Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 925: Family Head Token

Although everyone was confused about this matter, it was the decision of the family head. The great elder did not speak, and others naturally had no right to object.

"Everyone, be quiet. I will announce the second thing."

Everyone immediately fell silent. Since these two things can be juxtaposed with the succession of the family head, it is obviously not a small matter.

Sure enough, Changsun Wenzhi took out a diamond-shaped wooden plaque, which looked antique, with the word "Ling" written on it, and on the back was the traditional Chinese character "Changsun".

Everyone in the Changsun family knows that this is the family head's token. As long as you see this card, it is like the head of the family is here in person, and you can mobilize all the power and assets of the Changsun family.

It's just that the Changsun family has never given the token to others for use in so many years. I don't know what the purpose of taking it out today is.

"I believe everyone knows the meaning of this token, and now I will give it to my grandson Ye Bufan.

From now on, no matter who the eldest son is, seeing him is like meeting the head of the family. "

After the eldest son Wenzhi announced the news, the people present immediately exploded, which was even more explosive than when the family head was passed on just now.

Although it was a bit unexpected to pass the throne to the eldest grandson Cangsong, he was the eldest son of the family head after all, and he was also one of the most popular heirs of the family head at that time, so everyone could accept it.

But now that the family head token was suddenly handed over to that young man, this was something no one could imagine.

Especially the eldest son Liyan and others were immediately confused. Although the old man had not yet announced how to deal with the matter just now, he gave the family head token to Ye Bufan, which already represented his attitude.

At the same time, they were also puzzled. Didn't it mean that the old man was forced to invite the mother and son back? Why was the family leader suddenly granted a token again? Is there any inside story here?

"Father, I disagree."

Liyan, the eldest grandson, was the first to shout, "Ye Bufan has just entered our eldest grandson's family. It's unfair that He Dehe can have the family head token. I'm afraid it's hard to convince people."

"How can you be so virtuous?" The eldest son Wenzhi smiled coldly, "Xiaofan's contribution is beyond your imagination. If he hadn't helped last night, I'm afraid our eldest son's family would have been removed from the top five aristocratic families.

Do you think such merit is worthy of the family head’s token? "

The crowd was agitated again. No one expected that the old man would have such a high opinion of Ye Bufan.

"Did something big happen to the eldest grandson's family that we saved last night?"

But since the old man didn't say anything, others naturally didn't dare to ask.

Changsun Qingbai said

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Said: "But the head of the family, Ye Bufan is still too young after all. If he has the head of the family token, it may be detrimental to the eldest brother who has just inherited the position of the head of the family."

He also didn't expect Ye Bufan to have such a high status and control the family leader's token. Then he would be on an equal footing with the family leader, and there would be no chance that people like them would have a good life in the future.

So he moved out Cangsong, the eldest grandson that the old man cared about most, hoping to change this decision.

"It's nothing. If Xiaofan is willing, I will give him the position of head of the family immediately."

Before Changsun Wenzhi could speak, Changsun Cangsong stood up.


Changsun Qingbai was stunned for a moment. No one, including everyone present, expected that Changsun Wenzhi and his son would be so fond of Ye Bufan that they would even give up the position of the head of the family.

What they didn't know was that the father and son had just discussed it backstage. They both believed that Ye Bufan was definitely not a thing in the pool.

As long as the eldest son Cangsong has a good relationship with his nephew, the eldest son's family will definitely be able to make further progress in the future, and it is even possible to become the number one family in the imperial capital.

"Okay, this matter is settled." Changsun Wenzhi said again, "I will announce the third thing now."

Everyone present immediately fell silent. The first two things were more exciting than the other, and they didn't know what the third thing was.

Changsun Liyan had a bad premonition in his heart, as if he thought it had something to do with people like himself.

Chang Sun Wenzhi looked gloomy: "I invited Dong Ju and Xiao Fan back, and I will never allow anyone to be disrespectful.

But some people didn't open their eyes and dared to insult him.

I now declare that Changsun Liyan’s family and Changsun Qingbai’s family will all be expelled from Changsun’s family and will never be allowed to enter the house. "

"What the hell!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present showed incredible expressions.

No one expected that the old man would expel both Changsun Qingbai and Changsun Liyan from their homes for one Ye Bufan.

You must know that although the eldest grandson Liyan is not up to expectations, he is still the old man's biological son.

Although Changsun Qingbai is a sideline, Changsun Yi is a leader among the younger generation.

Now that the two families are stacked together, they have all been kicked out, which shows how high Ye Bufan's status is in Changsun Wenzhi's heart.

Both women, Liang Meiyun and Wu Yanhong, were stunned for a moment. Only now did they realize what a stupid mistake they had made.

Not only was Ye Bufan not disliked by the old man, on the contrary, he took him very seriously and even gave him his family head token.

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At this moment, both of them were filled with regret. If they had known that she would be beaten to death like this, they would not have dared to provoke the eldest grandson Dongju and her son.

"Father, you can't kick me out. I didn't do anything."

At this point, Changsun Liyan no longer cares about others and only hopes to protect himself.

"I can only watch your woman bullying your sister, but she doesn't give a shit, and she can't even take care of her wife. What's the use of a waste like you?"

The eldest grandson Wenzhi's face was full of disgust, and he was obviously extremely disappointed with this son.

He waved his hand and said to the servant next to him: "Kick them all out."

Changsun Yi has not come to his senses yet. He has always been the proud son of the Changsun family. Why was he expelled from the family like this?

"Master, please say something to me quickly. I am your disciple and grandson. The eldest grandson's family will still need me in the future..."

Changsun Wugong is the eldest elder in the Changsun family. He has a transcendent status and always sticks to his word. If he pleads for him at this moment, Changsun Wenzhi will definitely be able to change his decision.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Wugong just glared at him fiercely: "From now on, you have nothing to do with me, and the Changsun family doesn't need a waste like you."

Although Changsun Yi had some talent, it was nothing in the eyes of the old man. He would only give tips when he was bored.

If he had offended someone else, Chang Sun Wugong might have been able to say a few nice words to him, but now it was Ye Bufan who was offended, and the old man was already very kind without taking any action himself.

"Master, you can't do this. Master, I am a genius..."

Changsun Yi wanted to say something more, but two bodyguards grabbed his arms and dragged him out of the hall.

The same goes for several other people. They were all dragged up and thrown out of Changsun's house.

After the incident, the entire hall was silent.

At this moment, even a fool can see that this young man is definitely not someone they can mess with.

Company commanders Sun Liyan and Changsun Qingbai both ended up having their whole families expelled, not to mention others.

"Okay, bygones are bygones, now the banquet begins."

Changsun Wenzhi waved his hand, and the atmosphere in the hall immediately became cheerful.

No one mentioned Chang Sun Qiulan, and no one remembered Chang Sun Liyan and Chang Sun Qingbai. Everyone raised their wine glasses and lined up to toast Chang Sun Dongju and her son.

Ye Bufan had a calm smile on his face. After today, his mother would never be bullied again in the eldest grandson's house.

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