Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 547: Admit Defeat

At this moment, a bodyguard in black came down from upstairs and said to Ye Bufan: "Our boss calls you, come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked upstairs. Ye Bufan followed him upstairs without any hesitation.

After Ye Bufan left, the receptionist rushed forward and helped Brother Hu up.

The bald man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and came over and said: "Brother Hu, this kid is too damn awesome.

Brother Hu said harshly: "So what if you are more powerful? Can you still be more powerful than the boss?

This time, he must be carried out when he goes up, otherwise his life may be lost there. "

The boss he was talking about was Cao Meng, the president of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce. As the number one general among the underground controllers of Jiangbei City, Cao Meng has always had a reputation for bravery.

Rumor has it that when he first came to Jiangbei City, he chopped down two streets with a kitchen knife and chopped down forty or fifty gangsters. Only then did he attract the attention of the leader Wei Ye, and he took him under his command.

In recent years, as the Sihai Chamber of Commerce has grown in size and status, it is rare to see Cao Meng take action.

However, according to some insiders, Cao Meng's skills have not deteriorated, but are on the contrary much more powerful than before.

The bald man gritted his teeth and said, "When this pretty boy is destroyed by the boss, I will have to vent my anger."

Brother Hu said: "If you dare to cause trouble for our Sihai Chamber of Commerce, you are destined to not end well."

Ye Bufan followed the bodyguard to the third floor. He was slightly stunned after entering. If he hadn't known that this was the home of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, he would have thought he was in a boxing gym.

The lights here are much brighter than those downstairs. Everything is built according to the model of a boxing gym. There are soft carpets on the ground floor and a tall boxing ring in the middle.

At this moment, on a recliner in front of the boxing ring, a middle-aged man wearing yellow training clothes was lying on it. Next to him, two scantily clad women were getting a massage.

Behind the middle-aged man stood seven or eight bodyguards in black suits. Compared with the gangsters downstairs, these people were obviously much more elite, and they exuded a powerful aura.

"Boss, I brought you the man."

The middle-aged man is Cao Meng, the president of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

Cao Meng lay on the recliner, still comfortably receiving the massage from the beautiful woman, without speaking. The black-clothed bodyguard seemed to be familiar with this situation and stood respectfully beside him without saying a word.

For a moment, the entire hall was extremely quiet, giving people a chilling pressure.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Bufan's mouth. This guy was actually playing tricks on him.

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Reasonable battle.

He glanced at Cao Meng with his spiritual consciousness. He was just a yellow-level warrior at best. At this level, he couldn't do any tricks no matter how he played.

However, he did not speak, but walked leisurely around the room with his hands behind his back, looking around at the settings here.

After a while, Cao Meng opened his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Bufan, who was leisurely and content as if strolling in a garden, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

"Boy, are you sent by Fukang Pharmaceutical?"

Ye Bufan turned around and said, "Yes, I'm here to ask for the account."

"Yes, young people are very brave. It has been many years since anyone dared to ask for an account in front of me, Mr. Cao."

After Cao Meng finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked the two women to step aside and stood up from the recliner, exuding a powerful aura.

If he were an ordinary person, his momentum would definitely bring extremely strong pressure. Unfortunately, he was facing a Dzogchen Dzogchen warrior at this moment, so this was destined to be a joke.

Ye Bufan said calmly: "It is only natural to pay back debts."

Cao Meng said: "You can ask me for money if you want. Mr. Cao has a rule. As long as you can beat me, you can agree to any conditions.

I heard that you are very skilled and you defeated dozens of my men by yourself. You can give me a try. I haven't found a suitable opponent for a long time. "

Ye Bufan looked at him and said, "You are not worthy of being my opponent."

"Boy, why are you talking to our elder brother?"

Several bodyguards nearby immediately exploded, shouting one after another, with the intention of rushing forward and taking action.

The two charming women looked at him with pity in their eyes. They knew very well how cruel Cao Meng's methods were, and they seemed to have seen the young man's tragic end.

Cao Meng waved his hand to signal his men to be quiet, and then sneered: "You are too arrogant. This is the first time in so many years that someone dares to talk to me like this. I hope you have the strength to match this arrogance."

Ye Bufan said: "Well, since you insist on fighting, I will give you a chance. As long as you have the courage to attack me, I will lose."

After speaking, Cao Meng walked up to the ring first, with a touch of disdain and cruelty on his lips, and then walked up.

In his opinion, this young man is an insult to himself, and he must make the other party pay the price later.

"Boy, are you ready? I'm about to take action..."

Cao Meng suddenly stopped mid-sentence and his face turned extremely pale.

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Although the young man in front of him still stood there with a calm expression and looked calm, his whole body was already bursting with powerful momentum.

This momentum was like a huge wave, solid as substance, pressing towards him one wave after another.


Boundless fear immediately arose in Cao Meng's heart. With such a powerful momentum, could it be said that this young man has reached the Xuan level or higher?

He tried his best to use the cultivation in his body, but he still couldn't compete with the opponent's momentum.

"Powerful, too powerful!"

Ye Bufan's explosive momentum was only directed at one person, and the others were not aware of it at all. Cao Meng, who was in the middle of the momentum, was like a small boat in the huge waves. Facing boundless pressure, he was in danger of overturning at any time.

At this moment, even if he didn't say anything, even standing was a problem, and his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

Damn it, how could he be so strong at such a young age? Even Wei Master Wei Changsheng is not as powerful as him.

Seeing that this guy was still holding on, a smile appeared on Ye Bufan's lips, and his momentum suddenly doubled again.

Cao Meng, who was at the end of his strength, couldn't bear it anymore. First he knelt down on the ring with his right leg, and then with his left leg, he knelt down straight in front of Ye Bufan.

At this time, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. They were all Cao Meng's confidants and knew how advanced their boss was, how powerful his skills were, and how ruthless his wrists were.

I originally thought that this fight was a massacre, but I didn't expect that it was just like the young man said. The boss didn't even have the courage to take action and still knelt in front of others. What was going on?

Cao Meng knew his own suffering. Only he could feel the pressure of facing a strong man.

Ye Bufan glanced at him and said, "How about it, are you still competing?"

"No more competition, I admit defeat!"

Cao Meng said very simply that as a warrior, he deeply realized the huge gap between himself and others.

If you still insist on taking action without knowing what is going on, you will only be humiliating yourself, and may even risk your own life.

Now that the opponent had admitted defeat, Ye Bufan did not continue to take action, and regained his momentum with a thought.

Cao Meng suddenly felt his body loosen up, as if a mountain had been moved away, and then he stood up with trembling legs.

(It’s a violent update. No surprise, no surprise. Hand over your monthly ticket and reward.

Haha, all the manuscripts for Double Twelve have been exposed. )

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