Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 189: At your own risk

"Three silly hats, eat and eat, after dinner you will know what is going on. [[ 8) 1) Z] W).? C] O> M "Niu Meng said loudly, the three of them were even more confused.

"Walk around, the meal in the cafeteria is good today, the pork was just delivered today, I heard that there is seafood, let's hurry up, otherwise the grandsons will definitely eat faster than they run." Dazhu said with a smile, The five walked towards the cafeteria together.

"Mengzi, I'm back again, haven't I committed crimes again?" Just after arriving at the cafeteria, a few people laughed.

"A group of boys, who will not accept for a while I will practice for you." Niu Meng said loudly.

"Meng brother, do you hide in the barracks whenever you commit a crime outside, haha." Guo asked with a grin, and the black line on Niu Meng's face seemed to be true. Every time he used to go back to the barracks, he was alone. The emperor came back after being in trouble.

"Shit boy, I'll pack you up after dinner." Niu shouted loudly, several people laughed again.

The meals of the May 31st Army were not bad. Although it was not as luxurious as last night in the fairyland on earth, the principle of eating more food was once again manifested. People who ate together had a good opinion of this gentle-looking boy brought by Niu Meng. Guo Bad also likes to be lively, and after a while, he is mingled with a bunch of brothers.

"Brother, I tell you, you must not walk too close to Niu, you will learn bad 100%, right, we just heard that you know Li Yao, the soldier of Wucheng City, that kid is also bad, bad Come so close to him. "An elderly veteran said with a smile.

"Brother Li, why don't you talk to Brother Guo Bad, and let him introduce you to the four evils in Wucheng, the fifth-best young man." Niu Meng said with a smile.

"So what's the introduction? The last time Li Yao drank too much, wasn't everything clear? Didn't the little brother also know the inexperienced and shameless fourth child?" The old soldier said with a smile.

"Ahem, you will have a chance to go to Wucheng in the future. You will know some things. I know the old fourth victim of Wucheng. Now it ’s different from before." Guo Bad Qingke said a few times, "Several Brother, I have no time to play with you recently. When I am busy with the Tyrannosaurus, I will return to the May 31st Army to find you. "

"Brother, do you say you want to go to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment? What are you going to do there, a group of killing machines, which have no human touch, how can we have fun on May 31," said an old soldier with a smile.

"The killing machine? Oh, that's just fun. I will influence them. At that time, I will bring the people of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment to the May 31st Army and become part of our May 31st Army." Guo said with a smile.

"Cough, brother, you can do it if you want to do it, don't bring them back." Zhu Zi said with a smile.

"I'm full, you are chatting. Three brothers, let's go. Didn't you just say that we can help you get innate realm, did you forget it?" Guo Bad looked at Han Dazhu, Wei Tie, and Liu Heishan with a smile.

"Brother, what a joke, I didn't drink today, if you are going to the Tyrannosaurus, please pack up quickly." Wei Tie said with a smile.

"It doesn't take much time, hurry up. I just saw that the open space on the east side of the cafeteria is in a good position. I'll wait for you there, hurry up." Guo bad said and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Stupid hat, are you three really stupid or fake stupid? Why did my brother break through the realm of the day after tomorrow, haven't you responded yet? Is your news so closed? This Guo bad was auctioned in the imperial city auction yesterday I do n’t care for the museum owner, silly hat, what are you still doing? ”Niu Meng said loudly, the three looked at each other, and flew towards Guo Bad.

"Brother, hey, no wonder my brother dare to go to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. To be honest, you have to talk about money, and our brother has n’t got so much money to kill, but you have to talk about people. What will happen in the future? , Do not hesitate. "Han Dazhu said with a smile.

"If your mother asks me for money, just get out. Do you look like I'm short of money? Helping you improve your strength is because you look at your brother. If there is something going on, I won't let my brother Rush ahead, when you say this, you look down on your brother. "Guo Bad said with a slight expression of anger.

"Ahem, my brother has misunderstood. Now that my brother has said so, then come on, a few brothers can break through the day after tomorrow, and we will eat delicious and spicy together." Chen Heishan said loudly.

Guo Bad nodded with satisfaction, three more emerald green elixir in his hand, and handed it to Han Dazhu.

"Swallow it directly, the pain must be a little painful. I'll put a few needles on you in a moment, and you can cooperate with it." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Big iron, Montenegro, then I'll come first." Han Dazhu said with great excitement.

"Whoever comes first, then the three of you, hurry up, I don't have so much time to toss with you." Guo Bad said with a smile. The three put the elixir into the mouth together, and Guo Bad already had one more in his hand. Putting the silver needles on each of them, nine of them were on the side, then Yu Youyou was on the side, Niu Meng looked at the three with caution.

"Meng brother, what's so good about the three big masters, you go to that small pool on the west side. Get rid of the big school and the lieutenant colonel who are fishing under the trees, and three of them will use that pool. Guo said with a grin.

"Well, I'll go right away." Niu Meng heard Guo's bad words, such as listening to the imperial decree, which two big colonels and three lieutenant colonels were fishing there, and after a while he heard the curse of several old men near the pool. sound.

"Grandpa Liu, you are sure you will not let out of this pool, that line, the kid from Montenegro is preparing to break through the realm of the day after tomorrow. If it breaks through, some of the thorns of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment must lie on our May 31, since you Without giving way, I will go back, and Montenegro will be stuck at the peak of the day after tomorrow. "Niu Meng said loudly, and turned to leave.

"Shit, what did you say? Just now I saw you guys **** went to the playground. What did we guys say, what did you do when you just finished your meal? Does Montenegro really break through?" Said with wide eyes.

"Three minutes, just three minutes. If you don't want to delay things, Mali quickly cleared the pool, or you should be conceited." Niu fiercely finished, and ran back to Guo bad.

"Old Liu, let or not?" Another colonel asked softly.

"This jerk, he is more credible than unbelievable. If he dares to lie to us, he will directly dispose of it, give the pool to them, and let your people lay three kilometers outside the pool. In the state of first-level readiness, no one can approach them. "Liu Beizheng said loudly, several guards around him flew to the command room, and a moment later, the whole May 31st Army alarm sounded, filled with tension.

"Meng brother, just reprimanded a few colonels just now, it feels good." Guo bad smiled and said, "Is that the conceit of the consequences is very strong, haha."

Niu shook his head and laughed.

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