Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 194: Four Dragons Together

"Brother, brother, Li Yao's phone call just now told you to call him back, as if something happened in Wucheng. (August? << 小 [<说 [(

"There is no signal on the phone here. What phone did you use to call me just now?" Guo Bad asked softly.

"Use this." Said, Xia Feiyan handed Guo Bad a big brother-like satellite phone. Guo Bad took the call, and everyone's phone number was in his mind, and dialed Li Yao's phone directly.

"Yao Brother, I'm Guo Bad." The call was connected, Guo Bad didn't talk to Li Yao, Wucheng had an accident, not his grandparents or his daughter-in-law. If any of these people dare to move, they really touch Guo Bad. This Tyrannosaurus has its inverse scale.

"Old fourth, where are you now, is it convenient to say?" Li Yao asked cautiously.

"I'm in Tyrannosaurus, and I have something to say directly." The lower the voice of Guo Bad, the more he came out for a few days. Someone dared to come to Wucheng to find his own trouble, it seemed to be a big trouble.

"Tyrannosaurus Regiment? Don't cause trouble there." Li Yao could not help but say.

"Brother Yao, stop the ink, what happened to Wucheng?" Guo Bad asked.

"I asked Xiao Lingmo to tell you that I and she are both in the medical hall." Li Yao said softly.

"Bad brother, cough, what is the ancient injury in the ancient family? He hurt me and took away Lin Shuang and Lingling sister. If you want someone, go to the ancient family to ask him." Nangong Ling Mo said softly, Guo Bad could hear it, Ling Mo suffered internal injuries, and the injuries were not minor.

"Gujia, everyone heard it. It was the Gu family who took the initiative to look for me. I didn't want to kill people, haha." Guo Gang angrily smiled. "Xiao Lingmo, Yuer, please let Yuer answer the phone."

"Husband, what's wrong, my little daughter-in-law was taken away and was distressed. It wasn't that Yuer didn't want to help. He really didn't know. When Xiao Ling Mo returned to report, the person had been taken away. Uncle Tianyang was still sulking What about it? ”Yuer said with a smile over the phone, worried? What are you worried about in this world?

"Good Yuer, you take Weiwei, Xiaoxi, Ye Zi, and Youyou to the hospital first, and I will finish the matter of the imperial capital." Guo Bad said softly.

"Little brother, we are no longer in the medical museum. Don't worry about us. Uncle Zhou has asked Dazhu to pick up grandparents." Xiao Xi's voice came over, Guo Bad nodded gently, the poison in Dragon King's body had already Exclude, the things of the ancient family should be resolved.

"Little friend, did the ancient family do something to your family?" Xia Wudi asked softly.

"Grabbing my two daughters-in-law, things have become more interesting. The most annoying thing for me is that others threaten me, especially threatening me with my woman, so it seems that I am very shameless." Guo Gang said squinting his eyes, Dragon King And a few people around me have widened eyes, late in nature, but the breath on the body makes a few people in the light period and the valley period feel uncomfortable.

"Little friend, I know you can solve this, but I think since you are in the Tyrannosaurus, what happened at home, if our Tyrannosaurus does not do anything to compensate, let me Xia Wudi face No matter, you want to clean up the ancient family in Didu. We don't do anything to help you look at the scene and cheer for you. "Xia Wudi said softly, and a few people behind him looked surprised.

Ten years ago, 30 people of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment appeared in the imperial capital. That day was an order ordered by Chief One personally. Eighty-three were arrested, and thousands of anti-faithers were killed. It was also at that time that people knew that There is a group of Tyrannosaurus on the far east side. Today, the King of Dragons ordered Guo Gangzhen to help the town, and the emperor was destined not to be peaceful.

"Well, today I will see the ability of the Tyrannosaurus." Guo Bad exclaimed.

"Xing Tian's order, summoned all the members of the Blue Dragon, and gathered in the martial arts after ten minutes; Xia Feiyan heard the order, summoned all members of the Red Dragon, and gathered in the martial arts after ten minutes; Hearing the order, convening all members of the Black Dragon, ten minutes later the battlefield gathered, and today the four dragons appeared together to promote my dragon dragon power. "Xia Wudi said loudly.

If Xing Tian, ​​Xia Feiyan, and Gu Yun were to help the town, let Jiang Ao go with it, things would not be as simple as everyone thinks.

"Xielong Wang." Although Guo Bad didn't know what the four dragons were all together, it can be seen from the expressions of the people that the four dragons all came out, absolutely superb.

Ten minutes later, thirty-six people stood behind Xing Tian, ​​Xia Feiyan, Gu Yun, and Jiang Ao, but each had a badge at the neckline, with the same shape except for different colors. One hundred and forty-eight people made Guo Bad feel a bit of depression.

"Children, how are you?" The Dragon King, sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed in front of a hundred and forty-eight people and said softly, the simple seven words, like a drop of water dripping into the hot oil, fried opened.

"Dragon King! Dragon King! Dragon King!" A neat voice, as if a giant came out, all the soldiers were happy, Dragon King, the soul of Tyrannosaurus, and back.

The Dragon King just raised his right hand gently, and one hundred and forty-eight people quieted down all at once, and the whole Wucheng was dead and silent.

"Some days I haven't seen you. I'm still alive, you're still alive. That's good." Xia Wudi said with a smile, "I gave you to this boy, because his life was saved by him, I let you later They all obeyed his orders. Can you do that? "

If Xia Wudi's words made Guo stunned, wouldn't it be a town? This is a big game, but the one hundred and forty-eight people in front of me are already at the peak of the day after tomorrow. If I can follow myself, then I will not go sideways.

"Invincible, I don't agree." Jiang Ao said softly after listening to Xia Invincible. The other soldiers were expressionless, but it could be seen that they had the same meaning as Jiang Ao.

"Brother Ao, I haven't seen it in three years. Isn't it the Dragon King that I said is not worth it?" Xia Wudi was not angry and said with a smile.

"I, including everyone standing here, belong to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment and obey only the Dragon King. We can help him solve all problems, but we will not be under his control and we will not listen to him." Jiang Ao said softly .

"Father, just go to Zhenzhenchangzi. If you let these people follow me, I ca n’t bring them, so I will embarrass me and your brothers." Guo Bad said softly. Everyone arranges it, the brothers will pay me for this trip to muddy water. All the masters in the day after tomorrow, I will give you the innate in the evening, and all the masters will go directly to the first level. "

Guo Bad's words fell, all the people present were shocked, no one took anything seriously, all the day after tomorrow broke through, all the innates went directly to the first level, do you think you are a god?

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