Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3825 The Secret Realm Opens

"In this case, I'm relieved."

Ye Bufan did not explain in detail what his strength was, and Fairy Chixia did not ask any further questions, and continued to introduce the dangers of the Yuangu Secret Realm.

"There are three main dangers in the secret realm, space cracks, natural formations, and ancient beasts..."

Ye Bufan did not dare to be careless at all and listened carefully.

"Sir Elder, are the ancient evil beasts and the fairy beasts you mentioned the same species?"

Fairy Chixia said: "It's almost the same, and more ferocious. The disciples who entered before were able to reach the eleventh level when they encountered the strongest one.

Therefore, you must be careful when encountering someone. Fight if you can, and run away if you can't.

There are other dangers, but they are not common. These three are the main ones.

In the past, every time the Primordial Secret Realm was opened, a disciple would die. Doctor Ye must be careful. "

"I see!"

Ye Bufan nodded and wrote them down one by one.

Fairy Chixia explained her knowledge of the Yuan Gu Secret Realm in detail for an hour.

After finishing speaking, Ye Bufan asked: "Master Elder, where did the hundreds of people in the Yuangu Secret Realm come from? Can't you bring more people in?"

After he came back, he had an idea to try and see if he could bring Luo Bingyan, Shen Qiyun and others in through the Dragon King Palace.

But I am not sure what the consequences will be after entering, so I just want to ask now.

Fairy Chixia shook her head: "After a hundred people enter the Yuan Gu Secret Realm, an invisible barrier will form. No one can enter, not even the powerful Immortal Master."

Ye Bufan asked again: "What about other methods, such as space magic weapons?"

Fairy Chixia said: "For so many years since the Yuan Gu Secret Realm was opened, someone once thought of this method to bring fellow disciples into the Yuan Gu Secret Realm through space magic weapons.

But as soon as he appeared, he was immediately smashed to pieces by the laws of space, and no bones were left. "

"so smart!"

Ye Bufan was surprised. It seemed that his idea could not be used.

But it doesn't matter. As long as your own strength increases, you can improve the strength of Luo Bingyan and others through the dual cultivation technique.

Fairy Chixia saw that he had nothing to ask and that she had said all she needed to say, so she said goodbye and left. After all, she still had to take care of her disciples.

At the same time, the leaders of each major sect began to conduct similar popular science among their disciples.

The three sects, five sects and seven aristocratic families have entered the Primordial Secret Realm more than once. Some disciples have entered it for the second or even third time. In comparison, they have richer experience.

Jian Feiyang, the great elder of the Sifang Sword Sect, sat in the main seat, while Jian Juebi and other five disciples sat opposite him.

"I have finished talking about the Yuan Gu Secret Realm. I would like to emphasize one last point. As soon as I encounter the boy named Ye after entering, I will kill him and I will never let him come out alive."

Jian Jueya nodded: "Don't worry, elder, not only the boy named Ye, but also the people of Lingyun Sword Sect. As long as we seize the opportunity, we will definitely not let him come out alive."

"Others don't have that need."

Jian Feiyang said, "The women of the Lingyun Sword Sect are really more powerful than the others, and some of them are no match for you at all, so don't provoke them, or you might get burned.

Because of this, you must find Ye Bufan as soon as possible after entering and eradicate him.

Otherwise, once he is reunited with Jin Meier and others, it will be difficult for you to take action.

Moreover, this matter must be done quickly and kept secret, so that no one else can know that it was our Sifang Sword Faction who did it. "


Several people agreed in unison.

In the Han family, similar scenes were staged at the same time. The elder Han Fangcuo gritted his teeth with hatred when he mentioned Ye Bufan's name.

"I have remembered it all. I will kill the boy named Ye immediately when I meet him. No matter what, I can't let him walk out of the Yuangu Secret Realm alive.

However, the action must be secretive, cannot be discovered by anyone, and cannot leave any traces. "

Han Junci said: "Elder, I don't know what the strength of that boy is.

If she is really similar to those women, I am afraid that none of our disciples of the Han family will be able to match her. "

"This is impossible."

Han Fangcuo shook his head, "If you ask me, he is just a pretty boy who relies on women for his livelihood, but he must have some ability and not be incompetent in the ring.

What a great honor it is to be the leader of the Hundred Gates Competition. If it were someone else, he would not be criticized at all.

This kid didn't move a single move from beginning to end, which can only show that he has a guilty conscience. He has no ability and just relied on luck to get to this point. "

Han Lingzhe said: "What the elder said is true. I also think he is a waste."

There was some fear in his heart just now, but now it was gone after hearing Han Fangcuo's words.

Just imagine who it was, who would not give up such a good opportunity to show his face, but instead be criticized by everyone in the world.

Zhao family, if anyone wants to say who hates Ye Bufan the most in the entire Zhongtian Territory, it is none other than the Zhao family. As one of the seven majestic aristocratic families, they were eliminated at the beginning of the war, their core disciples disappeared one after another, the gambling house suffered serious losses, and in the end even the Immortal Master level fell. All of this was more or less related to him.

Zhao Xingfeng gritted his teeth: "Master Elder, now is a good opportunity to kill that kid. It's a pity that we Zhao family disciples have no way to enter the ancient secret realm."

“It’s okay, we can’t get in and let others kill him.

Zhao Qinglian's eyes were full of hatred, "You immediately go to the core disciples with whom you are close and spread the news.

No matter who gets Ye Bufan's head, our Zhao family is willing to pay a reward of 100 million mid-grade immortal crystals. "

"The elder is wise."

Zhao Xingfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. One hundred million mid-grade immortal crystals was not a small amount. It was enough for countless people to hunt down Ye Bufan.

In Diletian's station, Ye Bufan didn't care at all. Now that his strength is not inferior to that of any peak immortal, how could he take those people's little actions seriously.

After a night of double cultivation, he raised the strength of Shen Qiyun and Luo Bingyan to the early stage of Immortal Lord.

Early the next morning, he took Leng Qingqiu and others to the Yuan Gu Secret Realm.

For safety reasons, he asked Xiaoqing, the others, and the Lingyun Sword Sect to stay in Yuangu City, and they could not leave even half a step before he came back.

This place has its own rules, with many Immortal-level powerhouses stationed here, and with the care of the Bixia Sect, it is relatively safe.

Yuan Gu City was originally built on the Yuan Gu Secret Realm. The distance is not far, that is, a hundred miles away. For them, it can be reached in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, countless immortals have gathered here, a sea of ​​people.

However, these people are all on the periphery. In the core area, they are all disciples of the three sects, five sects, seven aristocratic families and the Top 100 Competition.

Ye Bufan brought everyone here, and felt a strong energy fluctuation from a distance, as well as a strong ancient aura.

The Tianyu in the Yuangu Secret Realm is actually just an entrance, located near a small valley. Normally nothing can be seen, but at this moment, the sky above the valley is filled with stormy clouds.

Seeing everyone from the Top 100 Tournament gathered, Taoist Wuhuo began to read out the rules for entering the secret realm, which were not much different from what Fairy Chixia said yesterday.

After everything is explained, all that's left is to wait slowly.

Under everyone's gaze, about an hour later, a space vortex with a diameter of about two feet formed in mid-air.

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At the same time, the ancient aura was a thousand times stronger than before, filling the entire valley.

This vortex is the entrance to the Primordial Secret Realm, officially opened.

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