Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 132: Refined Xuejidan

You were deceived. The simple four-character brush made Chen Jiadi's face red, and then turned white. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } COM 10,000 yuan is nothing to him, but what he can't stand is that he was cheated.

"Stand up with the students of the Chinese Medical College in a group with Chen Jiadi." Guo Bad said with a smile. "Can you see how this ginseng has been fake for 13 years?"

"The museum owner, Chen Xuechang, I was next to me when I bought ginseng. I looked at this ginseng. Although I do n’t know how to fake it, I know the price of wild ginseng for 13 years. It's impossible. "Wu Zhan said with a smile.

"All the other students came to see and see if anyone could see the doorway." Zhou Tianyang said with a smile.

"This ginseng is a one-year ginseng." He Mo whispered forward, "the upper part was glued up with other one-year ginseng."

Guo Bad nodded slightly when he heard it, Zhou Tianyang smiled at the corner of his mouth, picked up the ginseng and gently squeezed it. The upper part of the ginseng was broken into more than ten knots, and Chen Jiadi's face was whiter.

"I'll look for them." Chen Jiadi yelled and was ready to run out.

"Ji Di, come back, you haven't gone, since this thing is bought, you should buy a lesson, ten thousand pieces, not expensive." Zhou Tianyang said with a smile, "I'm going to cook, you talk." After speaking, I took some Chinese herbs from several bags and went into the kitchen.

"On the first day, I was a little disappointed." Guo Bad looked at eighteen students and said, "It wasn't because Chen Jiadi bought a fake ginseng. About half of these bags were unusable. The first one Ephedra in the bag, cinnamon sticks in the second bag, perilla leaves in the third bag, nepeta in the fifth bag, solitary living in the seventh bag, Xinyi in the eighth bag, the first Dendrobium in ten bags, weird willow in the eleventh bag, kudzu root in the twelfth bag, deer grass, achyranthes bidentata in the fourteenth bag, thunderwind rattan in the fifteenth bag , Bone hunting, dog ridges, black ginseng in the sixteenth bag, green wood incense and mountain pea root in the seventeenth bag. "

Guo Bad said, all the students slowly lowered their heads, and the students who were not mentioned by Guo Bad in the fourth, sixth, ninth, thirteenth and eighteenth bags started to be a little ecstatic, Guo bad The next words made these five students anxious to find a place to drill in.

"The contents in the remaining five bags are mixed. If you want to use them, you must remove all those with poor efficacy. Otherwise, using these medicines to treat the disease will die." Guo Bad said softly.

"I hope you can remember that you are not students of Wucheng University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine or Western Medicine, you are not staff members of the Medical Museum, are doctors of the Medical Center, are the top medical practitioners of Huaxia in the future, and are of Chinese medicine. Hope and pride, "Guo Bad said loudly." You three groups, each group has students who know Chinese medicine. You can avoid a lot of mistakes, but you fight each other. This is not what I want to see. Today After eating, I will tell you how to identify these medicines you bought. Tomorrow we will go to the Chinese medicine market to let those vendors who can't see you clearly treat you as fat cows. "

A few words from Guo bad made eighteen students enthusiastically. For about thirty minutes, a scent came from the kitchen. Guo bad went into a small house in the infirmary by himself. Then, the hundred Thirty pounds of Tai Sui was put into a large pool in the hut by Guo Bad.

"Looks like I have to make a visit to Dazhu in the past two days. Great witch essence blood, haha, to raise this too old king with great witch essence blood, Tian Ting doesn't have such a big handwriting, Lao Tzu can make some elixir that can be used in the world. "Guo said with a grin.

Guo Gang stepped out of the hut and glanced at Yu'er, who also had great witch blood on him, but Yu'er gave him a smile and let him dispel all that thought, because Yu'er seemed to guess what he was thinking The dagger in his hand has his head out of his sleeve. If Guo Gang dares to say, he will definitely be bleeding.

"After eating, after eating, we sorted these traditional Chinese medicines together and put them into the medicine cabinet. If I can't use them, I think of another way." Guo Bad smiled, and dinner was not as rich as lunch because of the medicine. In fact, the interest of the eighteen students was not too high, but Guo bad and Zhou Tianyang had a very good drink.

"Have fun, today is the first day, and it will be a long time from now. Come on, move all the Chinese medicines you bought into the house." Full of food and rice, Guo Gang made the students move the Chinese medicine into the house. , Began to explain to them all these Chinese medicines they bought.

"The variety of commonly used Chinese medicines and their different forms will bring us certain difficulties in identifying the authenticity of Chinese medicines. In our general Chinese medicine museum, it is not possible to use modern testing methods to test medicines, and it is not possible to treat them with odor. The medicines are sent to the drug inspection department for identification. Traditional methods such as eye-seeing, hand-touching, nose-smelling, mouth-tasting, water-testing, burning, etc. can be used to identify the traits, and the Chinese medicine can be initially checked. Some Chinese medicine said with a smile.

"In addition to the traditional identification methods, there are many other methods for identifying traditional Chinese medicines. For traditional Chinese medicines that are not used, the identification methods are different. For example, you can take a saffron and put it in water. The water will turn yellow and the flowers will not fade. The water after Qin Pi soaks will have a blue-blue fluorescence, and the bear bile powder is put into the clean water cup, that is, it rotates on the surface and sinks in a yellow line without spreading. "Guo bad smiled and explained.

From 7:00 to 9:00, the students were still somewhat restrained, and then everyone was relaxed, and they began to ask questions. For general questions, Guo Bad would let the Chinese medicine school begin to discuss, and He Mo's knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine made two Students from all colleges were startled.

"There are many categories of ginseng products, including red ginseng, raw sun ginseng, wild mountain ginseng, and direct ginseng, etc. There are dozens of fakes of ginseng, which are dazzling to identify. The significant feature of human pairings is in the head of the reed (stem base ), Reed bowls (stalk marks). All kinds of commercial ginseng have reed heads and reed bowls. Garden ginseng reed bowls are born on one or both sides of the reed head, and wild ginseng is surrounded by dense reed bowls on all sides. Good ginseng (don't straight ginseng) ), The diameter of the reed head is almost the same as that of the ginseng body. Those who have radiated radix ginseng, but the radish radish reed bowl has a half-moon shape for identification, and other fakes are basically no reed bowls. "He Mo bought it with a student from Western Medical College Ginseng said softly.

Guo Bad nodded with satisfaction. His apprentice was good. Before opening, he had to make some Xuejidan. He Mo's face was healed before he talked about it.

When all the students returned to the hotel to sleep, Guo Bad entered the 100-year-old hut, Fei Jian fell, and a palm-sized piece of the 100-year-old was cut off.

"It is really hard to work without a medicine tripod. So many people have soared in the past. It is impossible to take away the medicine tripod. Take the time to find a way to get a few good medicine tripods, otherwise the success rate of refining medicines is too low." Guo Bad He said softly that he entered the pharmacy of the non-medical museum, and the selected Chinese herbal medicines were lined up one after another. Xuejidan was much better than the natan medicine that Murong Weiwei had used at the beginning, and it was better to refine and open than Yandan. The first shot could be helped that day.

Thinking about it, Guo Bad smiled slightly, all the Chinese medicine on the table floated in the air, and the real fire leaked out. It took almost an hour. After eight failures, eighteen white elixir suspended in the void, finally Succeeded.

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