Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1801 Blue Wind Academy


Ye Bufan nodded. Before he even stepped into the gate of Blue Wind Academy, he had already developed such a super-friendship relationship with the number one on the Heavenly Ranking. It always felt a little weird.

The key point is that this woman is really overbearing. Thinking of the words "You are already mine" makes him feel uneasy, and he even thinks of the Supreme Treasure with three brands on his feet.

He asked again: "Sister, what is the status of the Heavenly Ranking of Blue Wind Academy? What level of cultivation do you need to reach to enter the Heavenly Ranking?"

"Seeing as you don't know anything, I'll introduce you to Blue Wind Academy."

Luo Yudie gave him some popular science while eating, "Cangfeng Academy is divided into three levels, namely the outer courtyard, the middle courtyard and the inner courtyard.

The Outer Court only has ordinary students, with about 10,000 students. The students in the Intermediate Court have a higher status and level, but the number is much smaller, about a thousand.

When it comes to the inner courtyard, it is the highest level of Blue Wind Academy, with only 100 people, which is the top 100 on the Heavenly Ranking.

This number is fixed, and every time the list changes, students will adjust accordingly.

For example, if you challenge the 100th person now, if you win, you will officially enter the inner courtyard, and that person will be eliminated to the middle courtyard.

You must be a student from an outside school when you first enroll, but if you can defeat the seniors from the Intermediate School, then you will be from the Intermediate School.

Survival of the fittest, this is the basic law of Blue Wind Academy. "

Ye Bufan asked: "How often is this list updated?"

"Any time!" Luo Yudie said, "As a student of the academy, as long as you feel that your cultivation is enough, you can challenge to the next level at any time.

The same is true for Tianban. As long as you become one of them, you must accept the challenges of other students.

Being able to reach the top of the Heavenly Ranking and enter the Inner Court to practice will enjoy more resources than the Intermediate Court and the Outer Court, and their status will be comparable to that of teachers in the academy.

All the students who can enter the inner academy are elites, and their future will be limitless when they leave the academy in the future. Any one of them will become the target of competition between the royal family and various forces.

Because of this, no one will settle for mediocrity, and will challenge the members of the Tianbang whenever they have the opportunity, striving to become a member of the Inner Court one day. "

Ye Bufan said: "The challenge should have conditions, right? Otherwise, the members on the list will be bored to death, and how can they have time to practice?"

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"This is natural!" Luo Yudie said, "As long as you propose a challenge, it will mean life or death. The gap in cultivation is too big, and it is very likely that your own life will be involved. Therefore, every member who wants to challenge must consider it first. Weigh yourself.

In addition, challenges require payment of fees to the academy. To challenge the Intermediate Academy is 10,000 gold coins, to challenge ordinary members of the Heavenly Ranking is 100,000 gold coins, and to challenge the top ten on the Heavenly Ranking is 1 million gold coins.

As a student of the academy, everyone's training resources are very scarce, so no one will challenge them casually. "

Ye Bufan asked: "Then what kind of members can participate in the newcomer qualifying competition?"

This is his biggest concern. He has only one goal, which is to win first place in this competition and get the Red Yuan Fruit to restore his cultivation.

But it seems a bit difficult now. Lu Xueman has already reached the Void Refining Realm, and it would be difficult for him to reach this level without the Red Yuan Fruit to restore his strength.

But now I can no longer care about so much. As long as there is one ten thousandth chance, I have to put in 100% effort.

Luo Yudie said: "For Blue Wind Academy, only students from the inner academy have this qualification."

Ye Bufan nodded, but didn't take it too seriously. As long as there was this challenge system, it would be fine to directly challenge a member of the Tianbang.

The two chatted for a while, and he got as much information as possible.

After breakfast, the two of them were ready to go out, but just as they arrived at the door, Du Lang came over.

This guy said with a non-smiling smile: "Sister Yudie, where are you going?"

"I will take my little brother to register at Blue Wind Academy."

"I'm afraid this won't work!" Du Lang said, "I forgot that today is the day you take over as the head of the pavilion. There are many things to do, and the boss is still waiting for a reply."


Luo Yudie hesitated for a moment, and unknowingly, she focused all her attention on this man, and even forgot that she was going to take over the Jubao Pavilion today.

"Sister, don't you just sign up? I can go by myself. You can go about your business."

Ye Bufan naturally would not force it, and went out alone after saying goodbye to Luo Yudie.

Almost everyone in the entire Tianfeng City knew about Blue Wind Academy. He went out to inquire about it, found its location, and soon arrived at the gate.

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It is rumored that this academy has a history of thousands of years. The grand gate alone has a strong historical atmosphere. For many years, it has been a holy place that the entire Tianfeng Empire's young warriors dream of.

But Blue Wind Academy is, after all, the highest institution in the entire Tianfeng Empire. Not to mention entering the inner academy, even entering the outer academy with the lowest standards requires extremely harsh conditions. Just the lowest baseline in the foundation building period has killed many young warriors. dream.

You must know that cultivation is an extremely resource-intensive matter. For ordinary families, it is an extremely huge expense. To reach the foundation building stage before the age of 20 is a completely impossible task for many people.

While having breakfast, Luo Yudie gave him a detailed explanation of Blue Wind Academy's requirements for new students.

The bottom line to be able to sign up is the foundation building stage, and the prerequisite age must not be more than 18 years old. The golden elixir stage is relaxed to 20 years old, the Nascent Soul stage is 22 years old, and the god transformation stage is 24 years old.

In fact, most of the students recruited by the outer academy every year are in the Golden Core stage. Because the cultivation level in the foundation stage is too low, it is difficult for them to enter the academy, and they are generally blocked from the door.

The remaining few are in the Nascent Soul stage, but they are definitely very few. Even in the early Nascent Soul stage, they are already the best among all students.

Because in Kunlun Continent, if a young man does not rely on a sect or academy, it will be difficult for him to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, let alone the Divine Transformation Stage.

Moreover, cultivation also depends on qualifications. Some people are unable to form their own Nascent Soul throughout their entire lives.

Since today is the admissions day for Blue Wind College, the gate is particularly busy. The students who come here to register are all very enthusiastic and high-spirited.

Ye Bufan was about to enter the door, when she suddenly glanced to the side, and a figure came into her eyes.

She has a tall figure, a long red dress, and a ponytail hanging casually on the back of her head. Her extremely delicate face looks so familiar.

He was suddenly shocked, as if struck by lightning.

"Situ Dianmo!"

Ye Bufan knew that Situ Dianmo, Ye Tian and others were also taken to Kunlun Continent, but he didn't know where they were sent by the space tunnel.

I was originally worried about how to find a few people, but I didn't expect to meet them here.

"Some ink!"

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, quickly chased after her, and grabbed the girl's sleeve.

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