party had no sincerity in cooperating with them from beginning to end, and just used them as cannon fodder.

Ye Bufan also laughed: "Perish together, you think too much, you are the only one who dies in the end, what does it have to do with us?"

"What, don't you believe what I say? I know that you people have abilities far beyond ordinary people, and you are not even afraid of bullets, but what about cannons?

What we mobilized this time are powerful and heavy artillery, which will definitely blow you to pieces, no matter how high your cultivation level is! "

The more this guy talked, the more excited he became. Ye Bufan looked at him with a joking look on his face: "Okay, let's fire. Where's your cannon? Why doesn't it go off? Didn't we agree for ten seconds?"


The smile on Thomson's face froze for an instant, as if he realized something was wrong. He had already sent the signal, but why was there still no movement yet?

He took out another red transmitter from his pocket and pressed the button again.

Ye Bufan didn't stop him, he just watched happily. As a result, another ten seconds, twenty seconds, or even a minute passed, and the surroundings were still quiet.

"You don't seem to be very good at this thing. We are all waiting to see the cannon. Didn't you say it would blow us to pieces?"

Ye Bufan said this deliberately, causing the people around him to burst into laughter.

"This... this... this is impossible! I personally deployed those cannons, how could something go wrong?"

Thomson's face became extremely ugly. The core and most critical part of their plan this time was the final salvo.

From the very beginning, they had no intention of really cooperating with the wolf clan, let alone setting aside eight central cities for them. They just used each other as cannon fodder.

Everything was planned well, but now the plan failed.

He pressed the transmitter four or five times in succession, but there was still no movement. Finally, he got so angry that he threw the thing to the ground and crushed it to pieces.

"Damn it, what are those gunners doing? Are they asleep?"

"You are right, they are indeed asleep, and they are the kind that never wake up."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him and saw countless black shadows flying out and falling in front of Thomson one after another. They were the gunners he had arranged before.

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