Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2731 Continuous Formation

When Ye Bufan returned to Beiling Island, Su Lingshuang threw herself into his arms as soon as her feet landed.

"Husband, you are back, I am so worried!"

Just now, he was indifferent to others, but now he has become a little bird, which made Shao Donglai and others feel jealous, and they couldn't help but start to look at the young man in front of them.

In their opinion, the young man in front of them was just a little more handsome, and they couldn't tell how strong his cultivation was.

The world of cultivation has always been about strength. Appearance alone cannot win the respect of others without cultivation.

Because of this, the eyes of these people were full of disdain, including Lan Huixin's eyes.

The Zhang brothers were naturally not as shallow as them, and they immediately came forward to say hello politely. Ye Bufan also nodded to the two of them.

After saying hello, Zhang Yujing said: "Ye Yixian, today has arrived the day for the opening of Panlong Island. Do you think you can represent our Tonghai League in the competition?"

Ye Bufan nodded: "Yes, I always do what I promise."

After the two people finished speaking, Lan Huixin and others immediately frowned.

You must know that there are only ten places in the Tonghai League, and the leader invites this young man in front of you, doesn't that mean that one of them will be eliminated.

Sure enough, Zhang Yujing smiled happily after seeing Ye Bufan agree and turned back to look at them.

"Shao Dongsheng, you don't have to go this time. Give up your spot to Ye Yixian."

As the sect leader is in charge of everything in the Tonghai League, he will naturally not be polite at all when speaking to these people in front of him.


When he heard that he had been eliminated, Shao Dongsheng was shocked at first, and then showed unwillingness and anger on his face.

Zhang Yujing ignored these and said again: "We are lucky that Ye Yixian can join the Tonghai Alliance. From now on, he will be the captain of your team and lead everything.

Everyone must obey his orders, otherwise he will be punished by the gang! "

If it was only Shao Dongsheng who was angry before, now everyone's expressions have changed.

Especially Lan Huixin, this woman has always been extremely arrogant and has always been the leader of this team.

Now she suddenly heard that not only did she have to hand over her position, but she also had to listen to other people's orders. This made her unable to accept it in her heart.

The same goes for other people. In their opinion, Ye Bufan, a pretty boy, is just a freeloader. The reason why Zhang Yujing gave him this kind of treatment was entirely because of Su Lingshuang's face.

After all, a person in his twenties who is in the tribulation period is considered a national treasure wherever he is. It is impossible to say that the Tonghai Alliance does not pay attention to him.

"I'm not convinced!"

After being stunned for a moment, Shao Dongsheng roared angrily: "Why, after practicing hard for so long, I am in the early stage of Dongxu in terms of cultivation, and I am a fifth-level array mage in terms of formation skills. Why should I give up my position to him?"

This guy was really angry, so he dared to stand up and oppose Zhang Yujing's decision.

You must know that the opportunity to enter Panlong Island is absolutely rare. For a cultivator, he is not willing to give up no matter what.

Zhang Yujing's expression darkened: "What? Are you questioning my decision?"

"No...no...I just...just..."

Feeling the strong pressure of the strong man in the Tribulation Stage, Shao Dongsheng immediately calmed down a lot and was speechless.

At this time, Lan Huixin stood up and said, "Sir, Alliance Leader, we should obey your orders.

But we have been practicing hard for three years, and each of us has put in a lot and made great progress.

Nowadays, people are replaced casually without any reason. I’m afraid everyone is dissatisfied! "


Feeling that his order was being questioned, Zhang Yujing was about to have a fit.

"Alright, Leader Zhang, leave this matter to me."

Ye Bufan stopped Zhang Yujing, stepped forward and looked at the ten people in front of him sharply.

"Is it just you trash? Who do you have to be unconvinced?"

He has always been true to his word, and since he promised the Zhang brothers, he must do the matter in front of him well.

Now there is no time to waste with these people in front of you. The best way is to simply, brutally and directly use force to subdue them.

"What an arrogant boy."

Since he was not facing Zhang Yujing, Shao Dongsheng immediately regained his confidence.

"In this case, do you dare to compete with me? Whoever loses gets out of here!"

"Originally, a loser like you has no qualifications to compete with me, but today I will make an exception and give you a chance."

Ye Bufan said calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to compete with?"

The Zhang brothers stood nearby with faint smiles on their faces. This was a situation they were happy to see.

Let Ye Yixian personally take action to suppress these ignorant guys, which is much more effective than them forcibly suppressing them.

Shao Dongsheng said: "The most important thing about going to the Nine-Turn Dragon Island competition this time is to test the formation skills.

Okay, I'll set up a formation. As long as you can break through it, you will lose if I lose. If you can't break it, you will lose.

How about it? Do you dare to compare? "

After saying that, he looked over with a provocative look. To be honest, he still felt a little unsure.

Strictly speaking, his method of competition is a bit unfair. If the attainments are the same, the party setting up the formation will have the absolute initiative and can come up with its own unique formation.

The party that breaks the formation is in a passive position, and it is not known whether the formation deployed by the opponent is what it is good at.

Everyone else looked over, wondering whether the young man in front of them would agree.

Ye Bufan looked indifferent: "Hurry up, don't waste time."

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of Shao Dongsheng's mouth. It turned out that he was a guy who didn't know anything. It seemed that he was really a pretty boy who relied on women for his livelihood.

Now that he had the opportunity to turn the situation around, he naturally would not miss it. He immediately took out the formation flag and started to set up the formation in front of the Su family compound.

As the owner of Beiling Island, there is a small square in front of the Su family. It is extremely wide and covers an area of ​​several thousand square meters. It is more than enough to set up a small formation.

Shao Dongsheng is quite accomplished in formations, and his movements are extremely fast yet methodical.

As formation flags were thrown out, the scene in front of everyone soon changed.

The previously flat square began to disappear before everyone's eyes, and the scene they saw became illusory and unreal.

"It seems that Shao Dongsheng is serious this time, and he has actually set up a fifth-level magic array!"

"Being able to set up a fifth-level illusion formation so quickly, it seems that his formation skills have improved again!"

The ten people trained by the Tonghai League are all formation mages, and they all have considerable attainments. Everyone immediately saw the difference.

Illusion arrays are mainly used to interfere with people's minds. Once they enter, they will be addicted to the pre-arranged scenes and cannot extricate themselves. Among the arrays, it is considered a more terrifying one.

Shao Dongsheng was able to set up a fifth-level magic array in such a short period of time, which was already very impressive in their eyes.

And he had no intention of stopping. He continued to throw out formation flags one by one, and soon another formation was formed.

"Oh my God, another trapped formation. It seems that he is really angry this time and actually set up a series of formations!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Shao Dongsheng deployed three formations one after another, and the last one turned out to be a more powerful killing formation.

At this time, many people's expressions changed. A fifth-level formation was already terrifying, and there were three of them connected together.

Moreover, the chain formation is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Once the formations are superimposed, the power will increase geometrically.

Shao Dongsheng also knew that this battle was of great importance, so he took out all his trump cards and directly exposed the chain formation.

After doing all this, he looked back with a proud sneer on his lips.

"It's your turn to break the formation!"

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