Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 870 Transformation into Coach

After these people left, only Ye Bufan and Su Ruyue remained here.

"Okay, stop looking and let's play ball."

Ye Bufan said casually.


Su Ruyue agreed. From the bottom of her heart, she had many questions to ask, but unfortunately a good education made her endure it, pick up the club again, and start playing ball again.

When you first play golf, you can vent your emotions to a great extent and relieve your inner depression.

But after picking up the club again, I found that the feeling had completely changed.

There was no feeling of venting when the ball was hit. On the contrary, the scene of Ye Bufan beating Jin Zhao just appeared in his mind from time to time.

I actually felt in my heart that if I went up and slapped my mouth a few times, I would feel better.

This thought shocked Su Ruyue, feeling surprised and frightened that she had such an idea.

She has received an aristocratic education since she was a child. Mrs. Su has always told her to be a polite lady, not to fight or even quarrel with others, and to pursue perfection in everything she does.

Because of this, even if Ximen Yuliang did something that was not allowed by nature, he just slapped her in anger and then suppressed the anger in his heart.

Her ball was originally average, but now her performance was seriously affected by her distraction. The next ball only hit the ball 70 to 80 meters away before falling to the ground.

"It's wrong for you to fight like this."

At this moment, a voice rang in her ears, and then, two strong arms held her in his arms, and a pair of big hands held her white and tender little hands.

It was Ye Bufan who hugged her from behind. To be precise, he held the golf club along his arms.

"Your posture is wrong and your ball play is too bad. Let me teach you."

Ye Bufan said in her ear again.

"You...you...what are you going to do? Let me go quickly."

Su Ruyue suddenly panicked and began to struggle with her shaking shoulders.

Her panic came from two aspects. First, she had never been hugged so closely by a man in her entire life.

Secondly, the bodyguard is not far away. If he sees himself getting close to a man, the consequences will be very bad.

In fact, she couldn't tell how bad it would be, but she felt panicked and very scared.

"Don't move, I'm a doctor and I'm helping you treat your illness."

Ye Bufan said something else in her ear.

Don't know

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It was because of these words that Su Ruyue found a reason to comfort herself, or the strong masculine aura made her lose the strength to resist.

Or maybe it was the education she received since she was a child that made her feel that if she struggled too much, she would lose her temper. In short, she finally complied and stopped resisting.

The bodyguard who was originally observing this side from a distance saw Ye Bufan suddenly hugging Su Ruyue, and the eldest lady seemed to be resisting again, so she quickly approached here.

But after taking a few steps, they saw Su Ruyue cooperated again. Not only did she not resist, but the two of them seemed to be talking about something, which made them stop.

After all, they knew that the young man in front of them was a doctor and had just treated the eldest lady.

"You had a problem with your previous mental state, which is why you got sick. If you want to completely cure it, you must break this state."

Ye Bufan's voice was very calm, neither excited nor nervous.

"Just like you are playing now, there are problems with your posture and technique, so you can't achieve the expected results, and you can't vent your emotions very well.

Now do as I say and feel my movements. "

While speaking, Ye Bufan put his arms around Su Ruyue, holding the club through her hands, driving her body, raised the club sharply, swung down, and hit the golf ball with a bang.

The ball flew high, drew an exaggerated curve in the air, flew far away like a soaring bird, and landed on the lawn with a thud.

Su Ruyue looked up and saw that the ball flew about 400 meters, a distance she had never reached before.

Generally speaking, anyone who can reach more than 300 meters is at the level of a professional player. Ye Bufan's stroke has completely reached the level of a professional player.

And this is while holding someone in an uncomfortable position.

"This is how the ball should be played. Your purely venting style of play has no skills at all.

Just relying on brute force to hit the ball may be very enjoyable the first few times, but if you hit it too much, you will find that the ball is getting closer and closer, and you will feel very uncomfortable at that time, and it will not achieve the effect of reducing stress and venting at all. "

While Ye Bufan was explaining, the ball machine placed the ball in place. He still hugged Su Ruyue and swung again.

There was a crisp sound, and this time the hit was farther than last time, almost 4,670 meters away.

You must know that the world golf record is 530 yards, which translates to 484 meters.

For ordinary professional players, the general distance is within 400 yards, about 300 yards.

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meters distance.

In other words, Ye Bufan's performance with her was far beyond that of ordinary professional players, and almost tied the world record.

Ye Bufan naturally didn't know this, but Su Ruyue knew it very well. She asked in shock: "You...is this really your first time playing golf?"

She wanted to ask this question just now, but she never imagined that a first-time golfer would make 20 consecutive holes-in-ones.

Now that she hit the ball so far at once, she couldn't help but feel curious.

"Of course, as you can see, I just learned it from the video. I have never touched a club before."

Ye Bufan is telling the truth, but as a cultivator, his learning speed is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.


Su Ruyue responded softly. Intellectually she couldn't believe this was true, but in her heart she felt that this man would not lie to her.

Ye Bufan started teaching her how to play ball again, still holding her in his arms and hitting the ball out again and again.

Su Ruyue also gradually relaxed from the initial nervousness, and even felt that it was very comfortable and she enjoyed it very much.

“You are swinging too fast, don’t always think about venting, what you have to do is to seize the last explosive point and hit the ball farther.

If the process is too intense, the desired effect will not be achieved at all. Will you feel good about it? So you have to have a rhythm when you swing, like I do..."

While explaining, Ye Bufan took Su Ruyue's arm, raised the club, and demonstrated again.

This ball flew far away, and the distance was no less than the last time.

Ye Bufan let go of Su Ruyue: "I've almost finished practicing with you, try it yourself.

In fact, there are no major problems with your golf game, but there are too many minor problems, which must be corrected. "

Su Ruyue looked at Ye Bufan with a complicated expression. She had been practicing for several years, but he only learned it for 10 minutes, and he still learned it from the teaching video. Why does it seem like there is such a big gap? .

"Look what I'm doing? Hurry up and play ball."

Ye Bufan's tone suddenly became stern, as if he had really transformed into a golf coach.


Su Ruyue agreed, picked up the club and prepared to play ball.

"Why are you so high up? Keep it inward. How did you learn how to do it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Bufan suddenly took action and slapped Su Ruyue's erect back.

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