Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 142: No Medical Museum Opens (7)

"Guo bad friend, this is my teacher Xie Yulin, I'm in trouble. 8.) 8) 1> ZW.COM" Just when Xiao Feiyang woke up, the seven wounded fist Xie Yukui had already pulled Pulled to Guo Gang in the same age as himself.

"Injured an enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred. This senior wants the kid to heal, is he going to practice boxing in the future, or a few years of cleanliness?" Guo Gang asked Xie Yulin with a smile.

"As soon as you enter the rivers and lakes, it is like the sea. From now on, you will always have grudges. My friend, I ’m a martial artist, and I have helped a lot of people. I have offended more people. If the little friend can let the old man do his best, I will cure the disease. If it makes me unable to practice boxing, then I will not bother the little friend this time. "Xie Yulin said with a smile.

"I have collected all the money, and it's okay if I don't bother you. For twenty years, the boy will fight for 20 years for Senior Xiao. After 20 years, the old man came to my infirmary, what?" Guo said with a smile.

"Haha, my husband is eighty-one years old. If he can still toss for twenty years, the rest of his life will be little brothers." Xie Yulin said with a smile, but then he never thought that he would be unmedical. The museum has been a nurse for 23 years.

"The injury on your body is much more serious than that of Predecessor Yu Kui. I will give you a needle today. Seven days later, you will come to me again, and then I will prescribe medicine for you. For about a month, the hidden disease on your body will be It completely disappears, no matter whether you practice the Seven Injury Boxing in the future, it will not hurt you at all, but after 20 years you must come to the hospital without me, otherwise others will not go to your trouble, I will go to you "Guo Bad said, squinting his eyes, Xie Yulin suddenly felt a bit of coolness in his body, and nodded gently.

This time, Guo Bad ’s needle application was much slower than before, and during the needle application process, if he did n’t place a needle, he would talk to the students in the medical center for about an hour. Guo Bad was in Xie Yulin ’s Thirteen stitches were put on the body.

"He Mo, don't look at me like this, but I use the Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles. I told you before that Ghost Gate Thirteen is not a secret for me. You should see the way I apply needles. , You must remember clearly, this is the case with needles, so is life, there is a source, I just use the gas in the thirteen needles of the ghost door to deal with the anger in Master Xie ’s body. ”Guo badly said, He Ink nodded slightly.

Guo bad closed the needle, Xie Yulin looked at Guo bad in surprise, because he could clearly feel the changes in his body, really different from before, the pain caused by the Seven Injury Fist, most of them disappeared.

"There is still one person in the morning, and I don't know who wants to try it." Guo said bad words, a middle-aged man led a teenager to his side, without saying a word, fell to his knees.

"Little brother, please save my child." The middle-aged man cried and said, this person followed the person from the Wucheng Welfare Center. Guo Gang didn't notice it at first, but when his eyes fell on that young man When he was on his body, an uncomfortable feeling came to his mind.

"When did this child start to have such symptoms? Where has he been recently?" Guo Ai asked softly. The teenager's eyes were dull and his limbs were weak, but the veins were normal. Guo Ai guessed the reason.

"I came home from outside seven days ago, and I woke up the next day." The middle-aged man said softly.

"His birthday is the 9th day of September?" Guo Bad asked again.

"Guoguan, the Lord ’s doctor, Xiaojiu was born at 9: 9 on the 9th of September." The middle-aged man said with a touch of excitement. These days he ran a lot of hospitals. The child's illness was almost tormented.

"I don't know if any of the guests are born in September who are dragons. Trouble comes out and requires men." Guo Bad said loudly to everyone. "Don't worry, I just need one or two drops of blood for drug introduction. As a compensation, the medical museum will give you a newly developed elixir."

"Grandpa Shi, I am a dragon. I was born on the month, I don't know if it's okay." A young man beside Shi Yaomian whispered.

"Guo Bad, you guys in Zhenzhong Pharmacy were born in September of Dragon, you see?" Shi Yaomian shouted directly. He was so happy in his heart, if he could get another dan Medicine, give it to the owner and he can retire early. "Xiao Zhao, what are you doing, hurry up, no matter what elixir the doctor gives you, I will buy a million old stones."

"Grandpa Shi, speak well." Xiao Zhao went to Guo Bad in the face of joy, Guo Bad looked at Xiao Zhao, nodded gently, took out the silver needle directly, and put two drops of blood on Xiao Zhao's palm. , Borrowed with a jade bottle. Then let Yuer give Xiao Zhao a piece of Xueji Dan, no longer care about the excited Xiao Zhao and the more excited Shi Yaomian.

None of them was interrupted by this episode, and they wanted to see how Guo Bad was going to heal the young man in front of him, especially those of the Chinese Medicine Association, because they had seen this little nine and couldn't check it at the hospital Any complications can not be treated, but he was prescribed a lot of soothing medicine, but the money was not collected.

"Dazhu, go to the back of the rock and dig it out under the slate and just rush it over." Dazhu heard Guo badly and immediately ran to the back of the rockery. He really found a live hoe. According to Guo bad, Put in the jade bottle just now.

"Hey, Dazhu, come and have to give you a few drops of blood." Guo said with a smile.

"Bad Lord, Dazhu, don't do anything. See if you can give Zhuan a Zhan Yan, the sister-in-law has taken it, but the family's Birou did not eat it, I asked her for one." Dazhuxi smiled Said that the voice had been lowered, but Shen Birou was still listening clearly, her face flushed.

"Xiao Rou, your dazhu is nice to you. Why are you shy? Your sister will check you at night to see if you are still not a daughter." Sun Lingling beside Shen Birou joked, Shen Birou's face was even redder .

"Dazhu, yes, learn to bargain for me. Zhu Yandan is gone. Xuejidan is still a little bit. I'll give you one at that time." Guo Bad said, the silver needle directly pierced Dazhu's fingers. A little blood dripped into the jade bottle, and the inside of it looked like an enemy.

"Lao Lin, can you see what kind of illness the child has? How is Guo Bad Xiaoyou going to heal?" Zhang Tianzheng asked softly.

"I have seen that little nine. The old Chinese medicine association called me. All the examinations were normal. Western medicine could not explain it. I had given Xiao nine the pulse. If it was correct, it should be our TCM article. The disappointment recorded in that remnant volume, but we have not encountered it, dare not to assert. "Lin Changtian whispered, Guo bad seemed to hear Lin Changtian's words, looked at Lin Changtian, and nodded slightly, although I haven't tried it with Lin Changtian, but this old Lin has a good impression on Guo.

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