Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2043: Bloody Battle at Sirius City

According to Song Yaoji's idea, it would be best to cut Ye Bufan's flying spiritual weapon in half with one sword, so that the other party would no longer have the capital to be arrogant.

It's a pity that as soon as her sword came close to Jiutian, it was bounced high by an invisible force. The defensive formation drawn by Ye Bufan could not be broken through in one stage of transformation.

The royal family members behind her were usually pampered and domineering, but now they did not dare to show any signs of it.

They all know very well what kind of ruthless character this is in front of them. Even Prince Song Jian of Anshun is not afraid, so how can he be afraid of people like them.

The most important thing is that in the previous arena competition, I have fully seen how powerful they are. Even if they are tied together, they are no match.

The same is true for Fang Huayu and others. They have no intention of taking action, and they also know very well that even if they take action, they may not be able to break through the protective formation of low-grade spiritual weapons in a short time.

"Your Highness, there is no need to argue with this kind of person."

Feng Tianxiang ran out to smooth things over, supported Song Yaoji and said, "So what if he has a good flying spiritual weapon, there will be no use except escaping when he gets to Tianlang City, and he might be killed by the barbarians as soon as he gets there. "

Fang Huayu also said: "There is no need to worry about it now. When we win the game, it will be regarded as revenge for today."

After the two people said this, Song Yaoji got off the slope. In fact, she had no choice. They didn't need to pay attention to her at all. Even Jiutian's defensive formation couldn't be broken.

Ye Bufan sat on the Nine Heavens from beginning to end, happily eating meat and drinking wine, and didn't pay attention to them at all.

Song Yaoji and others stopped looking at him, blocked their six senses, and rushed forward as quickly as possible.

Tianlang City, looking under the tall city wall at this moment, is full of ferocious-looking barbarians.

The shouts of killing were heard on the city wall. At this moment, the human soldiers were fighting fiercely with the barbarians.

The steel knife in Zhai Lingxiu's hand slashed out, and the head of a low-level barbarian soldier flew high in front of her, and bright red blood splashed on her white uniform.

To be precise, the shirt on her body was no longer white, but dyed crimson with blood.

Not far away from her, the same was true for the city lord Zhai Tianfang. He had a spear in his hand like a dragon out of the sea. Barbarian soldiers kept dying under his spear.

Under the leadership of the father and daughter, the guards of Tianlang City also tried their best. After a desperate fight, they finally managed to repel the attackers.

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A barbarian attack.

Seeing those fierce barbarian soldiers finally retreating, both father and daughter sat down on the city wall.

Although both of them were strong cultivators, such a long period of high-intensity fighting was extremely draining for them.

At this moment, I was exhausted, and I was about to run out of gas.

"Damn it, why are the barbarians so ferocious this time?"

Zhai Lingxiu said while breathing heavily.

As the defenders of Tianlang City, they had dealt with barbarians in the past, but this was the first time they encountered such a ferocious attack.

"Who knows what these brainless guys are crazy about!"

Zhai Tianfang couldn't figure out what was going on. If he kept fighting like this, even if he captured Tianlang City, the losses to the barbarians would definitely not be small.

Today's battle is a battle between two races. The human race will never surrender. Otherwise, the outcome will be a hundred times more miserable than death in battle.

Zhai Lingxiu asked: "Father, when will reinforcements arrive?"

"I have already sent two three-thousand-mile express shipments, but according to normal calculations, even if the imperial court responds quickly, I'm afraid it won't arrive until tonight."


Zhai Lingxiu raised her head and glanced at the sun hanging high in the sky. Although the sun was bright and warm, it made her feel extremely desperate.

"We can't seem to wait any longer. In our current state, we may not even be able to block the next wave of attacks."

At this moment, the soldiers of Tianlang City had fought to the extreme. Not only were more than half of their casualties, but even the remaining half were all wounded and extremely tired, unable to produce even half of their usual combat strength.

"It's nothing. The general will die in battle."

There was no fear in Zhai Tianfang's eyes, "It's just that the people in the city suffered after the city was broken. I hope the court's reinforcements can come faster!"

Zhai Lingxiu said nothing, and her eyes were full of determination.

He reached out and touched a short knife in his arms. This knife was prepared for him once he lost his fighting power.

As a human race, we must not fall into the hands of barbarians, especially women, otherwise the fate would be completely beyond imagination.

The father and daughter had just chatted for a few words when suddenly a strange sound sounded from below the city. This was the unique charging horn of the barbarians.

"Damn it, these savages are at it again!"

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Zhai Tian let go of his spear and jumped up. "Brothers, please cheer up. Even if we are going to die, we must kill a few more beasts!"

Although the other soldiers were exhausted, none of them flinched. They all worked hard and clenched their weapons.

Zhai Lingxiu held two swords in his hands and glanced towards the city. At this moment, as far as he could see, there were overwhelming barbarians.

Although most of them were low-level barbarians, their numbers were extremely large and they rushed towards Tianlang City fearlessly.

The soldiers on the city immediately began to defend. A large number of rolling logs and rocks were smashed down, and barrels of hot oil poured down.

The barbarian army can't be seen at a glance. Although a large number of barbarian soldiers were smashed down, their bodies are extremely strong. As long as they are not hit in any vital parts, they can get up almost immediately and attack again.

In a short time, the vanguard troops had already rushed to the top of the city, and the hand-to-hand fighting began again, and the scene was extremely tragic.

The father and daughter of the Zhai family waved their weapons and took the lead, rushing forward.

Time passed by, blood kept spraying, and every second, fresh lives were harvested by the cold war.

Zhai Tianfang was covered in blood, but his eyes were full of despair. It was obvious that time was on the side of the barbarians this time.

The longer the fighting lasted, the greater the losses on the human side, and the more barbarian soldiers on the city wall.

He and Zhai Lingxiu had tried their best, but their personal role in the war was minimal.

Even if one's cultivation has reached the state of becoming a god, it will not be of much use in this kind of hand-to-hand combat without any other factors.

Besides, there are strong men on the barbarian side. At this moment, a barbarian general wearing a black robe suppressed him and drove him back.

It's not that his cultivation level is different, it's just that he is too tired.

The same goes for Zhai Lingxiu on the other side. Opposite her is a barbarian holding a mace.

The guy was much taller than her and more powerful. Every time he swung the mace, she was shaken back.

Seeing his soldiers fall one by one, Zhai Lingxiu's eyes were about to burst, but there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Her eyes were full of despair. Is Tianlang City really over?

At this moment, a spaceship suddenly appeared in mid-air, speeding towards this side, and there were more than a dozen figures flying beside Yukong.

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