Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 185: War Power

"Bad guy, I don't know how many secrets you still have. [< [八 (一 [(小 [说 网 W? WW.81ZW.COM)" Liu Yan asked softly while lying on Guo Bad.

"I said I used to be a god, believe it or not," Guo said with a smile.

"Don't believe it, you are still a fairy. I think you are a monster, a monster who has come to kill girls in the world, and will be caught by the gods sooner or later." Liu Yan said with a smile, and Guo Bad also laughed and couldn't help it. And the truth is sometimes difficult to believe.

"I invited someone from the auction house for dinner tonight, so don't go there. There may be some interesting things at night." Guo Bad just divined a little ago, Gujia, very good.

"Promise me, don't do anything." Liu Yan bit his lip and said softly, Guo Bad nodded slightly, Huaxia Power Group, come on.

"Gu Wei, Gu Zhen, Gu Tian, ​​Gu Yi, the four of you will go together this time and bring Guo Bad to the Gu family. If he rebels, then life or death will be ignored." The middle-aged man said softly that when he knew that Guo Bad was related to Xuanyuan Xiongfeng, he had included Guo Bad in the ranks of his enemies, a terrible enemy, a doctor, and a doctor who made Wu Xiu crazy. .

"Did you say that the owner was too careful, to deal with a teenage boy, and let us go together, this thing can not let others know, otherwise it is too shameful." Gu Yi shook his head and said.

"I know this boy, he made at least 8 billion in this morning's auction, and it doesn't look like a bad stubble. We can't be careless, or the joke will be even bigger in the gutter." The oldest Gu Wei whispered softly. Said.

"Oh, Weige, what are you talking about? This kid made eight billion yuan at the auction today. Fat sheep, it looks like a fat sheep, but the owner should not be short of this money, what is it about catching this kid? Gu Tian asked softly.

"Don't worry, since the owner asked us to go and get things done." Gu Wei said softly, "If there is any danger, just remove the target, anyway, the owner said, regardless of life or death."

The middle-aged people of the four ancient families disappeared together in the ancient family. At this time, Guo Gang was completely unaware. Although it was dangerous, but how the ancient family would deal with himself, he didn't know. He could only adapt to the situation.

"Brother, our auction house employees are waiting for you in the fairyland on earth, when will you arrive." Mo Beifeng called Guo Bad's phone and asked with a smile.

"Brother, hurry up, Beifeng said that you are making a lot of money today, we are going to fight local tyrants." Niu Meng's voice passed into Guo Bad's ear. "Wine, don't forget to bring wine!"

"You order the good food first. I will be here later. Today I treat you and give the last delicious food in the fairyland on earth. I don't want to hear from your staff that Guo Bad, the owner of this infirmary, is a Old buckle. "Guo said with a grin. There was a good cry on the other end of the phone.

"Then we won't wait for you, brother, pay attention to your health, we know what you are doing, haha." Mo Beifeng hung up the phone with a big laugh, Guo Bad smiled, walked out of Liu Yan's office, the car was in Underground garage, Gujia, come here.

"The target appears. I'll go out first. The three of you can hide it. If there is something wrong, kill him directly." Gu Wei finished and disappeared.

"Four people, the ancient family is really a big deal." Guo Bad felt the breath of the four people. Although he didn't know what the four abilities were, he probably already knew that most of them were just innate and late strength. There will be too much threat.

"Guo bad, right, there are some things I want to talk to you about, I don't know Fang is inconvenient." Gu Wei appeared in front of Guo bad and said with a smile.

"Wearing black clothes and covering his face, it must be a bad person." Guo Bad said with a smile. "Gu Lei sent you here. Why didn't he come here in person? The other three will also come out."

In three simple sentences, Gu Wei was sweating on his forehead. Before the two sides fought, they turned your hole card in a sentence, and the three people from Gujia who had been hiding in the dark did not come out. Neither is it.

"I'm a doctor, but it takes some work. Do you want to come out without me?" Guo Gang continued, holding a few silver needles in his hand, and Gu Wei naturally saw it clearly.

"Kill!" Gu Wei stunned, and apparently felt the murderousness on the tip of the needle. Now he doesn't do anything, but when do he wait, from the first day when he entered the rivers and lakes, his teacher told him to start first, then Start to suffer.

The words fell, and four different breaths came towards Guo bad. The gravity field, space field, hot and cold, four people cooperated well, but their opponent was Guo bad.

"Ten times the gravitational field, the space movement is halved. The left side should be controlled by thermal energy. The right side is exactly the opposite. From the beginning, he came to the ice and fire two days with the little master." Guo said with a smile, and then stepped towards his eyes step by step. Closed Guwei.

"Because Weige, he has not been affected by your gravity field." Gu Tian roared, appearing in the void.

"Good understanding of space, can be a simple closed space, good strength, but goodbye." As a result, Guo bad threw a silver needle in his hand and stuck it in the heart of Gutian's door.

"A Tian." Gu Wei heard Gu Tian's voice, opened his eyes violently, and the gravity field disappeared, but he saw that Gu Tian was lying on the ground without any breath, and Gu Tian, ​​a strong man in Gujia space, was dead.

"Gu Zhen, Gu Yi, you go quickly, I stopped him." A feeling of despair came from Gu Wei's heart. In the face of Guo Bad, he had no chance of winning. Gu Tian's death made him feel that this time he There is also no hope to escape, and it is his greatest wish that Gu Zhen and Gu Yi can escape.

"Aren't you playing with the gravity field just now? I will be a little bit, and you try it too." Guo Bad said, waving his hands, Gu Zhen and Gu Yi could no longer move half a step, Gu Wei was completely desperate because he could I can clearly feel that the gravity field that Guo Gang showed just now is much stronger than himself. If he is compared with Guo Gang, he has already graduated as a doctoral student and he is just just in elementary school.

"Little brother, it is true that we are from the Gu family, but we are not malicious. Let us go, whatever you want, the ancient family will satisfy you." Gu Wei said loudly. "You are also an ability person. Our homeowner is the leader of the Huaxia ability group. I think you will see our homeowner. Many things will be easy to handle in the future."

"Ability? I can't be a stranger, let alone I have killed your ancient family. I think if Gu Zhenlei knew it, he would definitely die with me." Guo Bad smiled, "But I'm Guo Bad The principle is also very simple. If you do n’t commit me, I do n’t commit. If you commit me, I will do it. Gujia, I will go. You do n’t need to lead the way or report to you. Remember, be a normal person in your next life.

"No!" The three shouted at the same time, and then turned into fans.

"God, it is they who want to kill me. I use modern defense to call it justifiable defense. At best, it is an over-defense, but this karma cannot be counted on me." Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes.

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