Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 187: Sleepless tonight

Some people are happy and some are sad. Things in the world are always like this. Guo Guo was so happy that a few people ate. There was no such atmosphere in the ancient family. In the afternoon, four abilities in the clan were sent. Although they were not the strongest, they dealt with one. The masters of the late innate are more than enough. Guo is only 16 or 7 years old, so it is no worse than the masters of the late innate.

"Homeowner, the entire emperor has been searched. There is no whereabouts of the four of Gu Wei. The kid named Guo Bad just came out of the fairyland on earth and didn't see any abnormalities, so I don't need to catch him." The man in black appeared softly in front of the ancient town of Lei.

"Adding manpower, so many people in the power group went to find four of them, and live to see people die and see corpses." Gu Zhen Lei loudly said, he did not believe that Guo Gang has the ability to fight one enemy four. But things that are not believed are often true.

"Homeowner, the ancient family started with Guo Bad today." In the building, the same man in black stood softly in front of Xuanyuan Xiongfeng.

"Bad boy is all right, the ancient family sent a few people, where is the bad boy now?" Xuanyuan Xiongfeng suddenly asked three questions in a row.

"Guo Ganggang came out of the fairyland on earth. Our brothers squatting outside the gate of Gujia said that the Gu family dispatched a total of four people this time, including Gu Wei and Gu Yi, and two people who do n’t know and do n’t know if it ’s a power. The man in black said softly, "But in the parking lot of the Imperial Capital Building, Guo Guo entered the parking lot, and then Guo Guo went out of the parking lot. None of the four people in the ancient family came out. Our people looked into the parking lot. There were no signs of fighting, and all monitoring was checked, and nothing abnormal was found. "

"None of the four ancient families came out? Liuyun, are you sure?" Xuanyuan Xiongfeng said softly.

"I have checked all the surveillance, but I haven't seen the four people in the Gu family. The car they were driving was still in the parking lot." Xuanyuan Liuyun, a man in black, said softly.

"Originally, I thought Guo Bad was a disciple of the Hidden World. He knew some medical skills, but unexpectedly escaped under the siege of at least two abilities, and the person who pursued him was now unknown. It seems that I Still look down on this kid. "Xuanyuan Xiongfeng shook his head and said.

Nangong Moo Ce also stayed awake all night. His people also saw four Gujia disciples chasing and killing Guo Gang. Guo Gang was safe and sound. The four of the Gu family disappeared together. He called Guzhen Lei just now and can clearly hear it. , Guzhen Lei was in a bad mood. Did the four people sent by the ancient family really be in trouble?

Gu Wei and Gu Zhen are more than enough to deal with innate late masters. Is there anything that can't be done? Nangong Moo Ce thought and couldn't help but call Nangong Ling Mo's phone.

"Xiao Lingmo, I haven't been home for some days. If nothing is going on this week, go home. Your grandma misses you very much. No, I will pick you up with the car this week." Nangong Mu Ce smiled at the phone. Said that Nangong Ling Mo is the daughter of his youngest son's house. He has shown something different from ordinary people since he was a child. He was identified as a power when he was six years old. At the end of this year, I did n’t know what Nangong Moozhe was. Even Nangong Ling Mo was added to the martial arts list of the Martial Arts Association, which made everyone wonder.

"Bad brother is in the imperial capital, old man, I know why you called me. The whole thing is like the real thing. Do you know where the gate of Wucheng University High School is?" Ling Mo didn't give Nangong Mouze face, yes Speaking into the microphone.

"Guo is bad in the emperor, an auction will make eight billion yuan." Nangong Mu Ce listened to Xiao Ling Mo's words, said a little embarrassed.

"Old man, I'll tell you one thing, your ears are fine, I will just say it once." Nangong Ling Mo heard that Guo was okay, and he was quite calmed down. He didn't think about this for himself. Grandpa called something, Xiao Ling Mo guessed.

"Ling Mo, there are some things that Grandpa did wrong. Go home this weekend. Grandpa can make some delicious food for you. What do you want to say to Grandpa?" Nangong Mooce whispered.

"Old man, remember, don't offend your elder brother, or no one will be able to protect you." Nangong Ling Mo faced Nangong Mouse.

Speak loudly, after talking, there is just a beeping sound over the phone

"Fortunately, I didn't listen to the words of Guzhen Lei. The people who disappeared from the four ancient homes were afraid they were more fierce." Nangong Moo Ce said easily.

When the day arrives, the sky starts to glow slightly, and the ancient town of Lei stays asleep. Although some people from the ancient family have continued to bring some news to the ancient town of Lei, they are almost the same. content.

"Xiao Lie, pass on the notification, all the disciples of the ancient ethnic group stay at the ancient home, and those who leave the ancient home without permission will be expelled from the house, according to the jurisprudence theory." Lei Gu said loudly.

At this time, the ancient town of Lei could basically be convinced that the four ancient family's powers were most likely all cleaned up by Guo Bad. This kid was too scary.

"Master, haven't slept yet, are you waiting for me?" Guo Bad returned to Yunhua Villa, and saw the lights in Xuanyuan Xiongfeng's room were still on, and entered the building.

"Small bad, don't you have anything to say to your husband today?" Xuanyuan Xiongfeng didn't feel sleepy and said with a smile.

"Can you say anything, you also went to the auction. I and Mo Beifeng Niu Meng ate a meal in the fairyland of the world. Is there anything else?" Guo said with a smile.

"" Haha, since you're fine with little bad, then the old man is ready to wash and sleep. Xuanyuan Xiongfeng said with a smile, "Little bad, you have given us so much elixir from Xuanyuan Family. You are good to Xuanyuan Family and will never forget it."

"Forget it, since you go to bed, I also go to bed earlier, maybe Hu Meier is waiting for me." Guo Bad said with a smile, "Father, I am going to the Tyrannosaurus tomorrow. If the ancient family came to find For your troubles, just remember the kid's words and talk to his mother. "

"Tomorrow is going to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, okay, I'll let Ascension send you there. If you really want to solve the Gujia thing, you must have the Tyrannosaurus Regiment standing on your side, although the Gujia loss is not small this time , But don't underestimate the ancient home, the ancient family's heritage is deep. "Xuanyuan Xiongfeng looked at Guo Bad's back and said loudly.

"You don't need that share of Ascendas, and the children haven't had a full moon, don't toss Brothers to toss with me." Guo Bad responded loudly, "Niu Meng will come to pick me up tomorrow, when I follow him to the Tyrannosaurus. "

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