Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 15: The drama of Chang'e is a secret

"No one here. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM] Guo smiled and waited for the girl who bowed her head to sit down next to her with a smile.

"Guo Bad, you can change your position. Someone is in that position." Lin Shuang said, looking down at the girl, and whispered to Guo Bad.

"No one, the table is new, and there are no books in it. Teacher Lin, don't bother, just leave it here." Guo Bad smiled, reading the mind directly on the girl next to her.

"Kong Xuan, how good it is if you are still alive. Why did you leave me so heartlessly and paid back so badly, how did you let me live?" The girl's thoughts appeared directly in Guo Bad's mind.

"Kong Xuan, how did that ancient witch know this female doll? It's impossible." Guo bad thought subconsciously. "No, this is human, grandma's, it scared me."

"A teenager pushed a girl away and was hit by a cement tanker. The rescue was ineffective. Before he died, he told the girl to forget himself and find a good person to have a good time." What a **** bridge, but it just happened I was born to the girl beside Guo Gang.

"Heck, hello, my name is Guo Bad, and I am a freshman in class. If anyone is here, I will sit elsewhere." Guo Bad put away his mind reading and said to the girl who had never looked up, **** She had left the bench, and there was a good-looking girl behind, and it was good to sit beside her.

"Sit here, there is no one here." The girl slowly raised her head, and Guo Bad saw clearly the true face of the girl.

"Oh my God, Jade Emperor, how can you thank me? The world is so beautiful." Guo Gang was completely shocked by the girl in front of him, exquisite, and how much the Creator had thought about the girl in front of her, she Too much more beautiful than the fairy in heaven, Yuer? Yuer doesn't look as good as her.

"Then I'll sit." Guo Bad glanced at the girl and Lin Shuang again, and said softly.

The first day of the course made Guo bad understand what a student is. The first Lin Shuang's Chinese lesson. Fortunately, the teacher was a beautiful woman who didn't bother to look at it. The second section is English class. Guo Bad had good English during his lifetime. In order to understand all kinds of love action movies, it was considered a bit of work. The teacher spoke a lot of words, but Guo Bad did n’t even hear a single letter. The reason is very different. Simple, the teacher is a bald man in his thirties, nauseous. The last class in the afternoon was a history class. A half-cut old man spit and swept the sky, saying that the history of the Tang Dynasty was messing up and spurring our classmate Guo Bad, born in the Tang Dynasty.

"Everyone has seen the Journey to the West. There are many places describing the great events of Tang Dynasty. Actually, there is no Tang Monk in history, and there is no Sun Wukong pig Bajie. There is a monk named Jian Zhen in the Tang Dynasty. The Buddhism of Tang Shengshi reached Japan. "The old man shouted.

"I have endured you for a long time. Who tells you that there are no Sun Wukong pigs and eight commandments? How do you know not?" Guo Gang suddenly stood up and said loudly. "This is a big deal."

"Bad brother mighty!" How much money had been drowsy woke up, watching Guo bad give his thumbs up.

"This classmate is very face-to-face, do you have any objection to what I will be?" The old man looked at Guo Gang and squinted.

"Mr. Shi, I think that some of the people and things described in Journey to the West should have a certain theoretical basis, otherwise Xiao Wu would n’t write it, and after all these years, it has been passed down. Moreover, there is no fact to prove Sun Wukong now They don't exist, haven't we already seen the water curtain hole where Sun Wukong had stayed before in China. "Guo Bad said with a smile on his head.

"Oh! Young man, your opinions are very unique. Let ’s talk about it when I have time. I think the history of the Tang Dynasty I still know more than you." The old man said with a trace of discomfort, and taught for decades. No one really dared to hit him in class.

"Historical history of the Tang Dynasty? Then you still forget it, I know more about this than you do." Guo said badly, joking, I watched the Tang Dynasty show up before I was ascended. At that time, Lao Tzu was all in one heart. Otherwise, it is not impossible to get an emperor.

"Kekekeke, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Okay, good. After class you come to the office. I would like to discuss the history of the Tang Dynasty with you and see how much you can know more than me. This lesson is here Here, after class. "Shi Yucai shouted and walked straight out of the classroom.

"Yeah, yes, bad brother, you are so powerful that you even took this old stubborn away, the first person in high school, haha, terrific, terrific." A teenager beside Qian Duoduo said with a smile.

"Since there is still some time left, let me tell you about the history of the Tang Dynasty." Then, Guo Ai went straight to the podium. At this time, I knew that Guo Ai was the fourth victim of Wucheng and was completely shocked. .

"Speaking of the history of the Tang Dynasty, one person must mention Tang Xuanzhang." As a result, Guo Gang wrote the three words of Tang Xuanzhang on the blackboard.

"So handsome, I didn't expect people to be so handsome, and the words were so well written." The moment the Guo wrote badly, the girls in the audience began to exclaim.

"With Tang Xuanzhang, you have to mention the journey to the west." Guo Bad said while watching the classmates. Someone is listening, some are disdainful.

"The road to the west is actually not the way everyone knows from China to the country of Asan, but the road where the great witches reclaimed the barbarity when they opened up the world. It is also known as the road to merit." Expression, then went on.

"Who is Tang Xuanzhang? Jin Chanzi was reincarnated. Jin Chanzi was originally a disciple of the ancestor. The reason for the reincarnation was because the merits were not enough. The journey westward was to make Jin Chanzi make money and merit." Guo Bad talked about it.

"Sun Wukong is naturally true. The Tang Dynasty can be a great event for so many years. We should thank Tang Xuanzhang. Xiao Wu was able to write a Journey to the West. That was his chance." Guo Bad talked for about ten minutes, and more than 40 people in the audience had already I'm completely obsessed, no matter whether Guo bad's history is true or false, it's much better than that old stubborn one.

"Principal Li, there is a freshman in the first year of high school. I don't know who he is. He must apologize to me at the school meeting on Monday. I have taught this for so many years. I first met such a student. Teacher Mu Wu, do you know what he said in class? Journey to the West, Journey to the West is true. "Lao Shi roared loudly in the principal's office.

"Brother Shi, can you listen to me first?" Li Xunyu sipped and looked at Shi Yucai with a smile. "In these years, I was not afraid of the powerful and did not know how many people had offended. It was because our secondary school students did not have backdoor students, but this boy was brought in by my old Li. Two reasons: First, the secondary school is too quiet. These students need some passion. Second, this little guy's surname is Guo, the grandson of the old woman. If you really want to punish him, I don't think Academician Guo's face can get through. "

"Grand Dean Guo's grandson? The fourth youngest in Wucheng?" Shi Yucai froze, his head covered with fine sweat.

"You don't have to worry, this little guy seems to have changed a lot since the accident. My grandson Li Wei had a lot of holiday with him before. It seems that the relationship between the two is not bad." Li Xunyu looked As old history thought, he said with a smile.

"If there is anything, Li, you have to help me." Shi Yucai finished and walked back to his office.

"Brother, as you said, it is true that Sun Wukong is making trouble in Tiangong, and Zhu Bajie is making fun of Chang'e." A teenager under the stage shouted.

"It's true that Dasheng is making trouble in Tiangong. As for the Ba Bajie making fun of Chang'e, it's a secret, and the secret shouldn't be leaked." Guo's bad voice fell, and the bell rang, accompanied by the bell and the applause of the students in the class.

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