Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 147: No Medical Museum Opens (12)

"Thank you Brother Yishui for joining us today. I think my brother should have been very moist in recent days. I don't know what is called here. { W?]] 8? 1> ZW.COM 'Guo Gang said squinting.

"My cousin, my cousin, she has not been in good health recently. I heard that my brother opened a medical hall. I took advantage of your medical hall to open today. Let my cousin come and see." Then, Han Yishui pulled up from his seat. That girl, a girl with a red head.

"Red sister, don't get bored with your brother-in-law, let her brother-in-law come over." Guo bad said to Chu Hong, he knows that Chu Hong's brother-in-law is the deputy director of Wucheng Public Security Bureau, responsible for the security work of Xinglin Avenue.

Chu Hong's husband, Qiao Dazhi, heard Guo Bad calling himself, and quickly came over from his seat, not to mention Guo Bad giving his daughter-in-law's medicine free of charge. He simply had to listen to Guo Bad ’s relationship with the Wucheng Wang family and Li family. In front of this little man.

"Brother-in-law, look at this girl. I think you should know more about her than me." Guo said with a smile.

"I'm Qiao Dazhi. I'm in the infirmary at No. 388 Xinglin Street. Right, you should come right away and call your colleagues in the drug treatment department to come together right away." Qiao Dazhi saw at a glance what happened to the girl. Injecting drugs is worse than it is now.

"This is the girl's cousin, and can be taken away together in a while." Guo Bad said with a smile, "but since this girl can enter my non-medical hall, I think she's sick, I can't ignore the non-medical hall." Guo The bad mind reading technique fell on the girl, and it turned out that this girl was also a poor man. Since I came to the hospital, I can save it.

"Brother, there is no need to provoke a fuss over this matter. She is caused by long-term drug use, and the general drugs can not be controlled at all. I think I will wait for a while and I will take her directly to the bureau." Qiao Dazhi whispered.

"Healers’ parents ’heart, since this girl is not one of us in the Medical Museum or in the Medical Museum, I will be obliged to help her when I come to the Medical Museum, brother-in-law, you go back and do it first, your people need to come here Some time, this time let me cure her and bring it to the bureau, you can ask some things about anything. "Guo bad smiled.

The girl heard the conversation between the two, her eyes opened slowly, and she looked at the teenager in front of her. She seemed to know each other, but she was more concerned about what Guo bad said. If she could really stop herself from poisoning, the girl could really agree. Guo bad anything.

"I know you can hear me, and I can tell you responsibly that you don't have much time left." Guo Gang said softly in the girl's ear, "but I can't let you die in the infirmary "Because you shouldn't die like this." As Guo Guo took out a panacea from his body, several congenital and late Wu Xiu stood up in the front row. The nine-color panax was actually legendary. Jiu Sedan medicine, what is the origin of this Guo bad, how could there be such a thing.

It is true that even at the current level of Guo Bad, it is impossible to refine the nine-colored elixir. On earth, it is impossible for anyone to make such an elixir, but Guo Bad has such an elixir because he There is a gourd, Laojun.

Regardless of other people's expressions, Guo Bad put the elixir into the girl's mouth lightly. After a while, the girl's complexion began to turn rosy. The body that had no vitality immediately began to be full of energy. The girl carefully looked at the rescue. Her own man, gratitude from the bottom of her heart made her kneel in front of Guo Gang three ringing heads. A peculiar gratitude poured into Guo Bad's body, and it turned out that a person would bring himself so many merits.

"This, this is impossible, Longge said that she would die in a hospital without medical treatment. How could this be possible?" Han Yishui was most surprised, because he knew the girl's condition. He brought her a shot when he brought her here. Thinking of that shot, Han Yishui's scalp was numb. He began to worry that the girl could not get into the infirmary. The girl who had not thought of it now stood in front of her, looking at herself with a chilling look.

"Brother, I have to take this girl away." Qiao Dazhi said softly in Guo Bad's ear.

"I'm just a doctor in the medical museum. You don't need to tell me about this, but I believe this girl is innocent. I hope that the Wucheng police can restore the truth this time, don't let a bad person go, and don't injustice a good person." Guo Bad said softly.

"Xiao Qiao, I want you to make this public all the way, let the citizens of Wucheng city supervise, come directly to me if there is any resistance, you must check this matter out." Wang Yongjin, who has not spoken, said loudly, "When necessary, If you need someone, please go to General Li Tiandou. I want to join forces with the army to eradicate Wucheng ’s tumors completely. "After Wang Yongjin said, Li Tiandou nodded gently, and thunderous applause sounded in the room. On the ground, he knew that he was finished, the black dragon was finished, and Wucheng was finished.

After giving birth to such a small episode, Guo Gang helped a doctor in Xinglin Avenue get the crooked mouth that had troubled him for many years, so that doctor was grateful. Guo Gang just smiled slightly because he felt that he had been monitoring his Xiahou family recently. The breath of several people became clearer and he knew that trouble was coming again.

"Master Guo Guan, you should still know me." Hu Bubai appeared directly in front of the people after Guo Bad had fixed the doctor on Xinglin Avenue.

"Hu Bubai." Guo said with a smile, "I know what you want to do, but I advise you to go and see the six unmedicated, you are in six unmedicated, I will not heal you."

"I'm afraid you can't cure me." Hu Bubai said for a moment, then said with a sneer.

"It's useless to me." Guo said with a smile. At this time, Hu Bubai knew that he had prepared carefully for the past few days. People didn't put themselves in his eyes. Hu Bubai touched his pocket. The poison and antidote that were put on his face flushed out of the infirmary.

"Doctor, I came in by passing by to see more people. It was our Xinglin Avenue who swept the street. My back has been hurting a lot recently. I don't know if you can help me." An old man dressed as a sanitation asked softly, apparently he Shocked by such a big battle.

Guo Bad looked at the old man, nodded his head slightly, and reached out and touched the old man's back. The old man's back pain was not a big problem, but some of the disease roots that fell when he was young. He prescribed a prescription and ordered Li Yu. The old man's medicine money symbolically requires a dollar. Then he looked at the door. The people in the Xiahou family should show up. Now if I don't come again, the opening of my hospital will be finished.

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