Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 105: Rain is coming

"Bad guy, I'm going to bed so late, you can go back!" Sun Lingling heard the familiar voice first, and then she was pleased and then angrily said. (? 八 .) 8] 1> Z? W). ) C] OM

"Then let's sleep together." As Guo Guo held Sun Lingling in his arms, his mouth blocked Sun Lingling's mouth. After a while, Sun Lingling's body slowly softened, and then the whole room was filled with the most primitive Of course, Guo Bad did a good job this time, and made the entire room soundproof.

"Lingling, you said on the phone that the Xiahou Shi family has arrived in Wucheng. Is the news reliable? I don't worry about anything else, as long as I don't find it boring on the day my brother opened my business," Guo said with a smile.

"I also listened to Grandpa. Grandpa already knew about our two." Sun Lingling said, his face flushed.

"It looks like I have to take the time to pay a visit to the old man. By the way, I will prepare some gifts and marry you into the door, otherwise I will have to come to this place, just like stealing love." Guo Bad said without hesitation.

"Fortunately, Grandpa knew your name after the end of the fight. Otherwise, Wucheng's four evils and five poisons were all passed to Grandpa. It is estimated that you have been sunk into the moat now." Sun Lingling said with a smile.

"If you sink me to the moat, who will accompany you to sleep." Guo Bad said, passing Sun Lingling with a mad kiss.

"Big villain." Sun Lingling shouted shyly, "Xiahou family is not small in the imperial capital. Four people came this time. According to grandpa, two people are martial arts and have reached the innate realm. Grandpa let me do this Tell you."

"Congenital masters, interesting, let them come." Guo Bad said with a smile, "Lingling, ** is worth a thousand moments, let's not talk about the problem of disappointment." Then the two were passionate again.

"You wear this piece of jade, and you give Xiaoxi each one of them. If the Xiahou family members look for you, tell them my address and I will handle it." Guo Bad said, six Jade Pei handed it to Sun Lingling. Each jade pen had a word written on it, and the jade card in Sun Lingling's hand had a word Sun.

"Don't you give them to yourself? I'll be jealous when I send them." Sun Lingling said quietly.

"Originally thought of giving you Saturday, but now I can't control so much, you give them, congenital realm, hope a bit of congenital realm." Guo Gang whispered squinting his eyes.

At six o'clock in the morning, Guo Bad kissed the sleeping Sun Lingling lightly, and once again flew Yu Jian to Guo's old house. The whole Chinese power martial arts was a panic again.

"Bad guy, come back, very high-profile, Yu Jian flew, this trick must be good." Just arrived home, Yuer has woke up and said with a smile.

"Ahem, my wife woke up, will you stop sleeping?" Guo said with a smile, sitting next to Yuer.

"Stallion!" Yuer cursed politely, "accompany me to go shopping today, or you will look good."

"Today's business, you have to take me home first to see the old man, and by the way tell him about the opening of our medical museum." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"You can find a way to send these things to Jia Yuan, but don't use your storage ring. Changing so many things at once will scare outsiders." Yuer pointed to the various furniture in the yard, Said with a smile.

"Wife Yuer thoughtful, come, kiss me, I'll reward you." Then, Guo Gang put his mouth together.

"Get out of the way and hurry to change clothes. In the afternoon, I want to go to Mahjong Hall to play mahjong. Don't delay my business." Yuer pushed Guo bad away.

"Mahjong Pavilion playing mahjong? If you let your sister know, what expression will she say?" Guo said with a black line on his face, and then ran into the room by himself.

"You say, a hundred years of life, you can toss as much as you want," Yuer said with a smile. "Maybe in a few days my sister will let me go back. At that time, there will be no chance to play like this."

About half an hour, Guo bad changed his clothes, and then the two ate some breakfast and drove towards the Guo family villa on a large cross-country drive.

"Small boy, don't say a word in advance, you and the girl have a rest, I'll get you some good food." Guo Bad and Yu'er went home. The happiest is naturally the old lady, and he does not listen to Guo Bad's persuasion. And ran into the kitchen again.

"Yuer is here." Guo Zhengyang came back from the outside and looked at Yuer and said that he hadn't looked at Guo bad at all. "Shit, drop out of school. I don't know how to tell the old man about such a big thing."

"Old man, the child finally came back for a trip. What are you doing, isn't it dropping out? In fact, it doesn't make sense to go to school. You look at those students and are not as good as our grandson." The old lady said with a smile.

"It's all up to you." Guo Zhengyang said, seeing the old lady leaning out her head, immediately hesitated. "Boy, come to the study with me. I have something to tell you, girl Yuer, you can just move around at home. You can tell the old lady anything."

"Bad boy, recently I want you to go to the south for a few days. I'll contact your grandfather Wenxuan. You can stay with him for a year." Guo Zhengyang also said,

"Grandpa knows about the Xiahou family," Guo said with a smile. "He Xiahou died, and he cares about me."

"Come with me." Guo Zhengyang shook his head and pressed a button on the desk. A small suite appeared again in the study, which surprised Guo badly. In the previous memory, he knew nothing about this small suite, old man. Hidden enough.

"Xia Houyuan, I told you before, let Xiaotian register with the power group, let him take it with the power group, and study with the old man for a while, you just do n’t listen, and now there is such a thing, you think Let's do the power group? "A middle-aged man told Xia Hou Yuan, the owner of the Xia Hou family.

"Zhang Zhongcheng, we have something wrong with Xia Hou's family, but no matter how small Xiaotian is, you should know Xiaotian's ability. It is impossible for ordinary people to hurt him, and the person who hurts him must also be a powerist. This matter Your power group will take care of it. "Xia Houyuan said loudly.

Three days ago, Xia Houtian was sent back from Wucheng to the imperial capital. Xia Houyuan couldn't think of it. His proud grandson went to Wucheng to become what he is now. Xia Houtian asked the emperor Xiahou to The famous doctor who asked for it eventually failed to save Xia Houtian's life, and he reluctantly contacted the people of the Huaxia Power Group.

"Let's take care of it? Then what else is there to do? The person who can break Xiaotian's brain area should also be an ability person and a person with strong mental control. I have checked before I came After the record of the power group, there is no such power in Huaxia, this matter will not be controlled by our power group. "Zhang Zhongcheng shook his head and said.

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